Adam Howard
Adam Howard

Reputation: 166

Constraining two vectors to be in the same domain but not be member's of each other

I've used clojure for a while but just starting out with core.logic.

Given a domain like 1 2 3 4 I want to get a vector of two vectors back like ([[1 2] [3 4]]).

Note: This is just a simplified version of what I'm really trying to do. :) See:

I found this definition for not-membero on the web:

(defne not-membero [x l]
  ([_ []])
  ([_ [?y . ?r]]
    (!= x ?y)
    (not-membero x ?r)))

And I'm trying to use it like this:

(run 1 [q]
     (fresh [w x
             y z]
            (== q [[w x]
                   [y z]])
            (infd w x y z (domain 1 2 3 4))
            (everyg distinctfd [[w x] [y z]])
            (everyg #(not-membero % [y z]) [w x])))

Running this in Emacs gives me an Evaluation aborted. message.

When I try switching out membero for not-membero I get back ([[1 2] [1 2]]) which makes sense to me. Every element in the first vector [w x] is a member of the second vector [y z].

But, when I call run 2 I get back ([[1 2] [1 2]] [[1 2] [1 3]]). I don't understand how [[1 2] [1 3]] can be correct for the rules above. Am I not understanding everyg correctly? Any guidance (including rtfmanual, rtfbook, rtfdissertation) will be appreciated.


Edit: May have solved this.

Still not sure about the strange results from membero but instead of the not-membero goal I found that I could do this:

(everyg #(distinctfd (conj [y z] %)) [w x])

Each element of [w x] conj'd to [y z] contains all distinct values. This may be less efficient than not-membero so I'm still open to any help.

Upvotes: 5

Views: 537

Answers (1)


Reputation: 4253

Your example seems to be doing the same as this:

(run* [q]
  (fresh [w x y z]
    (fd/in w x y z (fd/domain 1 2 3 4))
    (== q [[w x] [y z]])
    (fd/distinct [w x y z])))

But seeing the soccer problem...

(ns test
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
  (:use clojure.core.logic)
  (require [clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]))

(defn game [g] (fresh [a b c d e] (== g [a b c d e])))

(def players (range 1 11))

(defne not-membero [x l]
  ([_ []])
  ([_ [?y . ?r]]
    (!= x ?y)
    (not-membero x ?r)))

(defne plays [player games]
  ([_ []])
  ([_ [?f ?s . ?r]]
   (membero player ?f) ; if you play this game
   (not-membero player ?s) ; do not play next game
   (plays player ?r))
  ([_ [?f ?s . ?r]]
   (membero player ?s)
   (not-membero player ?f)
   (plays player ?r)))

(defne goalies [games]
  ([[[_ _ _ _ ?a]
     [_ _ _ _ ?b]
     [_ _ _ _ ?c]
     [_ _ _ _ ?d]]]
    (fd/in ?a ?b ?c ?d (apply fd/domain players))
    (not-membero 1 [?a ?b ?c ?d]) ; star player != goalie
    (fd/distinct [?a ?b ?c ?d]))) ; not goalie twice

(defn -main [& args]
  (run 1 [q]
    (fresh [a b c d]
      (game a)
      (game b)
      (game c)
      (game d)
      (== q [a b c d])
      (goalies q)
      (everyg #(plays % q) players))))

Upvotes: 1

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