Reputation: 99
I am working on a English to Morse translator. When I input my sentence in English, I receive a translation filled with "null" rather than the corresponding Morse characters.
The result looks like this: "null|null|null|null|null". |
is what the delimiter for the Morse characters. How do I get rid of the null? Here is my code:
(Yes, this is homework.)
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class test
public static void main ( String [] args )
String s1 = "Morse";
//Decide whether Morse code or English
String decide = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 'English' for Morse to English code translation and 'Morse' for English to Morse code translation. Pay attention to Caps.");
//Enter String
String phrasep = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the words you wish to translate.");
if ( decide.equals( s1 ))
toMorse( phrasep );
toEnglish( phrasep );
// Translate to Morse
public static void toMorse( String phrase1 )
char[] english = new char[36];
for ( int i = 65, j = 0; i < 91; i++, j++) {
english[j] = (char)i;
english[26] = 1;
english[27] = 2;
english[28] = 3;
english[29] = 4;
english[30] = 5;
english[31] = 6;
english[32] = 7;
english[33] = 8;
english[34] = 9;
english[35] = 0;
String[] morse = {".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.","....","..", ".---",
//Replace spaces with |
String phrase = phrase1.replace( "//s+", "|");
String[] translation = new String[phrase1.length()];
for ( int j = 0, t = 0, n = 1; j < phrase.length(); j++) {
if ( phrase.substring(t, n ).equals ( english[j] ) ) {
translation[t] = morse[j];
String separatorp = new String( "|" );
arrayToString ( translation, separatorp );
public static void toEnglish( String phrase) {
System.out.println( phrase );
//Convert array to string and print translation
public static void arrayToString(String[] trans, String separator)
String result = "";
if (trans.length > 0) {
result = trans[0]; // start with the first element
for (int i = 1; i < trans.length; i++)
result = result + separator + trans[i];
System.out.println ( result );
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Views: 130
Reputation: 21249
There is significant confusion about how you're writing this program. Let's take your core functionality and consider it:
public static String toMorse(String english) { ... }
Unlike your implementation, note that it returns a String. This is because you're giving it one string (the English phrase) and you want back another string (the Morse phrase). Always think first about what your data is, and write functions on that data. Don't write the function and think about what your data is second.
Consider now the essential part of the implementation of this function, your version here:
for ( int j = 0, t = 0, n = 1; j < phrase.length(); j++) {
if ( phrase.substring(t, n ).equals ( english[j] ) ) {
translation[t] = morse[j];
First, why are you instantiating three variables, which you fail to name (so what they mean is unclear to someone looking at it the first time) and which you increase in lockstep? The following does the same thing:
for ( int j = 0, t=0; j < phrase.length(); j++) {
if ( phrase.substring(t, (t+1) ).equals ( english[j] ) ) {
translation[t] = morse[j];
But it's still unclear what j
and t
do from the name. You're really using them as an indices as you do a character-by-character conversion. If we look at the Java String API we see that you're using substring() to get a particular character... except that your start and end points are j
and j+1
, which means you're going to always get two characters. Two characters will never match a single character.
The documentation linked above shows another option for retrieving a character.
While we're at it, please note:
to replace instances of a particular thing with another. In a second place you're exhaustively traversing an n-length list looking for a particular match. Use one method or the other. Using both is inappropriate here and confusing.My final suggestion is that you step away from the code and try to write out, in plain English, the instructions to do this conversion. You seem hung up on details (such as pasting text to a swing front-end) that prevents you from solving the problem at hand: how to properly translate a phrase from one language to another.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 396
Add some "System.out.println" will help you to understand what's wrong in your code. Please focus on:
for ( int j = 0, t = 0, n = 1; j < phrase.length(); j++)
if ( phrase.substring(t, n ).equals ( english[j] ) )
translation[t] = morse[j];
// Try add one line:
By the way, do you use eclipse or NetBeans, etc? If not, you probably learn one of them.
Upvotes: 0