Reputation: 16936
I am used to handling my associative arrays PHP style, where I would have something like the following
array[day][time] = count
This allows me to easily count the number of times something appears and its an easy structure to work with. In my case here, I am reading a resultset from a database and getting something like this to work would be really helpful
How would I do the same type of thing in Coldfusion?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5558
Reputation: 1951
You can do this with Coldfusion arrays, too.
array = [[], []];// initialize array
array[1][1] = 1;// set a value in the array
Just remember that Coldfusion arrays start at an index of 1, not 0.
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Reputation: 2073
This is a followup to a comment Reginold had about checking whether the struct is defined:
<cfset thisvar = '04/MAR/2012'>
<cfset thatvar = '04:11'>
<cfset myStruct[thisvar][thatvar] = 'test'>
<!--- Check first key, then second --->
<cfif structKeyExists(myStruct,thisvar) and structKeyExists(mystruct[thisvar],thatvar)>
Both Keys Exist.<hr>
<!--- Alternative Check --->
<cfif isDefined('myStruct.#thisvar#.#thatvar#') >
Key Exists.<hr>
<cfdump var="#myStruct#">
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 7193
This looks like a structure to me - and you can create it easily the way you are used to:
myStruct = { day= { time = count}};
Or using the old syntax which perhaps outlines it better.
<cfset mySTruct = structNew()/>
<Cfset = structNew()/>
<Cfset = count/>
Remember too that a ColdFusion query object is already an exceedingly useful little data construct with a format of queryName[struct][row] - and query of a query (where you can utilize SQL to simply query a query object) allows easy access to this data as well.
Hope this helps you Reg. Good luck.
Upvotes: 11