Reputation: 79
I am aware of how to generally do a simple float left and float right footer to make to areas where I could easily have info. But basically I used the HTML5 Boilerplate and I believe when I attempt to split my footer and what not, it doesn't work due to previous styles applied. Now I am not a CSS expert so I could do with some little help, to just tell me how to get this basically functionality into my footer. Where its split 2cols, left align and right align.
HTML and CSS below. Thanks in advance guys!
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Author: Christopher Leah of Happy Webs LTD - 07/2012
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Upvotes: 0
Views: 2357
Reputation: 1638
What brains911 said will help, but I would also suggest including a clearfix in the <footer class="wrapper">
So your code would look like this:
<footer class="wrapper clearfix">
Let me know if that doesn't make sense.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1310
h3.left { float: left; }
h3.right { float: right;}
look like they should be doing the job. You could try adding width:50%
to each of them.
Can you use firebug to toggle off the other styles that are affecting the h3 elements and see if that is indeed the problem?
Upvotes: 1