Reputation: 153
Is there a MATLAB implementation for Flexible Least Squares (FLS) regression1?
I am looking for a decent (well, the least painful) way to handle regression with time-varying coefficients. All ideas are welcome, but the best would be a pointer to a FLS regression implementation, because I couldn't find one after extensive googling.
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Views: 1856
Reputation: 3563
I've found a R code on GitHub of the FLS regression. I have converted it to MATLAB, but it may have some errors due to differences between the functions of R and MATLAB. Now, we just need to test it in order to do the final adjustments.
function X = fls(A, b, mu, ncap, smoothed)
if isempty(mu)
mu = 1;
if isempty(ncap)
ncap = length(b);
if isempty(smoothed)
smoothed = true;
[m n] = size(A);
M = zeros(n, n, ncap);
E = zeros(n, ncap);
X = zeros(n, ncap);
R = eye(n) * mu;
for j = 1:ncap
Z = linsolve( qr( R + tcrossprod(A(j,:)) ), eye(n) );
M(:,:,j) = mu * Z; % (5.7b)
v = b(j) * A(j,:);
if (j == 1)
p = zeros(n,1);
p = mu * E(:,j-1);
w = p + v;
E(:,j) = Z * w; % (5.7c)
R = -mu * mu * Z;
diag = R(1:n+1:end);
R(diag) = R(diag) + 2*mu;
% Calculate eqn (5.15) FLS estimate at ncap
Q = -mu * M(:,:,ncap-1);
diag = Q(1: (size(Q,1)+1) : end);
Q(diag) = Q(diag) + mu;
Ancap = A(ncap,:);
C = Q + Ancap' * Ancap;
d = mu * E(:,ncap-1) + b(ncap)*Ancap';
X(:,ncap) = C * d;
X(:,ncap) = linsolve(qr(C),d);
if smoothed
% Use eqn (5.16) to obtain smoothed FLS estimates for
% X[,1], X[,2], ..., X[,ncap-1]
for j = 1:ncap-1
l = ncap - j;
X(:,l) = E(:,l) + M(:,:,l) * X(:,l+1);
X = X(:,ncap);
function resp = tcrossprod(A)
resp = A * A';
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