Reputation: 51
I'm very new with MatLab, I have Run Length Encoding code but it seems to not work, can you help me?
I have this input :
ChainCode = 11012321170701000700000700766666666666665555555544443344444333221322222322
and I want make it into RLE output :
(1,2), (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (3,1), (2,1), (1,2), (7,1), (0,1), (7,1), (0,1),
(1,1), (0,3), (7,1), (0,5), (7,1), (0,2), (7,1), (6,13), (5,8), (4,4), (3,2),
(4,5), (3,3), (2,2), (1,1), (3,1), (2,5), (3,1), (2,2)
This is my code :
lengthcode = 1;
N = 1;
for i = 2:length(ChainCode)
if x(i)==x(i-1)
N = N + 1;
valuecode(N) = x(i);
lengthcode(N) = lengthcode(N) + 1;
N = 1;
lengthcode = 1;
i = i + 1;
But this is not working, and I am still confused about how can I print the output like that.
I hope you can help me. Thank you.
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Views: 10194
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Here is a compact solution without loop, cellfun or arrayfun:
chainCode = '11012321170701000700000700766666666666665555555544443344444333221322222322';
numCode = chainCode - '0'; % turn to numerical array
J=find(diff([numCode(1)-1, numCode]));
relMat=[numCode(J); diff([J, numel(numCode)+1])];
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 14842
You can avoid the for loop:
chainCode = '11012321170701000700000700766666666666665555555544443344444333221322222322';
numCode = chainCode - '0'; % turn to numerical array
% detect edges (changes)
edges = arrayfun( @(x,y) x ~= y, ...
numCode(1:end-1), ...
% get indexes
idx = find(edges);
% create tuples
relMat = cell2mat(arrayfun( ...
@(b,e) [ numCode(b) ; e-b+1 ], ...
[ 1 (idx + 1) ], ...
[ idx length(numCode) ], ...
'UniformOutput', false));
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5014
By sticking to your original implementation, the following simple changes should work.
chainCode = '11012321170701000700000700766666666666665555555544443344444333221322222322';
numCode = chainCode - '0'; % turn to numerical array
relMat = [];
numCode = [numCode nan]; % dummy ending
N = 1;
for i = 1:length(numCode)-1
if numCode(i)==numCode(i+1)
N = N + 1;
valuecode = numCode(i);
lengthcode = N;
relMat = [relMat; valuecode lengthcode];
N = 1;
You can format the output however you like. For example as a sequence:
relMatT = relMat';
relSeq = relMatT(:)';
or format a string to the suggested output:
relString = [];
for i = 1:length(relMat)
relString = [relString, sprintf('(%d, %d), ', relMat(i,1), relMat(i,2))];
As an extension, if you have alphanumerics in your source sequence you should modify the above in order to compare strings instead of numbers.
UPDATE: To count the occurrences of unique code pairs in the original relMat
try finding the pairs and count zero-diffs row-wise. For example:
relMatUnique = unique(relMat, 'rows'); % find unique pairs
nPairs = length(relMatUnique);
nOccur = zeros(nPairs, 1);
for i = 1:nPairs
pairInMat = bsxfun(@minus, relMat, relMatUnique(i,:)); % find pair in relMat
nOccur(i) = sum(~sum(pairInMat, 2));
relMatOccur = [relMatUnique nOccur]; % unique pairs and number of occurrences
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Reputation: 1150
% Convert string to numeric array
ChainCodeString = '11012321170701000700000700766666666666665555555544443344444333221322222322';
ChainCodeArray = ChainCodeString - '0';
% Initialize
CurrentRleValue = ChainCodeArray(1);
CurrentRleCount = 1;
RleCodeIndex = 1;
for i = 2 : length(ChainCodeArray)
if ChainCodeArray(i)==ChainCodeArray(i-1)
% Increment current run-length count
CurrentRleCount = CurrentRleCount + 1;
% Store current run-length
valuecode(RleCodeIndex) = CurrentRleValue;
lengthcode(RleCodeIndex) = CurrentRleCount;
RleCodeIndex = RleCodeIndex + 1;
% Initialize next run-length
CurrentRleValue = ChainCodeArray(i);
CurrentRleCount = 1;
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