I'm an amateur with ANTLR and I'm creating an interpreter for a simple processor and I have run into a small issue with the VALUE token throwing errors. I'm a student, so I'm not asking you to do my homework for me...I've pretty much completed it (including all class files for the interpreter) but this one issue is defeating me even though it's likely simple and staring me right in the face.
ANTLR works keeps giving me this console error message;
"error(208): newExpr.g:193:1: The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: VALUE"
Clearly there is something wrong with the regular expressions for VALUE but I can't see what it is, either there or anywhere else in the grammar. If you could point out what I'm missing it would be much googling hasn't really helped me find the error in my own grammar.
grammar newExpr;
import java.util.*;
ArrayList myInitialise = new ArrayList();
ArrayList InstructionList = new ArrayList();
* prog is where the interpretation beings and consists of one or more (+) 'stat' rules
prog : stat+;
* stat rules are the general parse rules of entire operations on the processor.
* They consist of smaller data operations rules (dataop) or memory operations (memop).
stat : BASIC r1=REG c1=COMMA r2=REG c2=COMMA dataop NEWLINE
int reg1 = Integer.parseInt($r1.text.substring(1)); // these lines convert the token input stream and converts to an actual integer
int reg2 = Integer.parseInt($r2.text.substring(1));
int IMDT = $dataop.value; // take the immediate integer
// LOAD operation
InstructionList.add(new ld(reg1, reg2, IMDT));
// STORE operation
else if($BASIC.text.equals("ST"))
InstructionList.add(new st(reg1, reg2, IMDT));
// SUBTRACTION operation
else if($BASIC.text.equals("SUB"))
InstructionList.add(new sub(reg1, reg2, IMDT));
// ADDITION operation
else if($BASIC.text.equals("ADD"))
InstructionList.add(new add(reg1, reg2, IMDT));
else if($BASIC.text.equals("MUL"))
InstructionList.add(new mul(reg1, reg2, IMDT));
// DIVISION operation
else if($BASIC.text.equals("DIV"))
InstructionList.add(new div(reg1, reg2, IMDT));
i1 = INDEX '=' memop NEWLINE
myInitialise.add(new memInit(Integer.parseInt($i1.text), $dataop.value));
int R = Integer.parseInt($REG.text.substring(1));
int val = $dataop.value;
// BRANCH EQUAL operation
InstructionList.add(new branchEqualZero(R,value));
// BRANCH NOT EQUAL operation
else if($JUMP.text.equals("BNEZ"))
InstructionList.add(new branchNotEqualZero(R,value));
int R = Integer.parseInt($REG.text.substring(1));
InstructionList.add(new jump(R));
InstructionList.add(new halt());
dataop returns [int value]
$value = Integer.parseInt($INDEX.text);
$value = Integer.parseInt($VALUE.text.substring(1))*-1;
memop returns [int value]
$value = Integer.parseInt($INDEX.text);
$value = Integer.parseInt($VALUE.text.substring(1))*-1;
$value = Integer.parseInt($MEMVAL.text.substring(1))*-1;
$value = Integer.parseInt($MEMVAL.text);
* RegExps for BASIC instructions (load, store, add, subtract, multiply, divide
BASIC : ('L' 'D') | ('S' 'T') | ('A' 'D' 'D') | ('S' 'U' 'B') | ('M' 'U' 'L') | ('D' 'I' 'V');
* The comma is simply for syntactic purposes, to separate data and register references
COMMA : ',';
* Regular Expressions for the processor registers R0-R31
REG : ('R') (('0'..'9') | ('0'..'2') ('0'..'9') | ('3') ('0'..'1') );
* 'Index' is the set of regular expressions matching memory locations
INDEX : ('0'..'9')
('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('0'..'5') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('5') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('5') ('5') ('0'..'2') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('5') ('5') ('3') ('0'..'5');
* Reg Exps for memory initialisation instructions
MEMVAL : ('0'..'9')+ | '-' ('0'..'9')+;
* Simple integers for data values
VALUE : '-' (('0'..'9') **PROBLEM IS HERE**
('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('0'..'5') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('5') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('5') ('5') ('0'..'2') ('0'..'9')
('6') ('5') ('5') ('3') ('0'..'6'));
* Regular Expressions for return/newline characters
NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n' ;
* This simply makes the interpreter tolerant to whitespace
WHITESPACE : (' ' | '\t' | '\u000C')+ {skip();};
* RegExp for Branch on Equal to Zero/Branch on Not Equal to Zero instructions
BRANCH : ('B' 'E' 'Z') | ('B' 'N' 'E' 'Z');
* RegExp for jump instruction
JUMP : ('J' 'R');
* The HALT instruction ends the program and executes all instructions
* in the Instruction List on the data/values that have been entered
HALT : ('H' 'A' 'L' 'T');
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ANTLR's generated lexer works like this: it tries to match as much as possible, and when two (or more) rules match the same amount of characters, the rule defined first will "win". Because of this, your VALUE
rule can never "win" from the MEMVAL
rule since everything that is matched by VALUE
is also matched by MEMVAL
's: '-' ('0'..'9')+
Hence the error message you see.
It does not matter if one of your parser rules might need a VALUE
token at a certain moment, the lexer will simply produce a token based on the rules I mentioned: the lexer does not take any information from the parser into account.
Simply remove the VALUE
rule and replace it with MEMVAL
(and perhaps rename MEMVAL
to INT
). Then in your parser rule simply match MEMVAL
(or INT
) and check if this value is within a specific numerical range.
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