Reputation: 7994
Let's say I have a class such as
class c {
// ...
void *print(void *){ cout << "Hello"; }
And then I have a vector of c
vector<c> classes; pthread_t t1;
Now, I want to create a thread on c.print();
And the following is giving me the problem below:
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, &c[0].print, NULL);
Error Output: cannot convert ‘void* (tree_item::*)(void*)’ to ‘void* (*)(void*)’ for argument ‘3’ to ‘int pthread_create(pthread_t*, const pthread_attr_t*, void* (*)(void*), void*)’
Upvotes: 97
Views: 121712
Reputation: 21
This is a bit old question but a very common issue which many face. Following is a simple and elegant way to handle this by using std::thread
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
class foo
void bar(int j)
n = j;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
std::cout << "Child thread executing\n";
int n = 0;
int main()
int n = 5;
foo f;
std::thread class_thread(&foo::bar, &f, n); // t5 runs foo::bar() on object f
std::cout << "Main Thread running as usual";
std::cout << "Final value of foo::n is " << f.n << '\n';
Above code also takes care of passing argument to the thread function.
Refer std::thread document for more details.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 31
Too many times I've found ways to solve what you are asking for that, in my opinion are too complicated. For instance you have to define new class types, link library etc. So I decided to write a few lines of code that allow the end user to basically be able to "thread-ize" a "void ::method(void)" of whatever class. For sure this solution I implemented can be extended, improved etc, so, if you need more specific methods or features, add them and please be so kind to keep me in the loop.
Here are 3 files that show what I did.
// A basic mutex class, I called this file Mutex.h
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
class MutexCondition
bool init() {
//printf("MutexCondition::init called\n");
pthread_mutex_init(&m_mut, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&m_con, NULL);
return true;
bool destroy() {
return true;
pthread_mutex_t m_mut;
pthread_cond_t m_con;
MutexCondition() {
virtual ~MutexCondition() {
bool lock() {
return true;
bool unlock() {
return true;
bool wait() {
pthread_cond_wait(&m_con, &m_mut);
return true;
bool signal() {
return true;
// End of Mutex.h
// The class that incapsulates all the work to thread-ize a method (test.h):
#ifndef __THREAD_HANDLER___
#define __THREAD_HANDLER___
#include <pthread.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "Mutex.h"
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class CThreadInfo
typedef void (T::*MHT_PTR) (void);
vector<MHT_PTR> _threaded_methods;
vector<bool> _status_flags;
T *_data;
MutexCondition _mutex;
int _idx;
bool _status;
CThreadInfo(T* p1):_data(p1), _idx(0) {}
void setThreadedMethods(vector<MHT_PTR> & pThreadedMethods)
_threaded_methods = pThreadedMethods;
_status_flags.resize(_threaded_methods.size(), false);
template <class T>
class CSThread {
typedef void (T::*MHT_PTR) (void);
vector<MHT_PTR> _threaded_methods;
vector<string> _thread_labels;
MHT_PTR _stop_f_pt;
vector<T*> _elements;
vector<T*> _performDelete;
vector<CThreadInfo<T>*> _threadlds;
vector<pthread_t*> _threads;
int _totalRunningThreads;
static void * gencker_(void * pArg)
CThreadInfo<T>* vArg = (CThreadInfo<T> *) pArg;
int vIndex = vArg->_idx++;
MHT_PTR mhtCalledOne = vArg->_threaded_methods[vIndex];
return NULL;
CSThread ():_stop_f_pt(NULL), _totalRunningThreads(0) {}
for (int i=_threads.size() -1; i >= 0; --i)
for (int i=_threadlds.size() -1; i >= 0; --i)
delete _threadlds[i];
for (int i=_elements.size() -1; i >= 0; --i)
if (find (_performDelete.begin(), _performDelete.end(), _elements[i]) != _performDelete.end())
delete _elements[i];
int runningThreadsCount(void) {return _totalRunningThreads;}
int elementsCount() {return _elements.size();}
void addThread (MHT_PTR p, string pLabel="") { _threaded_methods.push_back(p); _thread_labels.push_back(pLabel);}
void clearThreadedMethods() { _threaded_methods.clear(); }
void getThreadedMethodsCount() { return _threaded_methods.size(); }
void addStopMethod(MHT_PTR p) { _stop_f_pt = p; }
string getStatusStr(unsigned int _elementIndex, unsigned int pMethodIndex)
char ch[99];
