Reputation: 1673
is it possible to set a to height 100%?
Using instead works. But my intent is to add an Touch-Event on the View and therefore the View doesn't need to scroll.
Many thanks in advance.
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I played around with the ContentPaneResizeMixin, but settled in on this. Don't expect a straight copy and paste - but this pattern will work. Here, I set a has variable from the server in dojoConfig in my header. I detect desktop (through phpMobileDetect).
<script src="/dojo/dojo.js" type="text/javascript" data-dojo-config="parseOnLoad: false, async: 1, isDebug: 1, mblAlwaysHideAddressBar: false, has: { 'isDesktop': <?= json_encode($isDesktop) ?> }"></script>
Then, I use the conditional plugin loader to load a different baseClass, and a little sizing logic to take care of the header. Boom. Desktop gets scrollBars natively, iPad gets the ScrollablePane which works fine.
], function(declare, lang, has, Pane) {
return declare("", [ Pane ], {
resize: function(){
if(has('isDesktop')){ = "scroll";
var height = rightPane.offsetHeight - this.getPreviousSibling().domNode.offsetHeight; = height + "px";
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I know this is old, but this is how i did it. I used what mbecker mentioned and created a new view that extended the regular view::
], function( declare,dom,domGeometry, domStyle, win,View){
// module:
// custom/widget/View2
console.log("Loading View2");
return declare("custom.widget.View2", [View], {
resize: function(){
//this is for a fixed tabbar
//if you dont have one remove this and the tabbox
var tabBar = dom.byId(this.tabName);
var tabBox = domGeometry.getMarginBox(tabBar);
var winBox = win.getBox();
var height=winBox.h - tabBox.h + "px";
domStyle.set(this.domNode, "height",height);
// summary:
// Calls resize() of each child widget.
this.inherited(arguments); // scrollable#resize() will be called
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Reputation: 509
i'm not very talented in web design but learned in time that 100% height always brings trouble. instead, i would get document height in pixels and subtract header,menu etc. from it. and then give absolute height in pixels.
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