Reputation: 91
I am writing a piece of code that needs to read in a text file that has data. The text file is in the format:
name 1 4
name 2 4 5
name 3 1 9
I am trying to create a vector of a map in the form [:name Sarah :weight 1 cost :4]
When I try reading the file in with the line-seq reader, it reads each line as an item so the partition is not correct. See repl below:
(let [file-text (line-seq (reader "C://Drugs/myproject/src/myproject/data.txt"))
new-test-items (vec (map #(apply struct item %) (partition 3 file-text)))]
(println file-text)
(println new-test-items))
(sarah 1 1 jason 4 5 nila 3 2 jonas 5 6 judy 8 15 denny 9 14 lis 2 2 )
[{:name sarah 1 1, :weight jason 4 5, :value nila 3 2 } {:name jonas 5 6, :weight judy 8 15, :value denny 9 14}]
I then tried to just take 1 partition, but still the structure is not right.
=> (let [file-text (line-seq (reader "C://Drugs/myproject/src/myproject/data.txt"))
new-test-items (vec (map #(apply struct item %) (partition 1 file-text)))]
(println file-text)
(println new-test-items))
(sarah 1 1 jason 4 5 nila 3 2 jonas 5 6 judy 8 15 denny 9 14 lis 2 2 )
[{:name sarah 1 1, :weight nil, :value nil} {:name jason 4 5, :weight nil, :value nil} {:name nila 3 2 , :weight nil, :value nil} {:name jonas 5 6, :weight nil, :value nil} {:name judy 8 15, :weight nil, :value nil} {:name denny 9 14, :weight nil, :value nil} {:name lis 2 2, :weight nil, :value nil} {:name , :weight nil, :value nil}]
Next I tried to slurp the file, but that is worse:
=> (let [slurp-input (slurp "C://Drugs/myproject/src/myproject/data.txt")
part-items (partition 3 slurp-input)
mapping (vec (map #(apply struct item %) part-items))]
(println slurp-input)
(println part-items)
(println mapping))
sarah 1 1
jason 4 5
nila 3 2
jonas 5 6
judy 8 15
denny 9 14
lis 2 2
((s a r) (a h ) (1 1) (
Please help! This seems like such an easy thing to do in Java, but is killing me in Clojure.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2538
Reputation: 28552
You are trying to do everything in one place without testing intermediate results. Instead Clojure recommends to decompose task into a number of subtasks - this makes code much more flexible and testable. Here's the code for your task (I assume records in file describe people):
(defn read-lines [filename]
(with-open [rdr ( filename)]
(doall (line-seq rdr))))
(defn make-person [s]
(reduce conj (map hash-map [:name :weight :value] (.split s " "))))
(map make-person (read-lines "/path/to/file"))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 91597
split it into a sequence of lines:
(line-seq (reader "/tmp/data"))
split each of them into a sequence of words
(map #(split % #" ") data)
make a function that takes a vector of one data and turns it into a map with the correct keys
(fn [[name weight cost]]
(hash-map :name name
:weight (Integer/parseInt weight)
:cost (Integer/parseInt cost)))
then nest them back together
(map (fn [[name weight cost]]
(hash-map :name name
:weight (Integer/parseInt weight)
:cost (Integer/parseInt cost)))
(map #(split % #" ") (line-seq (reader "/tmp/data"))))
({:weight 1, :name "name", :cost 4}
{:weight 2, :name "name", :cost 4}
{:weight 3, :name "name", :cost 1})
you can also make this more compact by using zip-map
Upvotes: 7