Reputation: 43923
If I load an image, how can I loop through all its pixels and turn the white ones (or which ever color I specify) to be turned transparent?
I have an idea on how to do this, but the looping process should be like a 2d array, so it would involve two for loops.
I was thinking I would start on the top row first pixel, iterating to the right, if its a white pixel, then i turn it transparent, and move 1 pixel to the right, if its not white, then I stop. Then in the same row, I start from the left most pixel, and check, if white, I turn it transparent, then move 1 pixel to the left, etc, etc...
Then I move 1 row down and repeat the whole process..
This way I don't remove any white pixels in the actual image.
Upvotes: 22
Views: 34763
Reputation: 4597
You can use an image processing framework to not handle pixel data manually.
In the case of MarvinJ, given a color, you can set all pixels to transparent with a single line:
image.setColorToAlpha(0, 0);
Input image:
Runnable Example:
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
image = new MarvinImage();
image.load("", imageLoaded);
function imageLoaded(){
image.setColorToAlpha(0, 0);
<script src=""></script>
<div style="width:400px; height:352px; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #808080 25%, transparent 25%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, #808080 25%, transparent 25%),
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 75%, #808080 75%),
linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 75%, #808080 75%);
background-size: 20px 20px;
background-position: 0 0, 0 10px, 10px -10px, -10px 0px;">
<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="352"></canvas>
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 135
Loktar may have a method that 'works', but it's performance is rather dismal. This can be a problem if you have lots of images, you don't want your website to drain laptop/mobile-devices batteries, or if you just want speed. Here is a method that works far more efficiently. Click on the "Run Code Snippet" button for a demo of it in action.
let fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput'),
theCANVAS = document.getElementById('theCanvas'),
theCANVASctx = theCANVAS.getContext('2d'),
imgTMP = document.getElementById('imgTMP'),
rComponent = document.getElementById('r'),
gComponent = document.getElementById('g'),
bComponent = document.getElementById('b'),
aComponent = document.getElementById('a'),
transColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
transCode = 0xffffffff;
let makeColorTransparent =
function(canvasContext, transparentID, width, height) {
// where all the magic happens
let theImageData = canvasContext.getImageData(0, 0, width, height),
theImageDataBufferTMP = new ArrayBuffer(,
theImageDataClamped8TMP = new Uint8ClampedArray(theImageDataBufferTMP),
theImageDataUint32TMP = new Uint32Array(theImageDataBufferTMP),
n = theImageDataUint32TMP.length;
imgDataLoop: while (n--) {
// effciency at its finest:
if (theImageDataUint32TMP[n] !== transparentID)
continue imgDataLoop;
theImageDataUint32TMP[n] = 0x00000000; // make it transparent
theCANVASctx.putImageData(theImageData, 0, 0);
downloadCanvas = function(downloadfilename) {
theCanvas.toBlob(function(theIMGblob) {
var thedataURL = URL.createObjectURL(theIMGblob),
theAtagLink = document.createElement('a'); = '(proccessed)' + downloadfilename;
theAtagLink.href = thedataURL;;
fileInput.onchange = function(fileevent) {
let efiles =,
localTransColor = transColor,
localTransCode = transCode;
let cur = efiles.length,
nextfile = function() {
if (!cur--) {
imgTMP.src = '';
let fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function(dataevt) {
fr.onload = null;
let theArrayBuffer =,
theblob = new Blob([theArrayBuffer]);
imgTMP.src = URL.createObjectURL(theblob);
imgTMP.onload = function() {
imgTMP.onload = null;
let theImagesWidth = imgTMP.naturalWidth,
theImagesHeight = imgTMP.naturalHeight;
theCANVAS.width = theImagesWidth;
theCANVAS.height = theImagesHeight;
theCANVASctx.fillStyle = localTransColor;
theCANVASctx.drawImage(imgTMP, 0, 0);
//now, download the file:
//Finally, procced to proccess the next file
rComponent.oninput = gComponent.oninput =
bComponent.oninput = aComponent.oninput =
function() {
rComponent.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(rComponent.value, 255));
gComponent.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(gComponent.value, 255));
bComponent.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(bComponent.value, 255));
aComponent.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(aComponent.value, 255));
rComponent.onchange = gComponent.onchange =
bComponent.onchange = aComponent.onchange =
function() {
transColor = 'rgba(' +
rComponent.value + ',' +
gComponent.value + ',' +
bComponent.value + ',' +
aComponent.value / 255 + ',' +
// numberical equivelent of the rgba
transCode =
rComponent.value * 0x00000001 +
gComponent.value * 0x00000100 +
bComponent.value * 0x00010000 +
aComponent.value * 0x01000000;
<pre>rgba(<input type="number" value="255" max="255" min="0" step="1" id="r" maxlength="3" minlength="1" />,<input type="number" value="255" max="255" min="0" step="1" id="g" maxlength="3" minlength="1" />,<input type="number" value="255" max="255" min="0" step="1" id="b" maxlength="3" minlength="1" />,<input type="number" value="255" max="255" min="0" step="1" id="a" maxlength="3" minlength="1" />)</pre>
<input type="file" name="filefield" multiple="multiple" accept="image/*" id="fileInput" /><br />
<img id="imgTMP" />
<canvas id="theCanvas"></canvas>
<style>input[type=number]{width: 3em}#theCanvas {display: none}</style>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 35319
Its pretty simple to do using getImageData
and putImageData
just note you can take a pretty significant hit on performance the larger the image gets. You just need to determine if the current pixel is white, then change its alpha to 0.
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
image = document.getElementById("testImage");
canvas.height = canvas.width = 135;
var imgd = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 135, 135),
pix =,
newColor = {r:0,g:0,b:0, a:0};
for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i <n; i += 4) {
var r = pix[i],
g = pix[i+1],
b = pix[i+2];
// If its white then change it
if(r == 255 && g == 255 && b == 255){
// Change the white to whatever.
pix[i] = newColor.r;
pix[i+1] = newColor.g;
pix[i+2] = newColor.b;
pix[i+3] = newColor.a;
ctx.putImageData(imgd, 0, 0);
It was also asked if you could make the values sort of fuzzy to check. Its really easy, just check if its in a certain range. The following will turn off white to pure white transparent.
// If its white or close then change it
if(r >=230 && g >= 230 && b >= 230){
// Change the white to whatever.
pix[i] = newColor.r;
pix[i+1] = newColor.g;
pix[i+2] = newColor.b;
pix[i+3] = newColor.a;
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Upvotes: 36