Reputation: 2612
I can get the lyrics using:
osascript -e '''tell application "iTunes" to lyrics of the current track'''
but how can I set them?
I'm trying to make corrections to the current lyrics using my text editor.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 489
Reputation: 2612
osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to set lyrics of current track to "hoho"'
Thanks to regulus6633
And as a cli script
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
-- update_lyrics <track persisten ID> <lyric file>
on run argv
set trackPersistentID to item 1 of argv
set lyricsFile to item 2 of argv
-- use awk to strip leading empty lines
set cmdString to "cat " & lyricsFile & " | awk 'p;/^#+$/{p=1}'"
set newLyrics to do shell script cmdString
on error
return "update_lyrics <trackID> <lyricsFile>"
end try
tell application "iTunes"
set mainLibrary to library playlist 1
set foundTrack to (first file track of mainLibrary whose persistent ID = trackPersistentID)
set lyrics of foundTrack to newLyrics
on error err_mess
log err_mess
end try
end tell
end run
Upvotes: 2