Reputation: 1694
I have some xml files that have different elements. I would like to write some code either in c# or PowerShell that iterates through each element and gets the value. I would like it to be generic enough so that I can use it with other xml files. All xml files have the same format but the names of the elements differ.
Thanks a lot for your help.
XML file 2
Another xml has been introduced that will be the base for the iteration of elements in the above xml files.
get the values of the elements above based on the attributes of each element below:
<Element Name="Firstname />
<Element Name="Lastname" />
<Element Name="Occupation" />
<Element Name="Java" />
<Element Name="Net" />
[System.Xml.XmlDocument] $xdLists = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
[System.Xml.XmlDocument] $xdMig = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$listfile = "C:\PowershellFiles\XmlLists.xml"
$xdNodes= $xdLists.selectnodes("//DestinationLists/DestinationList")
$migCols = $xdLists.selectnodes("//MigrationColumns/Columns/Column")
#LOOP 1-----------------------------------------
foreach($xnode in $xdNodes)
Write-Host $xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("MigrationFile").Value
$destLists = $xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").Value
$migfiles = $xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("MigrationFile").Value
Write-Host $destLists
#Check if the xml file to read from exists
if($migFiles -ne $null)
$spSite = Get-SPSite "http://sp2010:100"
$spWeb = $spSite.OpenWeb()
$list = $spWeb.Lists[$destLists]
foreach($nCol in $migCols)
$destListCol = $nCol.Attributes.GetNamedItem("DestList").Value
$sourcCol = $nCol.Attributes.GetNamedItem("SourceCol").Value
# Write-Host $col " - " $list.Title
if($destListCol -eq $list.Title)
Write-Host $destListCol " - " $list.Title " - Source Column: " $sourcCol -ForegroundColor Green
# ----------------------- time to search the exported lists --------------------
Write-Host "Search the exported list for the right column" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
if($xdMig.DocumentElement -ne $null)
$xnList = $xdMig.DocumentElement.ChildNodes
# LOOP 2----------------------------------------
Write-Host $xnList.Count " items found" -ForegroundColor Red
foreach($xn in $xnList)
Write-Host $xn.Name -ForegroundColor Red
$nList = $xdMig.SelectNodes("//"+$xn.Name)
$lItem = $list.Items.Add()
foreach($n in $migCols)
if($n.Attributes -ne $null)
$sourceCol = $n.Attributes.GetNamedItem("SourceCol").Value
$destCol = $n.Attributes.GetNamedItem("DestCol").Value
$destList = $n.Attributes.GetNamedItem("DestList").Value
Write-Host "Dest Col: " $destCol "- Sour Col: " $xn[$sourceCol].Name
Write-Host $destList -ForegroundColor Red
if($list.Title -eq $destList)
if($xn[$sourceCol] -ne $null )
if($list.Fields[$destCol] -ne $null)
$lItem[$destCol] = $xn[$sourceCol].InnerText
Write-Host $sourceCol " was not matched" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "-----------------------------------"
Upvotes: 1
Views: 15568
Reputation: 310
I ran into a similar requirement where I needed to delve into varying XML structures. This recursive routine works well for most xml I have run into.
function GetNodes($root,$j){
Foreach($child in $nodes){
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $j; $i++){ $tabs+="`t" }
if ($child.NodeType -eq "Element"){
if ($value.GetType().Name -eq "XmlElement"){
write-host "$tabs$($child.Name)" -ForegroundColor green
write-host "$tabs$($child.Name): $($value)"
if ($child.HasChildNodes){ GetNodes $child $j }
[xml]$xml=get-content C:\Temp\test.xml
GetNodes $xml
The output for file 1 looks like this
FirstName: Abc
LastName: LT
Occupation: Eng
I combined files 1 and 2 to get this output:
FirstName: Abc
LastName: LT
Occupation: Eng
Java: Ab
NET: b
SQL: c
Powershell: d
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8679
You could combine powershell with xpath. Assume that you have fixed XML errors and renamed Element.Name
to be in same case as in data file:
fixed content:
fixed content:
<Element Name="FirstName" />
<Element Name="LastName" />
<Element Name="Occupation" />
<Element Name="Java" />
<Element Name="NET" />
to map'em:
$xmlIndex = [xml](gc ".\index_file.xml")
$xml = [xml](gc ".\your_file.xml")
$allValues = @{};
$xmlIndex.SelectNodes("//Element/@Name") |
%{ $nodeName = $_."#text"; $xml.SelectNodes("//$nodeName/text()") } |
% { $allvalues[$_.ParentNode.ToString()] = $_.Value };
$allValues | ft
output will be followed
Name Value
---- -----
Occupation Eng
FirstName Abc
LastName LT
Name Value
---- -----
Java Ab
Upvotes: 2