Reputation: 657
I am a new programmer and still learning. This is the code that I am trying to figure out:
<div id="buy" class="buy button">Buy</div>
When I click on the div (button), some JavaScript code is executed but I don't know were it is. How can I tell what function is fired when click happens? Some how a listener is attached to this element.
Upvotes: 66
Views: 21629
Reputation: 82356
You can even do it in JavaScript, but only if you intercept/override the addEventListener and removeEventListener prototype functions with your own interceptor, so you can intercept them.
This will work for anything that has been added with addEventListener (and it accounts for removeEventListener).
But if you added them without EventListener, e.g. with element.onclick (or in the onclick/onAnything-attribute in the markup), this won't list them, you'll have to manually check for them.
Be sure that the bellow JavaScript is the first script that is executed on your page, otherwise it might not work properly.
Here's how (TypeScript):
type EventHandlerMapType = {
// [key: EventTarget]: { [type: string]: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[] };
[key: string]: { [type: string]: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[] };
type EventHandlerMapValue = { [type: string]: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[] };
interface EventTarget
getEventHandlers: (type?: string) => EventHandlerMapValue | EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[];
// function addEventListener<K extends keyof ElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: Element, ev: ElementEventMap[K]) => any, options ?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
// addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options ?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
(function ()
// Store the handlers by element reference
// WeakMap can take an object, such as an Element, as a key, object cannot.
// This is useful because WeakMap allows for garbage collection of the keys(the elements),
// meaning when an Element is removed from the DOM and no longer referenced, it gets garbage - collected,
// and its entry in the WeakMap is automatically removed.
// This prevents memory leaks.
const eventHandlerMap = new WeakMap<EventTarget>(); // Dictionary<Element, { type:[]}> // where type is string and array is an array of handlers/listeners
// Override the native addEventListener
const originalAddEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions)
// Call the original addEventListener to ensure normal behavior, type, listener, options);
// Initialize tracking for the current element if it doesn't exist
if (!eventHandlerMap.has(this))
eventHandlerMap.set(this, {});
// Get the event type handlers for this element
const handlersForElement = eventHandlerMap.get(this);
if (!handlersForElement[type])
handlersForElement[type] = [];
// Add the handler to the list for this event type
// Override the native removeEventListener
const originalRemoveEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions)
// Call the original removeEventListener to ensure normal behavior, type, listener, options);
// Remove the handler from the tracking list
if (eventHandlerMap.has(this))
const handlersForElement = eventHandlerMap.get(this);
if (handlersForElement[type])
// Filter out the handler that matches the one being removed
handlersForElement[type] = handlersForElement[type].filter((h: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject) => h !== listener);
// Clean up if no handlers left for this event type
if (handlersForElement[type].length === 0)
delete handlersForElement[type];
// Clean up the element if no handlers left for any event type
if (Object.keys(handlersForElement).length === 0)
// Function to retrieve all event handlers for an element
EventTarget.prototype.getEventHandlers = function (type?: string): EventHandlerMapValue | EventListenerOrEventListenerObject[]
// Get the tracking list for the current element
const handlersForElement = eventHandlerMap.get(this) || {};
if (type)
// If a specific event type is requested, return its handlers
return handlersForElement[type] || [];
// If no type is specified, return all handlers grouped by type
return handlersForElement;
Now on EventTarget (Element, Node, etc):
getEventHandlers(type?: string)
or in plain-JS
(function () {
var eventHandlerMap = new WeakMap();
var originalAddEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {, type, listener, options);
if (!eventHandlerMap.has(this)) {
eventHandlerMap.set(this, {});
var handlersForElement = eventHandlerMap.get(this);
if (!handlersForElement[type]) {
handlersForElement[type] = [];
var originalRemoveEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {, type, listener, options);
if (eventHandlerMap.has(this)) {
var handlersForElement = eventHandlerMap.get(this);
if (handlersForElement[type]) {
handlersForElement[type] = handlersForElement[type].filter(function (h) { return h !== listener; });
if (handlersForElement[type].length === 0) {
delete handlersForElement[type];
if (Object.keys(handlersForElement).length === 0) {
EventTarget.prototype.getEventHandlers = function (type) {
var handlersForElement = eventHandlerMap.get(this) || {};
if (type) {
return handlersForElement[type] || [];
return handlersForElement;
var btnCreated = document.createElement("button");
btnCreated.textContent = "Hello Kitty";
btnCreated.value = "Hello Kitty";
var btn = document.querySelector('button');
function handleClick() {
console.log('Button clicked');
btn.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
btn.addEventListener('clock', handleClick);
console.log("before click");;
console.log("after click");
btn.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);
console.log("before click after click removed");;
console.log("after click after click removed");
console.log("click handlers", btn.getEventHandlers('click'));
console.log("all handlers", btn.getEventHandlers());
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5640
Event handlers attached using traditional element.onclick=
handler or HTML <element onclick="handler">
can be retrieved trivially from the element.onclick
property from script or in-debugger.
