Reputation: 37
I'm having an issue with the code below. It's all working fine, except I want the program to restart if the user types in "Y" at the end, and end if anything else is pressed.
However, whenever I type anything at the "Restart Calculator" prompt, it will stop running, regardless of whether I type in "Y" or "N". Validation with the Y/N is not too important here, I just want it to restart if Y is typed and end if anything else is typed.
Apologies for the noob code, Java beginner here.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.*;
public class Savings {
public static void main(String[] args)
//Imports scanner, to read user's input
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
do {
//Asks for and receives user's initial deposit
int initial_Deposit;
do {
System.out.print("Enter initial deposit in dollars (Between $1 - $50000: ");
while (!scan.hasNextInt()) {
System.out.println("Please enter a valid number between '1-50000'");;
initial_Deposit = scan.nextInt();
} while (initial_Deposit <= 0 || initial_Deposit >= 50001);
//Asks for and receives user's interest rate
double interest_Rate;
do {
System.out.print("Enter interest rate as a percentage between '0.1-100.0' (e.g. 4.0):");
while (!scan.hasNextDouble()) {
System.out.println("Enter interest rate as a percentage between '0.1-100.0' (e.g. 4.0):");;
interest_Rate = scan.nextDouble();
} while (interest_Rate <= 0.0 || interest_Rate >= 100.1);
//Asks for and receives user's monthly deposit
int monthly_Deposit;
do {
System.out.print("Enter monthly deposit in dollars between '$1 - $5000: ");
while (!scan.hasNextDouble()) {
System.out.println("Enter monthly deposit in dollars between '$1 - $5000: ");;
monthly_Deposit = scan.nextInt();
} while (monthly_Deposit <= 0 || monthly_Deposit >= 5001);
//Asks for and receives user's investment duration
int monthly_Duration;
do {
System.out.print("Enter investment duration (Between 1 and 12): ");
while (!scan.hasNextDouble()) {
System.out.println("Enter investment duration (Between 1 and 12): ");;
monthly_Duration = scan.nextInt();
} while (monthly_Duration <= 0 || monthly_Duration >= 13);
//Asks for and receives user's first name
String first_Name;
System.out.print("Enter first name: ");
first_Name =;
//Asks for and receives user's surname
String last_Name;
System.out.print("Enter surname: ");
last_Name =;
//Formats first name to only first letter
char firstLetter = first_Name.charAt(0);
//Changes name to correct format
String formatted_Name;
formatted_Name = "Savings growth over the next six months for " + last_Name + ", " + firstLetter;
//Calculates the first balance
double balanceCurrent;
balanceCurrent = initial_Deposit + monthly_Deposit;
//Prepares to format currency
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
//Defining variables
double balanceNew;
double interestEarned;
//Defining counter for while loop
int counter;
counter = monthly_Duration;
int month_Counter;
month_Counter = 1;
//While loop to calculate savings
while (counter > 0) {
balanceNew = balanceCurrent + (balanceCurrent *((interest_Rate /12)/100));
interestEarned = balanceCurrent *((interest_Rate /12)/100);
balanceCurrent = balanceNew + monthly_Deposit;
System.out.println("Balance after month " + month_Counter + ": $" + df.format((balanceNew)));
System.out.println("Interest earned for this month: $" + df.format(interestEarned));
counter = counter - 1;
month_Counter = month_Counter + 1;
//Formats data into a table
balanceCurrent = initial_Deposit + monthly_Deposit;
counter = monthly_Duration;
int month;
month = 0;
String dollarSign = "$";
String stringHeadingOne = "Month";
String stringHeadingTwo = "New Balance";
String stringHeadingThree = "Interest Earned";
String dividerOne = "----- ----------- ---------------";
System.out.printf("%-9s %s %19s \n", stringHeadingOne, stringHeadingTwo, stringHeadingThree);
while (counter > 0) {
balanceNew = balanceCurrent + (balanceCurrent *((interest_Rate /12)/100));
interestEarned = balanceCurrent *((interest_Rate /12)/100);
balanceCurrent = balanceNew + monthly_Deposit;
month = month + 1;
System.out.printf("%-11s %s %s %13s %s \n", month, dollarSign, df.format((balanceNew)), dollarSign, df.format(interestEarned));
counter = counter - 1;
System.out.print("Restart Calculator? Y/N);");
} while ( == "Y");
} }
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1019
Reputation: 190
When comparing Strings or anyother object for that matter you need to use the .equals(Object other) method. You can only use == with primatives ( boolean, int, double,...)
There is also an method to take the string to Uppercase that would allow the user to enter "y" or "Y""Y");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5782
You should be using the Equals method for Strings:
while ("Y".equals(;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6053
while ( == "Y"); // Is checking for reference equality
When doing object comparisons in Java, use equals()
while ("Y"));
Or, as the previous answer pointed out you can compare characters with the ==
Upvotes: 4