Reputation: 2123
I'm trying to pass an argument from command line to a Java class. I followed this post: but the code does not work for me (perhaps it is not meant for JavaExec?). Here is what I tried:
task listTests(type:JavaExec){
main = "util.TestGroupScanner"
classpath = sourceSets.util.runtimeClasspath
// this works...
args 'demo'
// this does not work!
if (project.hasProperty("group")){
args group
The output from the above hard coded args value is:
C:\ws\svn\sqe\sandbox\selenium2forbg\testgradle>g listTests
:compileUtilJava UP-TO-DATE
:processUtilResources UP-TO-DATE
:utilClasses UP-TO-DATE
Received argument: demo
Total time: 13.422 secs
However, once I change the code to use the hasProperty section and pass "demo" as an argument on the command line, I get a NullPointerException:
C:\ws\svn\sqe\sandbox\selenium2forbg\testgradle>g listTests -Pgroup=demo -s
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'C:\ws\svn\sqe\sandbox\selenium2forbg\testgradle\build.gradle' line:25
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'testgradle'.
> java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.GradleScriptException: A problem occurred evaluating root project
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.DefaultScriptRunnerFactory$
at org.gradle.configuration.DefaultScriptPluginFactory$ScriptPluginImpl.apply(
at org.gradle.configuration.BuildScriptProcessor.evaluate(
There is a simple test project available at that illustrates the problem.
This is using Gradle 1.0-rc-3. The NullPointer is from this line of code:
args group
I added the following assignment before the task definition, but it didn't change the outcome:
group = hasProperty('group') ? group : 'nosuchgroup'
Any pointers on how to pass command line arguments to Gradle appreciated.
Upvotes: 123
Views: 233591
Reputation: 5353
As noted in a comment, my solution is superceded by the newer built-in --args
option in gradle. See this answer from @madhead or this similar question.
Building on Peter N's answer, this is an example of how to add (optional) user-specified arguments to pass to Java main for a JavaExec task (since you can't set the 'args' property manually for the reason he cites.)
Add this to the task:
task(runProgram, type: JavaExec) {
if (project.hasProperty('myargs')) {
... and run at the command line like this
% ./gradlew runProgram '-Pmyargs=-x,7,--no-kidding,/Users/rogers/tests/file.txt'
Upvotes: 59
Reputation: 24722
Here is a solution for Kotlin DSL (build.gradle.kts).
I first try to get the variable as a property and if it was null
try to get it from OS environment variables (can be useful in CIs like GitHub Actions).
tasks.create("MyCustomTask") {
val songName = properties["songName"]
?: System.getenv("SONG_NAME")
?: error("""Property "songName" or environment variable "SONG_NAME" not found""")
// OR getting the property with 'by'. Did not work for me!
// For this approach, name of the variable should be the same as the property name
// val songName: String? by properties
println("The song name: $songName")
We can then pass a value for the property from command line:
./gradlew MyCustomTask -PsongName="Black Forest"
Or create a file named at the root of the project and set the property:
songName=Black Forest
We can also add an env variable named SONG_NAME
with our desired value and then run the task:
./gradlew MyCustomTask
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21497
You can use custom command line options in Gradle:
./gradlew printPet --pet="Puppies!"
Custom command line options were an incubating feature in Gradle 5.0 but became public in Gradle 6.0.
Follow the instructions here:
import org.gradle.api.tasks.options.Option;
public class PrintPet extends DefaultTask {
private String pet;
@Option(option = "pet", description = "Name of the cute pet you would like to print out!")
public void setPet(String pet) { = pet;
public String getPet() {
return pet;
public void print() {
getLogger().quiet("'{}' are awesome!", pet);
Then register it:
task printPet(type: PrintPet)
Now you can do:
./gradlew printPet --pet="Puppies!"
Puppies! are awesome!
open class PrintPet : DefaultTask() {
@set:Option(option = "pet", description = "The cute pet you would like to print out")
var pet: String = ""
fun print() {
println("$pet are awesome!")
then register the task with:
Upvotes: 27
Reputation: 33491
As of Gradle 4.9 Application plugin understands --args
option, so passing the arguments is as simple as:
plugins {
id 'application'
mainClassName = "my.App"
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
./gradlew run --args='This string will be passed into my.App#main arguments'
or in Windows, use double quotes:
gradlew run --args="This string will be passed into my.App#main arguments"
Upvotes: 34
Reputation: 9294
There's a great example here:
Which details that you can pass parameters and then provide a default in an ext variable like so:
gradle -Dmy_app.color=blue
and then reference in Gradle as:
ext {
color = System.getProperty("my_app.color", "red");
And then anywhere in your build script you can reference it as course anywhere you can reference it as project.ext.color
More tips here:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 902
If you need to check and set one argument, your build.gradle
file would be like this:
def coverageThreshold = 0.15
if (project.hasProperty('threshold')) {
coverageThreshold ='threshold').toString().toBigDecimal()
//print the value of variable
println("Coverage Threshold: $coverageThreshold")
And the Sample command in windows:
gradlew clean test -Pthreshold=0.25
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 41
I have written a piece of code that puts the command line arguments in the format that gradle expects.
// this method creates a command line arguments
def setCommandLineArguments(commandLineArgs) {
// remove spaces
def arguments = commandLineArgs.tokenize()
// create a string that can be used by Eval
def cla = "["
// go through the list to get each argument
arguments.each {
cla += "'" + "${it}" + "',"
// remove last "," add "]" and set the args
return cla.substring(0, cla.lastIndexOf(',')) + "]"
my task looks like this:
task runProgram(type: JavaExec) {
if ( project.hasProperty("commandLineArgs") ) {
args setCommandLineArguments(commandLineArgs) )
To pass the arguments from the command line you run this:
gradle runProgram -PcommandLineArgs="arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4"
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1
pass a url from command line keep your url in app gradle file as follows resValue "string", "url", CommonUrl
and give a parameter in files as follows CommonUrl="put your url here or may be empty"
and pass a command to from command line as follows gradle assembleRelease -Pcommanurl=put your URL here
Upvotes: -5
Reputation: 1340
My program with two arguments, args[0] and args[1]:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String host = args[0];
int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
my build.gradle
run {
if ( project.hasProperty("appArgsWhatEverIWant") ) {
my terminal prompt:
gradle run -PappArgsWhatEverIWant="['localhost','8080']"
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 123976
is a predefined property. With -P
, you can only set project properties that are not predefined. Alternatively, you can set Java system properties (-D
Upvotes: 69