Reputation: 13
I'm making a simple batch game, and I'm trying to find out how to use the value of a variable with an unknown name. Example:
I dont know the name or the value of the var1
variable, because it is automatically generated at an earlier point in the game.
The only thing I know is the 3rd line: set var3=var2
I need my game to use the value of "var1" in an if statement like shown in the last line.
How would I do this?
set var1=5
set var2=var1
set var3=var2
if ??? EQU something something...
Upvotes: 1
Views: 345
Reputation: 130819
It took a few edits, but I finally came up with a truly bullet proof option (method 5).
In method 5, if var3 is replaced by a variable name that contains "
then you will have to escape some quotes. But if you are sophisticated enough to put a quote in a variable name then you already know how to do that :-)
@echo off
set var1=5
set var2=var1
set var3=var2
::method 1 - Without using delayed expansion. (this is relatively slow and unsafe)
:: the initial expansion uses 1 % and no CALL
:: the 2nd expansion uses CALL and 2 %%
:: the 3rd expansion uses CALL and 4 %%%%
:: each additional expansion would require another CALL and doubled percents
call call set "test=%%%%%%%var3%%%%%%%
if "%test%"=="5" echo Method 1 works: Value of "unknown var"=%test%
::The remaining methods use delayed expansion. They are safer and faster.
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
::method 2 - Using normal and delayed expansion and a temp variable.
:: Almost always works, but can fail in rare cases where variable
:: name contains "
set "test=!%var3%!"
if "!%test%!"=="5" echo Method 2 works: Value of "unknown var"=!%test%!
::method 3 - Using normal and delayed expansion without using any temp variable.
:: This works for sensible variable names, but fails if name contains
:: * or ?. Also can fail if variable name contains "
for %%A in ("!%var3%!") do if "!%%~A!"=="5" echo Method 3 works: Value of "unknown var"=!%%~A!
::method 4 - Using normal and delayed expansion without using any temp variable.
:: This almost always works, but can fail in rare cases where variable
:: name contains "
for /f "eol==delims=" %%A in ("!%var3%!") do if "!%%A!"=="5" echo Method 4 works: Value of "unknown var"=!%%A!
::method 5 - Using delayed expansion without using any temp variable.
:: This always works!
for /f "eol==delims=" %%A in ("!var3!") do for /f "eol==delims=" %%B in ("!%%A!") do if "!%%B!"=="5" echo Method 5 works: Value of "unknown var"=!%%B!
Upvotes: 2