
Reputation: 4324

Folder not synchronizing with Git and Bitbucket

I am using Eclipse with git remote repositories.

For some reason, there is a folder (and all the subfolders) that are not synchronizing with the remote repository. Modified files inside those folders don't appear with the asterisk (*), and for that reason, they cannot be staged nor committed.

When I enter in www.bitbucket.org to see my project, what I get in that folder is just the icon with the blue arrow next to the name of my "no-folder" and not the regular folder icon, which is the one that appears next to the folders that can be reached and synchronize well.

blue arrow icon next to "false folders" regular folder icon next to folders that are synchronized and work well

Options --> Team --> Add To Index is not working. git add <folder> neither

What am I doing wrong? Any idea?

Thanks a lot


Here you have the git status dump:

# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#   (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
#   modified:   .project
#   modified:   app/AppKernel.php
#   modified:   app/bootstrap.php.cache
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-DemoBundle-Controller-DemoController    #contactAction.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-DemoBundle-Controller-DemoController    #helloAction.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-DemoBundle-Controller-DemoController    #indexAction.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-DemoBundle-Controller-DemoController.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Xtremapp-DemoBundle-Controller-SecuredController    #loginAction.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Xtremapp-DemoBundle-Controller-SecuredController    #logoutAction.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Xtremapp-DemoBundle-Controller-SecuredController    #securityCheckAction.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Xtremapp-DemoBundle-Controller-SecuredController.cache.php
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/annotations/Xtremapp-DemoBundle-Controller-WelcomeController    #indexAction.cache.php
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php.meta
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.xml
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainerCompiler.log
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appdevUrlGenerator.php
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appdevUrlGenerator.php.meta
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appdevUrlMatcher.php
#   modified:   app/cache/dev/appdevUrlMatcher.php.meta
#   deleted:    app/cache/dev/assetic/config/0/064cba00a41b006ad8ca939936416158.php
#   modified:   app/config/config.yml
#   modified:   app/config/config_dev.yml
#   modified:   app/config/routing.yml
#   modified:   app/config/routing_dev.yml
#   modified:   app/config/security.yml
#   modified:   deps
#   modified:   src/Acme/StoreBundle/Controller/ConfigurationController.php
#   modified:   src/Acme/StoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml
#   modified:   src/Acme/StoreBundle/Resources/views/layout.html.twig
#   modified:   vendor/bundles/FOS/UserBundle (modified content, untracked content)
#   modified:   vendor/doctrine (modified content, untracked content)
#   modified:   vendor/symfony (modified content)
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   .gitignore
#   .settings/
#   app/AcmeStoreBundle.php
#   app/Common/
#   app/Resources/
#   app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-StoreBundle-Controller-ConfigurationController    #confAction.cache.php
#   app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-StoreBundle-Controller-ConfigurationController    #configurationAction.cache.php
#   app/cache/dev/annotations/Acme-StoreBundle-Controller-ConfigurationController    #saveConfigurationAction.cache.php
#   app/cache/dev/twig/98/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/99/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/9b/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/a0/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/a4/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ac/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ae/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/b0/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/b3/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/b9/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/bb/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/bc/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/bd/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c0/3a/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c0/89/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c2/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c5/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c6/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c8/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/c9/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ca/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ce/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/e4/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ec/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ee/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/ef/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/f0/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/f3/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/f4/
#   app/cache/dev/twig/f6/
#   app/logs/
#   src/Acme/StoreBundle/.DS_Store
#   src/Acme/StoreBundle/Resources/.DS_Store
#   src/Acme/StoreBundle/Resources/views/Configuration/
#   web/bundles/fosjsrouting

Re-edit with the .gitignorer of one of the folders I want to be included and are not. phpunit.xml Tests/autoload.php nbproject catalog.xml Propel/om/* Propel/map/*


Upvotes: 0

Views: 2556

Answers (1)


Reputation: 399

Did you added the folder/subfolders/files to your repository?

Right-Click on folder->Team->Add to Index

Upvotes: 0

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