Reputation: 766
I have a finder created, findUserBySupervisoID. I want to take that finder and apply it to every row in list.jspx while taking one of the items (managerID) from list.jspx as the parameter for the finder. I know I need to modify list.tagx but I'm unsure of how to pass the manager ID, which isn't its primary key, through for each row. Any advice?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 876
Reputation: 3763
this allows you to update the roo tags later on, without losing your changes
update list.jspx to use tableManager instead of table
add your custom column to tableManager.tagx, see example below:
Extra param to turn on/off custom column:
<jsp:directive.attribute name="hits" type="java.lang.Boolean" required="false" description="Include 'hits' link into table (default true)" />
Default value for extra param
<c:if test="${empty hits}">
<c:set var="hits" value="true" />
Displaying the extra column
<c:if test="${hits}">
<spring:url value="/hits" var="hits_form_url">
<spring:param name="find" value="ByScraper"/>
<spring:param name="scraper" value="${itemId}"/>
<spring:param name="page" value="1"/>
<spring:param name="size" value="${param.size}"/>
<spring:url value="/resources/images/list.png" var="hits_image_url" />
<spring:message arguments="${typeName}" code="entity_hits" var="hits_label" />
<a href="${hits_form_url}" alt="${fn:escapeXml(hits_label)}" title="${fn:escapeXml(hits_label)}">
<img alt="${fn:escapeXml(hits_label)}" class="image" src="${fn:escapeXml(hits_image_url)}" title="${fn:escapeXml(hits_label)}" />
Upvotes: 1