Reputation: 2318
I have compiled this example from various documentation and examples that I've found, but I haven't found a complete example using a Router and ember-data to simply create a new record, so this is my whack at it.
I have a person (DS.Model) with a firstName and lastName.
I have a Router with index and create routes, where the create form appears in the outlet of the PeopleView.
I'm using Ember.TextField's bound to the attributes of a new Person created with App.Person.createRecord({}), as the content of PersonCreateController.
Note that I'm intentionally using separate controllers for each outlet as recommended by @wycats here:
I seem to be running into the same problem over and over again. I try to use a method like App.Person.find(), and it will tell me this:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'find' of undefined
This will happen for:
Upvotes: 3
Views: 8187
Reputation: 7604
With the new Ember Router introduced in pre4 I thought I'd update this answer a bit. Here's what's worked for me (Warning: CoffeeScript): ->
@resource "posts", ->
@route "new"
App.PostsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend
setupController: (controller, model) ->
controller.set 'content', {}
App.PostsNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
submitForm: (event) ->
App.Post.createRecord @content
@transitionToRoute 'posts.index'
App.PostsNewView = Ember.View.extend
controller: 'App.PostsNewController'
My template looks something like this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="posts/new">
<div class="row">
<div class="span12">
<form class="create-post">
<legend>{{_ "Post"}}</legend>
<label>{{_ "Post Title"}}</label>
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="postTitle"}}
<!-- etc. etc. -->
<div class="row">
<div class="span12 push-right">
<a class="btn btn-primary" {{action "submitForm"}}>{{_ "Save"}}</a>
{{#linkTo "posts.index" class="btn"}}{{_ "Cancel"}}{{/linkTo}}
I'd love to hear comments on my approach.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 16143
I propose something along this lines, see
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">
<div class='container' id='application'>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="people">
{{#each person in controller}}
<li>{{person.firstName}} {{person.lastName}}</li>
<button {{action newPerson }}>Create New Person</button>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="person_create">
First name: {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="firstName"}} <br/>
Last name: {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="lastName"}} <br/>
<button {{action submitForm }}>Save</button>
<button {{action cancel }}>Cancel</button>
<h3>Current values: {{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h3>
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
firstName: DS.attr('string'),
lastName: DS.attr('string')
// Note: these properties are expected to be dasherized
App.Person.FIXTURES = [
"id": 1,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Smith"},
"id": 2,
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Dolan"},
"id": 3,
"first_name": "Jim",
"last_name": "Carry"}
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
revision: 4,
adapter: DS.FixtureAdapter.create()
* Routing
App.Router = Ember.Router.extend({
enableLogging: true,
root: Ember.Route.extend({
index: Ember.Route.extend({
route: '/',
connectOutlets: function(router, people) {
// set the content to all available persons
router.get('peopleController').set('content', App.Person.find());
index: Ember.Route.extend({
route: '/'
create: Ember.Route.extend({
route: '/create',
connectOutlets: function(router, person) {
// set/clear the content for the personCreateController
router.get('personCreateController').set('content', {});
// as proposed in
exit: function(router) {
// called when we navigate away from this route: remove
// the connected outlet, which is the createPerson view
router.get('peopleController').set('view', null);
submitForm: function(router, event) {
// get the content of the personCreateController
var hash = router.getPath('personCreateController.content');
// create a new person
// navigate back to the index route
// cancel button pressed
cancel: Ember.Route.transitionTo('index')
// show the "dialog" for creating a new person
newPerson: Ember.Route.transitionTo('create')
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend();
App.PeopleController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
App.PersonCreateController = Ember.ObjectController.extend();
App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({ templateName: 'application' });
App.PeopleView = Ember.View.extend({ templateName: 'people' });
App.PersonCreateView = Ember.View.extend({ templateName: 'person_create' });
Upvotes: 4