Reputation: 3209
I'm trying to start using PHPUnit with Zend Test for my Zend Framework application. I'm able to run the PHPUnit command from command line phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
. I've tried following this tutorial which is based off of Matthew Weier O'Phinney's blog post. I'm getting an error when PHPUnit tries to write the log file. Here's my phpunit.xml
<phpunit bootstrap="./Bootstrap.php" colors="true">
<testsuite name="Zend Framework Tests">
<!-- Optional filtering and logging settings -->
<directory suffix=".php">../library/</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">../application/</directory>
<directory suffix=".phtml">../application/</directory>
<log type="coverage-html" target="./log/report" charset="UTF-8" yui="true" highlight="true" lowUpperBound="50" highLowerBound="80"/>
<log type="testdox-html" target="./log/testdox.html"/>
My testing bootstrap:
//Set app paths and environment
define('BASE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define('APPLICATION_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/application');
define('TEST_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/tests');
define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'testing');
//Set include path
set_include_path('.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . BASE_PATH . '/library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
//Set the default timezone
And my ControllerTestCase that I would like my testing controllers to extend:
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
require_once 'Zend/Test/PHPUnit/ControllerTestCase.php';
abstract class ControllerTestCase extends Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase
public $_application;
public function setUp()
//Override the parent to solve an issue with not finding the correct module
$this->bootstrap = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
The error I get when PHPUnit tries to write the log file is:
Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command' not found in C:\repositories\\includes\library\Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Command\ImportCommand.php on line 38
Any clues on what I'm doing wrong? I'm on PHP 5.4, Windows 7, XAMPP 8.0, Pear is up to date, and I have the latest PHPUnit.
Update If I change my Bootstrap.php to the following from Matthew Weier O'Phinney's blog:
* Start output buffering
* Set error reporting to the level to which code must comply.
error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
* Set default timezone
* Testing environment
define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'testing');
* Determine the root, library, tests, and models directories
$root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
$library = $root . '/library';
$tests = $root . '/tests';
$models = $root . '/application/models';
$controllers = $root . '/application/controllers';
* Prepend the library/, tests/, and models/ directories to the
* include_path. This allows the tests to run out of the box.
$path = array(
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $path));
* Register autoloader
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
* Store application root in registry
Zend_Registry::set('testRoot', $root);
Zend_Registry::set('testBootstrap', $root . '/application/bootstrap.php');
* Unset global variables that are no longer needed.
unset($root, $library, $models, $controllers, $tests, $path);
I continue to get the error about Symfony from Doctrine. I ensured that I installed as well. So still broken.
If I remove the Doctrine reference from my app.ini for the application I'm testing (which means it doesn't get loaded), I still get the error. It almost feels like the loaders for each of the three parts (PHPUnit, ZF, Doctrine) are fighting each other. Is there a way around this?
Second update: I downgraded PHPUnit to 3.4.15 and I'm still having this issue. My next step is to go from PHP 5.4 to 5.3.x.
Third update: I am now on PHP 5.3.10 and am seeing the same error.
If there's more information you need, please let me know.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 4928
Reputation: 456
I'm missing the loading of the application in your bootstrap.
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
To give you an idea about what I have in my tests/bootstrap.php (this is auto-generated by zend tool since release-1.11.4)
// Define path to application directory
|| define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application'));
// Define application environment
|| define('APPLICATION_ENV', (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : 'testing'));
// Ensure library/ is on include_path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library'),
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
As mentioned by the Zend Framework manual, best is to use PHPUnit 3.4.15 although I could run my tests using PHPUnit 3.6.12 as I'm isolating my tests to focus on my business logic and not the logic of Zend Framework.
I also modified my phpunit.xml as well into the following:
<phpunit bootstrap="./bootstrap.php" colors="true">
<testsuite name="Application Test Suite">
<testsuite name="Library Test Suite">
<directory suffix=".php">../../library</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">../../application</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">../../library/Zend</directory>
I hope this solves many of your issues you're facing now.
Best regards,
Upvotes: 3