Reputation: 2509
Demo Here in jsbin demo i m getting start time but i dnt know any idea how to get end time. how should i go further to get end time. i dont want to change html. i have to get end time using present html. i m trying since last three days.
$("#btnAllot").click(function ()
{ var calculateStartMins = $('td.csstd:first');var calculateStartHrs = calculateStartMins.parent().prevAll().andSelf().find('td:first-child').filter(function(){return $.trim($(this).text()) !== '';}).last();
var fromTime = calculateStartHrs.text().trim() + calculateStartMins.text().trim();
var fromTimeAMPM = fromTime.substring(5, 7);
var fromTimeHour = fromTime.trim().substring(0, 2);
var fromTimeMinute = fromTime.substring(7, 10);
var hidFromTime = fromTimeHour.trim() +":"+ fromTimeMinute.trim();alert("Start Time is "+hidFromTime.trim());
var endTime = $('td.csstd:last').parent().next().andSelf().find('td:first-child').
filter(function ()
{return $.trim($(this).text()) !== '';
}).last();alert("End Time is "+endTime);
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Views: 393
Reputation: 4020
You're thinking way too complicated, I guess... See if this works for you:
var begin = $("td.csstd:first"), end = $("td.csstd:last"),
beginHour, endHour, endMinute, currentHour, beginTime, endTime;
var minuteTd = $(this).find("td").eq(1),
t = $(this).find("td:first").text().trim();
(t.length) && (currentHour = t);
(minuteTd.filter(begin).length > 0) && (beginHour = currentHour);
(minuteTd.filter(end).length > 0) && (endHour = currentHour);
endHour = endHour.replace(/00/, "").split(":");
endHour[0] = Number(endHour[0]);
endMinute = (Number(end.text().trim())+15) % 60;
if (endMinute == 0) {
endHour[0] = (endHour[0] + 1) % 12;
if (endHour[0] == 0) {
endHour[0] = 12;
endHour[1] = endHour[1] == "AM" ? "PM" : "AM";
(endHour[0] < 10) && (endHour[0] = "0"+endHour[0]);
(endMinute < 10) && (endMinute = "0"+endMinute);
beginTime = beginHour.replace(/00/, begin.text().trim());
endTime = endHour[0] + ":" + endMinute + endHour[1];
alert("Start time is "+beginTime);
alert("End time is "+endTime);
Upvotes: 1