Reputation: 2777
I would like to write the following function:
data TypeEnum = IntType | FloatType | BoolType | DateType | StringType
data Schema = Object [Schema] |
Field TypeEnum |
Array Schema
schema :: Typeable a => a -> Schema
Now I can get a list of TypeReps
for a given constructor, but I can't seem to find a way to convert a TypeRep
into a Schema
for more complex types:
field :: TypeRep t => t -> Schema
field t | t == typeOf (undefined :: String) = Field StringType
| t == typeOf (undefined :: Int) = Field IntType
| t == typeOf (undefined :: ???) = Array ???
| t == typeOf (undefined :: ???) = Object ???
It works for simple types like Int
and String
but what about Typeable
or [Typeable]
Upvotes: 3
Views: 288
Reputation: 30237
If you have a closed set of types that are the only ones your program will want to reason about, you could consider sidestepping Data.Typeable
and just roll your own type representations with GADTs as shown below. The differences between this and the standard Typeable
are the following:
s from Data.Typeable
don't have a type variable representing the type they stand for, whereas the in the alternative below you get TypeRep a
, where a
is the type that your TypeRep
stands for (e.g., typeOf "foo" :: TypeRep [Char]
definition needs to list out all the representable types and type constructors.Why am I suggesting to go this complex route? Because you can use this technique to eliminate the sequence of pattern guards in your definition of field
data Schema a = ...
| Field (TypeRep a) -- my TypeRep from below, not the standard one!
| ...
field :: TypeRep a -> Schema a
field t = Field typeRep
The downside here is that the GADT TypeRep
s have a type parameter, it's going to require some other approach to handle the case for your Object :: [Schema] -> Schema
constructor, because this replaces [Schema]
with [Schema a]
. Maybe you could try something like this:
data Schema a where
Field :: TypeRep a -> Schema a
Array :: Schema a -> Schema (Array a)
Object2 :: Schema a -> Schema b -> Schema (a, b)
Object3 :: Schema a -> Schema b -> Schema c -> Schema (a, b, c)
But I figure that if you study the code below you may find some ideas that you could incorporate into what you're doing—your TypeEnum
type is similar to my TypeRep
type below, except that mine is able to represent type constructors in addition to atomic types.
So here's the code (which should be easy to modify for your choice of types):
import Control.Applicative
-- | Type representations. If @x :: TypeRep a@, then @x@ is a singleton
-- value that stands in for type @a@.
data TypeRep a where
Integer :: TypeRep Integer
Char :: TypeRep Char
Maybe :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep (Maybe a)
List :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a]
Pair :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a, b)
-- | Typeclass for types that have a TypeRep
class Representable a where
typeRep :: TypeRep a
instance Representable Integer where typeRep = Integer
instance Representable Char where typeRep = Char
instance Representable a => Representable (Maybe a) where
typeRep = Maybe typeRep
instance Representable a => Representable [a] where
typeRep = List typeRep
instance (Representable a, Representable b) => Representable (a,b) where
typeRep = Pair typeRep typeRep
typeOf :: Representable a => a -> TypeRep a
typeOf = const typeRep
-- | Type equality proofs.
data Equal a b where
Reflexivity :: Equal a a
-- | Induction rules for type equality proofs for parametric types
induction :: Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b)
induction Reflexivity = Reflexivity
induction2 :: Equal a a' -> Equal b b' -> Equal (f a b) (f a' b')
induction2 Reflexivity Reflexivity = Reflexivity
-- | Given two TypeReps, prove or disprove their equality.
matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
matchTypes Integer Integer = Just Reflexivity
matchTypes Char Char = Just Reflexivity
matchTypes (List a) (List b) = induction <$> (matchTypes a b)
matchTypes (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = induction <$> (matchTypes a b)
matchTypes (Pair a b) (Pair a' b') =
induction2 <$> matchTypes a a' <*> matchTypes b b'
matchTypes _ _ = Nothing
-- Example use: type-safe coercions and casts
-- | Given a proof that a and b are the same type, you can
-- actually have an a -> b function.
coerce :: Equal a b -> a -> b
coerce Reflexivity x = x
cast :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> a -> Maybe b
cast a b x = coerce <$> (matchTypes a b) <*> pure x
-- Example use: dynamic data
data Dynamic where
Dyn :: TypeRep a -> a -> Dynamic
-- | Inject a value of a @Representable@ type into @Dynamic@.
toDynamic :: Representable a => a -> Dynamic
toDynamic = Dyn typeRep
-- | Cast a @Dynamic@ into a @Representable@ type.
fromDynamic :: Representable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic = fromDynamic' typeRep
fromDynamic' :: TypeRep a -> Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic' :: TypeRep a -> Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic' target (Dyn source value) = cast source target value
EDIT: I couldn't help but play some more with the above:
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Data.List (intercalate)
-- And now, I believe this is very close to what you want...
data Schema where
Field :: TypeRep a -> Schema
Object :: [Schema] -> Schema
Array :: Schema -> Schema
deriving instance Show (TypeRep a)
deriving instance Show (Schema)
example :: Schema
example = Object [Field (List Char), Field Integer]
describeSchema :: Schema -> String
describeSchema (Field t) = "Field of type " ++ show t
describeSchema (Array s) = "Array of type " ++ show s
describeSchema (Object schemata) =
"an Object with these schemas: "
++ intercalate ", " (map describeSchema schemata)
With that, describeSchema example
produces "an Object with these schemas: Field of type List Char, Field of type Integer"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 153172
You can get the type of a one-argument type constructor using typeOf1
> typeOf (undefined :: Array Int Int)
Array Int Int
> typeOf1 (undefined :: Array Int Int)
Array Int
> typeOf2 (undefined :: Array Int Int)
> typeOf2 (undefined :: Array a b)
edit: Sorry, I misunderstood the question. Here's some more helpful advice... You can split a TypeRep
into its constituent bits using splitTyConApp
and friends:
> splitTyConApp (typeOf (undefined :: Array Int Int))
> let arr = typeRepTyCon (typeOf (undefined :: Array Int Int))
> mkTyConApp arr [] == typeOf2 (undefined :: Array a b)
Upvotes: 2