
Reputation: 1530

Rspec: add some header requests inside routing specs

I'm working on a Rails application having a REST API in JSON format and versioned (according to this excellent Ryan's cast: http://railscasts.com/episodes/350-rest-api-versioning).

For instance, there is a spec/requests spec:

require 'spec_helper'

describe "My Friends" do
  describe "GET /my/friends.json" do
    it "should get my_friends_path" do
      get v1_my_friends_path, {}, {'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/vnd.myapp+json; level=1'}
      response.status.should be(401)

And it works well. But (keeping this example) how can we write the routing spec? For instance this spec isn't correct:

require 'spec_helper'

describe "friends routing" do
  it "routes to #index" do
    get("/my/friends.json", nil, {'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/vnd.myapp+json; level=1'}).
      should route_to({ action: "index",
                    controller: "api/v1/private/my/friends",
                        format: "json" })

I tried different ways (such as request.headers['Accept'] and @request.headers['Accept'], where request is undefined and @request is nil); I really don't see how to do.

I'm on Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.6 and rspec-rails 2.11.0. Thanks.

Upvotes: 10

Views: 4552

Answers (5)


Reputation: 520

For Rails 3 and 4 I had done the following in an RSpec around hook:

around do |example|
  Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/vnd.vendor+json; version=1'


  Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.delete 'HTTP_ACCEPT'

Since Rack >= 2.0.3 (used by Rails 5) the Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV hash is frozen.

You can redefine the constant and use Kernel.silence_warnings to silence the Ruby warnings:

around do |example|
  silence_warnings do
    Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV = Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.dup

  Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/vnd.vendor+json; version=1'


  Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.delete 'HTTP_ACCEPT'

It's a bit of hack but it works like a charm.

Upvotes: 0

Jerry Chen
Jerry Chen

Reputation: 51

You can using rspec's and_wrap_original to mock the Rack::MockRequest.env_for method:

expect(Rack::MockRequest).to receive(:env_for).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args, &block|
  original_method.call(*args, &block).tap { |hash| hash['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/vnd.myapp+json; level=1' }

Upvotes: 5

Jeff Gran
Jeff Gran

Reputation: 1595

By combining the ideas from Cristophe's and Piotr's answers, I came up with a solution that worked for me. I'm using rspec and rails 3.0.

it 'should route like i want it to' do 
  Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "*/*"
  {get: "/foo/bar"}.
    should route_to(
    controller: 'foo',
    action: 'bar',
  Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.delete "HTTP_ACCEPT"

Upvotes: 13

Piotr Niełacny
Piotr Niełacny

Reputation: 51

before do
  ActionDispatch::TestRequest::DEFAULT_ENV["action_dispatch.request.accepts"] = "application/vnd.application-v1+json"

after do

Upvotes: 5

Christoph Geschwind
Christoph Geschwind

Reputation: 2680

Currently you can't send addititional Headers in Routing specs, this is due to line 608 in actionpack-3.2.5/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb where it says:

env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(path, {:method => method})

path is your requested path "/my/friends.json" and method is :get The resulting env contains something like the following:

 "rack.version"=>[1, 1],
 "SERVER_NAME"=>"your-url.com", # if path was http://your-url.com/

If you are able to mock Rack::MockRequest::env_for it should be possible to inject other headers than the ones generated by env_for (see Hash above).

Other than that you are currently using the route_to matcher wrong, you should call it on a Hash where you specify the method and the path like this:

{ get: '/' }.should route_to(controller: 'main', action: 'index')

Let us know if you were able to Mock out that env_for and let it return your headers, would be nice to know.

Regards Christoph

Upvotes: 7

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