Event handlers attached using DOM Level 2 Events addEventListener methods and IE's attachEvent cannot currently be retrieved from script at all. DOM Level 3 once proposed element.eventListenerList to get all listeners, but it is unclear whether this will make it to the final specification. There is no implementation in any browser today.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 4271
You may use "Visual Event 2" script as a bookmark or same script as Chrome extension.
This script shows all js events attached to dom-elements.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 4348
If you use Firefox and Firebug you can try installing FireQuery. It will make it so you can see the handlers bound by jQuery.
Upvotes: 24
Reputation: 710
Below is something I’ve used in the past that I think may be what you're looking for. What this does is watch a property on a page element (In the example below, it's the document's "Title" property) and then display an alert with the JS callstack whenever that property is changed. You’ll need to get this into the DOM before whatever code you're trying to find fires, but hopefully you’ll be able to identify what’s causing the problem.
I would recommend using Firefox and getting Firebug for JavaScript debugging.
// Call stack code
function showCallStack() {
var f=showCallStack,result="Call stack:\n";
while((f=f.caller)!==null) {
var sFunctionName = f.toString().match(/^function (\w+)\(/)
sFunctionName = (sFunctionName) ? sFunctionName[1] : 'anonymous function';
result += sFunctionName;
result += getArguments(f.toString(), f.arguments);
result += "\n";
function getArguments(sFunction, a) {
var i = sFunction.indexOf(' ');
var ii = sFunction.indexOf('(');
var iii = sFunction.indexOf(')');
var aArgs = sFunction.substr(ii+1, iii-ii-1).split(',')
var sArgs = '';
for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
var q = ('string' == typeof a[i]) ? '"' : '';
sArgs+=((i>0) ? ', ' : '')+(typeof a[i])+' '+aArgs[i]+':'+q+a[i]+q+'';
return '('+sArgs+')';
var watchTitle = function(id, oldval, newval) { showCallStack(); }
// !! This is all you should need to update, setting it to whatever you want to watch."title", watchTitle);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3314
Are you using jQuery? If so, you want to search for one of these three lines of code:
$("#buy").click //the div is refered by its id
$(".buy").click //the div is refered to by the style "buy"
$(".button").click //refered to by the style "button"
Most newer browsers have "Developer Tools" built into them by pressing F12 (at least in IE and Chrome). That may help you do some further debugging and tracing.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1631
In Google chrome's developer tools (click the wrench icon >Tools>Developer tools), select the element in the Elements tab, on the right open the 'Event Listeners' panel you'll will see all events
Upvotes: 108
Reputation: 24506
This is the easiest way I've found of how to do it:
When working with events in Javascript, it is often easy to lose track of what events are subscribed where. This is particularly true if you are using a large number of events, which is typical in a modern interface employing progressive enhancement. Javascript libraries also add another degree of complexity to listeners from a technical point of view, while from a developers point of view they of course can make life much easier! But when things go wrong it can be difficult to trace down why this might be.
It is due to this I've put together a Javascript bookmarklet called Visual Event which visually shows the elements on a page that have events subscribed to them, what those events are and the function that the event would run when triggered. This is primarily intended to assist debugging, but it can also be very interesting and informative to see the subscribed events on other pages.
There's a bookmark button there you can drag to your toolbar (FF or Chrome), then just click the button on any page where you want to see the events attached. Works great! (at least for events attached by jQuery or other libraries).
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 236162
You can't do it in a really good manner by "just" using ECMAscript itself. For instance, if there was a click event handler added by DOM Level 1 in the form of
document.getElementById('buy').onclick = function() {};
you can of course easily intercept that property on the node itself. Things are getting more complicated if DOM Level 2 comes into play with .addEventListener()
respectevily .attachEvent()
. Now you don't really have a "place" to look for where all the different listener functions where bound from.
It gets better by using jQuery. jQuery will hold all it's event handler functions in a special object which is linked to the DOM node of invocation. You can check for that by getting the .data()
-expando property for a node like
However, now I already described three different ways of binding event listeners to a node (actually its two because a library like jQuery also uses DOM Level 1 or 2 methods of course).
It's really getting ugly if an event is triggerd by delegation. That means, we bound our click event on some parent-node just waiting for that event bubbling up to us so we can check the target
. So now we don't even have a direct relationship between the node
and the event listener
Conclusion here is, lookout of a browser plugin or probably a thing like VisualEvent.
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 38253
and something mentioning onClick
or .on("click",function(){...});
, or code, where the event handler code is$("#buy")
is JQuery's way of saying find an element that has an id
attribute of buy
and if it has a .
following it with some function, that function is acting upon the element that was found by JQuery.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 14859
If you're using FireFox, you should have FireBug installed. Once you have that, you can install FireQuery, which will show you what jQuery events are bound to which objects.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 392
Use jQuery("#buy").data('events'); may be interesting.
Upvotes: 5