Reputation: 7175
What do I need to change in the cabal file and or Login.hs? Note that other .hs files in this package need a different conduit version.
gert@couchdb:~/Downloads/haskell-design/src$ ghci Chat.hs
GHCi, version 7.4.2: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 2] Compiling Login ( Login.hs, interpreted )
No instance for (Control.Monad.Trans.Control.MonadBaseControl
IO m0)
arising from a use of `withManager'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Control.Monad.Trans.Control.MonadBaseControl IO m0)
In the expression: withManager
In the expression:
$ \ manager
-> FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ FB.getUserAccessTokenStep1 url perms
In an equation for `fbUrl':
= withManager
$ \ manager
-> FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ FB.getUserAccessTokenStep1 url perms
Couldn't match expected type `http-conduit-'
with actual type `http-conduit-'
In the second argument of `FB.runFacebookT', namely `manager'
In the expression: FB.runFacebookT app manager
In the expression:
FB.runFacebookT app manager $ FB.getUserAccessTokenStep1 url perms
No instance for (Control.Monad.Trans.Control.MonadBaseControl
IO m1)
arising from a use of `withManager'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Control.Monad.Trans.Control.MonadBaseControl IO m1)
In the expression: withManager
In the expression:
$ \ manager
-> FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ do { t <- FB.getUserAccessTokenStep2 url [...];
u <- FB.getUser "me" [] (Just t);
.... }
In an equation for `fbEmail':
fbEmail c
= withManager
$ \ manager
-> FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ do { t <- FB.getUserAccessTokenStep2 url ...;
.... }
Couldn't match expected type `http-conduit-'
with actual type `http-conduit-'
In the second argument of `FB.runFacebookT', namely `manager'
In the expression: FB.runFacebookT app manager
In the expression:
FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ do { t <- FB.getUserAccessTokenStep2 url [c];
u <- FB.getUser "me" [] (Just t);
return $ FB.userEmail u }
No instance for (Control.Monad.Trans.Control.MonadBaseControl
IO m2)
arising from a use of `withManager'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Control.Monad.Trans.Control.MonadBaseControl IO m2)
In the expression: withManager
In the expression:
$ \ manager
-> FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ do { t <- FB.getUserAccessTokenStep2 url [...];
u <- FB.getUser "me" [] (Just t);
.... }
In an equation for `fbName':
fbName c
= withManager
$ \ manager
-> FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ do { t <- FB.getUserAccessTokenStep2 url ...;
.... }
Couldn't match expected type `http-conduit-'
with actual type `http-conduit-'
In the second argument of `FB.runFacebookT', namely `manager'
In the expression: FB.runFacebookT app manager
In the expression:
FB.runFacebookT app manager
$ do { t <- FB.getUserAccessTokenStep2 url [c];
u <- FB.getUser "me" [] (Just t);
return $ FB.userName u }
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 273
Reputation: 10561
You could specify version in your cabal-file and use cabal-dev ghci(if you use cabal-dev).
And you can not use two versions of same package, but in your case you can use fb
from github:
$ git clone
$ cd fb
$ cabal install fb.cabal
Upvotes: 1