Reputation: 23
I'm really new to Python and I'm trying to query a SQLite database. Here is one part of the code which I have problems with:
def estadistiques(estacio='all',mes='all', graph=0):
if (len(mes)<2):
mes_sql = "0%s" %mes
mes_sql = "%s" %mes
mesos = {"1":"Gener","2":"Febrer","3":"Març","4":"Abril","5":"Maig","6":"Juny","7":"Juliol","8":"Agost","9":"Setembre","10":"Octubre","11":"Novembre","12":"Decembre"}
if (estacio!='all'):
if (mes!='all'):
nom_estacio = cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT nom FROM estacions WHERE codi==?",[estacio]).fetchall()
mitjana_recarrega = cursor.execute("SELECT avg(recarrega) FROM dades WHERE strftime('%m', data)==? AND maquina IN (SELECT maquina FROM estacions WHERE codi==?)",(mes_sql, estacio)).fetchall()
mitjana_recuperat = cursor.execute("SELECT avg(recuperat) FROM dades WHERE strftime('%m', data)==? AND maquina IN (SELECT maquina FROM estacions WHERE codi==?)",(mes_sql, estacio)).fetchall()
mitjana_recaptat = cursor.execute("SELECT avg(recaptat) FROM dades WHERE strftime('%m', data)==? AND maquina IN (SELECT maquina FROM estacions WHERE codi==?)",(mes_sql, estacio)).fetchall()
print "-"*50
print "| Dades de l'estació %s durant el mes de %s" % (nom_estacio,mesos[mes])
print '-'*50
print '\n\n'
print 'Mitjana de recàrregues:\t\t %.2f' % mitjana_recarrega[0]
print 'Mitjana de recuperacions:\t %.2f' % mitjana_recuperat[0]
print 'Mitjana de recaptacions:\t %.2f' % mitjana_recaptat[0]
I get those parameters using raw_input
The first query:
nom_estacio = cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT nom FROM estacions WHERE codi==?",[estacio]).fetchall()
Works well if I have [estacio]
but if I write it without brackets estacio
Python complains. I understood that is because SQLite takes that variable as a tuple.
But on the second query, I should write (mes_sql,estacio)
with no brackets for it to work.
If I put it between brackets I get
sqlite3.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 1 - probably unsupported type.
Why is it happening? I solved this issue by try-error but I'd like to know why I should do it that way.
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Views: 135
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I understood that is because SQLite takes that variable as a tuple.
As a sequence, actually. (And DB-API, not SQLite.) It just so happens that a list is a sequence. In the second case it's already in a sequence, so adding brackets makes it wrong.
Upvotes: 1