Reputation: 53
I am trying to solve SPOJ problem GSS1 (Can you answer these queries I) using segment tree. I am using 'init' method to initialise a tree and 'query' method to get maximum in a range [i,j].
Limits |A[i]| <= 15707 and 1<=N (Number of elements)<=50000.
int A[50500], tree[100500];
void init(int n, int b, int e) // n=1, b=lower, e=end
if(b == e)
tree[n] = A[b];
init(2 * n, b, (b + e) / 2);
init(2 * n + 1, ((b + e) / 2) + 1, e);
tree[n] = (tree[2 * n] > tree[2 * n + 1]) ? tree[2 * n] : tree[2 * n + 1];
int query(int n, int b, int e, int i, int j) // n=1, b=lower, e=end, [i,j]=range
if(i>e || j<b)
return -20000;
if(b>=i && e<=j)
return tree[n];
int p1 = query(2 * n, b, (b + e) / 2, i, j);
int p2 = query(2 * n + 1, ((b + e) / 2) + 1, e, i, j);
return (p1 > p2) ? p1 : p2;
Program is giving Wrong Answer.I debbuged code for most of the cases (negative numbers, odd/even N) but I am unable to figure out what is wrong with algorithm.
If anyone can point me in right direction, I would be grateful.
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Views: 1736
Reputation: 345
I fear the (accepted) answer has missed out on a very important point here. The problem is here with the algorithm used in the code itself. The code says the answer for the node is the max of its children's values. But it is very much possible that the maximum subarray lies partially in BOTH children. For example
-1 -2 3 4 5 6 -5 -10 (n=8)
The code will output 11 while the answer is 18.
You will need to look into this case also to beat WA. (I am answering this because the accepted answer is not entirely right and doesn't answer this question correctly.)
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Reputation: 435
Edit: it seems your implementation is also correct, I'm just having another. And we both misread the problem statement.
I guess you call your query
function with params
query( 1, 0, n-1, x-1, y-1 );
I believe that it's wrong to handle with segment tree in such way when your n is not a pow of 2.
I'm offering you to
array to 131072 elements (2^17) and A
to 65536 (2^16);k
such is not smaller than n
and is a pow of 2;n
(0-based) to k-1
with -20000;n
equal to k
Hope that'll help you to beat WA.
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