if (getStatus(_elementIndex, pMethodIndex) == true)
sprintf (ch, "[%s] - TRUE\n", _thread_labels[pMethodIndex].c_str());
sprintf (ch, "[%s] - FALSE\n", _thread_labels[pMethodIndex].c_str());
return ch;
bool getStatus(unsigned int _elementIndex, unsigned int pMethodIndex)
if (_elementIndex > _elements.size()) return false;
return _threadlds[_elementIndex]->_status_flags[pMethodIndex];
bool run(unsigned int pIdx)
T * myElem = _elements[pIdx];
_threadlds.push_back(new CThreadInfo<T>(myElem));
int vStart = _threads.size();
for (int hhh=0; hhh<_threaded_methods.size(); ++hhh)
_threads.push_back(new pthread_t);
for (int currentCount =0; currentCount < _threaded_methods.size(); ++vStart, ++currentCount)
if (pthread_create(_threads[vStart], NULL, gencker_, (void*) _threadlds[_threadlds.size()-1]) != 0)
// cout <<"\t\tThread " << currentCount << " creation FAILED for element: " << pIdx << endl;
return false;
// cout <<"\t\tThread " << currentCount << " creation SUCCEDED for element: " << pIdx << endl;
return true;
bool run()
for (int vI = 0; vI < _elements.size(); ++vI)
if (run(vI) == false) return false;
// cout <<"Number of currently running threads: " << _totalRunningThreads << endl;
return true;
T * addElement(void)
int vId=-1;
return addElement(vId);
T * addElement(int & pIdx)
T * myElem = new T();
pIdx = _elements.size()-1;
return _elements[pIdx];
T * addElement(T *pElem)
int vId=-1;
return addElement(pElem, vId);
T * addElement(T *pElem, int & pIdx)
pIdx = _elements.size()-1;
return pElem;
T * getElement(int pId) { return _elements[pId]; }
void stopThread(int i)
if (_stop_f_pt != NULL)
( _elements[i]->*_stop_f_pt)() ;
void stopAll()
if (_stop_f_pt != NULL)
for (int i=0; i<_elements.size(); ++i)
( _elements[i]->*_stop_f_pt)() ;
// end of test.h
// A usage example file "" that on linux I've compiled with The class that incapsulates all the work to thread-ize a method: g++ -o mytest.exe -I. -lpthread -lstdc++
#include <test.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <Mutex.h>
using namespace std;
// Just a class for which I need to "thread-ize" a some methods
// Given that with OOP the objecs include both "functions" (methods)
// and data (attributes), then there is no need to use function arguments,
// just a "void xxx (void)" method.
class TPuck
bool _go;
TPuck(int pVal):_go(true)
Value = pVal;
int Value;
int vc;
void setValue(int p){Value = p; }
void super()
while (_go)
cout <<"super " << vc << endl;
cout <<"end of super " << vc << endl;
void vusss()
while (_go)
cout <<"vusss " << vc << endl;
cout <<"end of vusss " << vc << endl;
void fazz()
static int vcount =0;
vc = vcount++;
cout <<"Puck create instance: " << vc << endl;
while (_go)
cout <<"fazz " << vc << endl;
cout <<"Completed TPuck..fazz instance "<< vc << endl;
void stop()
cout << endl << "Stopping TPuck...." << vc << endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// just a number of instances of the class I need to make threads
int vN = 3;
// This object will be your threads maker.
// Just declare an instance for each class
// you need to create method threads
CSThread<TPuck> PuckThreadMaker;
// Hera I'm telling which methods should be threaded
PuckThreadMaker.addThread(&TPuck::fazz, "fazz1");
PuckThreadMaker.addThread(&TPuck::fazz, "fazz2");
PuckThreadMaker.addThread(&TPuck::fazz, "fazz3");
PuckThreadMaker.addThread(&TPuck::vusss, "vusss");
PuckThreadMaker.addThread(&TPuck::super, "super");
for (int ii=0; ii<vN; ++ii)
// Creating instances of the class that I need to run threads.
// If you already have your instances, then just pass them as a
// parameter such "mythreadmaker.addElement(&myinstance);"
TPuck * vOne = PuckThreadMaker.addElement();
if ( == true)
cout <<"All running!" << endl;
cout <<"Error: not all threads running!" << endl;
cout <<"Totale threads creati: " << PuckThreadMaker.runningThreadsCount() << endl;
for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<vN; ++ii)
unsigned int kk=0;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"\n\nAfter the stop!!!!" << endl;
for (int ii=0; ii<vN; ++ii)
int kk=0;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
cout <<"status for element " << ii << " is " << PuckThreadMaker.getStatusStr(ii, kk++) << endl;
return 0;
// End of
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 90
C++ : How to pass class member function to pthread_create()?
