Reputation: 13
Can someone spot why this code fail to output a constant pulse? At least my Fluke can't trigger on the high pulse, seems like it comes and goes a bit random..
This is my first asm program, so keep in mind it could be naive bugs in the code
.include "" ; Include file for Attiny10
.org $0000
rjmp RESET ; ISR reset vector (also start of prog)
.org $0008
rjmp WDT ; Watchdog reset vector
.def t = r16 ; temp register
.def PWM_c1 = r24 ; PWM counter register 1
.def PWM_c2 = r25 ; PWM counter register 2
.def PWM_c3 = r17 ; PWM counter register 3
ldi t, low(RAMEND) ; init high and low bytes for stack pointer
out spl, t
ldi t, high(RAMEND)
out sph, t
ldi t, (0<<SM2)|(1<<SM1)|(0<<SM0)|(1<<SE)
out SMCR, t ; set power down mode at sleep command
sei ; enable global interrupts
ldi t, (1<<ADC1D)|(1<<ADC0D)
out DIDR0, t
ldi t, 0xD8 ; write signature
out CCP, t
ldi t, (1<<CLKPS3)|(0<<CLKPS2)|(0<<CLKPS1)|(0<<CLKPS0)
out CLKPSR, t ; prescale by 256
rcall PWM_INIT
rcall POWER_DOWN ; WDT power down
ldi PWM_c3, 255 ; total number of pulses
sbi PORTB, led ; set out high
ldi PWM_c1, 0
ldi PWM_c2, 0
inc PWM_c1
cpi PWM_c1, 16 ; target count (PWM high)
cpi PWM_c1, 208
brne PWM_LOOP ; first loop counts to 208
inc PWM_c2
cpi PWM_c2, 5
brne PWM_LOOP ; second loop counts to 5
dec PWM_c3
brne PWM_START ; counts down number of pulses
cbi PORTB, led
Upvotes: 1
Views: 720
Reputation: 388
Well, the running of a processor is not completely constant, even for simple code like this. What you probably want to to is use timers onboard your chip, and change signal on an overflow interrupt. Timers onboard are made to be very consistent.
Upvotes: 1