typedef void * (*THREADFUNCPTR)(void *);
class C {
// ...
void *print(void *) { cout << "Hello"; }
pthread_create(&threadId, NULL, (THREADFUNCPTR) &C::print, NULL);
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 417
My first answer ever in the hope that it'll be usefull to someone : I now this is an old question but I encountered exactly the same error as the above question as I'm writing a TcpServer class and I was trying to use pthreads. I found this question and I understand now why it was happening. I ended up doing this:
#include <thread>
method to run threaded -> void* TcpServer::sockethandler(void* lp) {/*code here*/}
and I call it with a lambda -> std::thread( [=] { sockethandler((void*)csock); } ).detach();
that seems a clean approach to me.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 171
The above answers are good, but in my case, 1st approach that converts the function to be a static didn't work. I was trying to convert exiting code to move into thread function but that code had lots to references to non-static class members already. The second solution of encapsulating into C++ object works, but has 3-level wrappers to run a thread.
I had an alternate solution that uses existing C++ construct - 'friend' function, and it worked perfect for my case. An example of how I used 'friend' (will use the above same example for names showing how it can be converted into a compact form using friend)
class MyThreadClass
MyThreadClass() {/* empty */}
virtual ~MyThreadClass() {/* empty */}
bool Init()
return (pthread_create(&_thread, NULL, &ThreadEntryFunc, this) == 0);
/** Will not return until the internal thread has exited. */
void WaitForThreadToExit()
(void) pthread_join(_thread, NULL);
//our friend function that runs the thread task
friend void* ThreadEntryFunc(void *);
pthread_t _thread;
//friend is defined outside of class and without any qualifiers
void* ThreadEntryFunc(void *obj_param) {
MyThreadClass *thr = ((MyThreadClass *)obj_param);
//access all the members using thr->
return NULL;
Ofcourse, we can use boost::thread and avoid all these, but I was trying to modify the C++ code to not use boost (the code was linking against boost just for this purpose)
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 14648
You'll have to give pthread_create
a function that matches the signature it's looking for. What you're passing won't work.
You can implement whatever static function you like to do this, and it can reference an instance of c
and execute what you want in the thread. pthread_create
is designed to take not only a function pointer, but a pointer to "context". In this case you just pass it a pointer to an instance of c
For instance:
static void* execute_print(void* ctx) {
c* cptr = (c*)ctx;
return NULL;
void func() {
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, execute_print, &c[0]);
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 400274
You can't do it the way you've written it because C++ class member functions have a hidden this
parameter passed in. pthread_create()
has no idea what value of this
to use, so if you try to get around the compiler by casting the method to a function pointer of the appropriate type, you'll get a segmetnation fault. You have to use a static class method (which has no this
parameter), or a plain ordinary function to bootstrap the class:
class C
void *hello(void)
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
return 0;
static void *hello_helper(void *context)
return ((C *)context)->hello();
C c;
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, &C::hello_helper, &c);
Upvotes: 162
Reputation: 73081
My favorite way to handle a thread is to encapsulate it inside a C++ object. Here's an example:
class MyThreadClass
MyThreadClass() {/* empty */}
virtual ~MyThreadClass() {/* empty */}
/** Returns true if the thread was successfully started, false if there was an error starting the thread */
bool StartInternalThread()
return (pthread_create(&_thread, NULL, InternalThreadEntryFunc, this) == 0);
/** Will not return until the internal thread has exited. */
void WaitForInternalThreadToExit()
(void) pthread_join(_thread, NULL);
/** Implement this method in your subclass with the code you want your thread to run. */
virtual void InternalThreadEntry() = 0;
static void * InternalThreadEntryFunc(void * This) {((MyThreadClass *)This)->InternalThreadEntry(); return NULL;}
pthread_t _thread;
To use it, you would just create a subclass of MyThreadClass with the InternalThreadEntry() method implemented to contain your thread's event loop. You'd need to call WaitForInternalThreadToExit() on the thread object before deleting the thread object, of course (and have some mechanism to make sure the thread actually exits, otherwise WaitForInternalThreadToExit() would never return)
Upvotes: 86
Reputation: 3293
My guess would be this is b/c its getting mangled up a bit by C++ b/c your sending it a C++ pointer, not a C function pointer. There is a difference apparently. Try doing a
(void)(*p)(void) = ((void) *(void)) &c[0].print; //(check my syntax on that cast)
and then sending p.
I've done what your doing with a member function also, but i did it in the class that was using it, and with a static function - which i think made the difference.
Upvotes: -1