Reputation: 51
I have created a simple program to generate random images, giving random colors to each pixel. I know that there is a very low chance of generating a reconocible image but I would like to try.
I have observed that the longest part of the work is to check if the images are really something. I also observed that most of the images produced are just fields of colorful images with lots of individual pixels. That's why I would like to ask for an algorithm in pseudocode to detect similar color regions in an image. I think that the easiest way to find meaningful images is to filter all those random pixel images. It's not perfect but I think it will help. If someone could propose another kind of filtering algorithm that would help with this task I would also apreciate it.
To clarify this, in case my explanation was not clear enough, I will show you some images:
This is the kind of images I'm getting, basically I would describe it as "Colorful noise". As you can see, all the pixels are spread individually without grouping in similar color regions to hopfully create shapes of objects or anything reconocible as something.
In here you can see a conventional image, a "reconocible" picture. We can clearly see a dog lying on the grass with a tennis ball. If you observe carefully this picture it can be clearly distinguished from the other one because it has agrupations of similar colors which we can difer (as the dog, a white region, the grass, a dark green region, and the tenis ball, a light green region).
What I exactly want is to remove the "pixelly" images before saving them in the HD and only save the ones with color agrupations. As I said before, this idea is the best I had to filter these randomly generated images but if someone proposes another more efficient way I would really apreciate it.
Ok, I think that this post is becoming too long... Well if someone want's to have a look here is the code of the program I wrote. It's really straightforward. I've program it in Python using Pygame. I know that this isn't nearly the most efficient way to do it, I'm aware of that. The thing is that I'm quite a noob in this field and I don't really know another way to do this in other languages or modules. Maybe you could help me also with this... I don't know, maybe translate the code to C++? I'm feeling that I'm asking for to many questions in the same post but, as I sayd tons of times, any help would be greatly apreciated.
import pygame, random
#lots of printed text statements here
imageX = int(input("Enter the widht of the image you want to produce: "))
imageY = int(input("Enter the height of the image you want to produce: "))
maxImages = int(input("Enter the maximun image amoungt you want to produce: "))
maxMem = int(input("Enter the maximun data you want to produce (MB, only works with 800x600 images): "))
maxPPS = int(input("Enter the maximun image amoungt you want to produce each second: "))
firstSeed = int(input("Enter the first seed you want to use: "))
seed = firstSeed
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
images = 0
keepGoing = True
while keepGoing:
image = pygame.Surface((imageX,imageY))
for x in range(imageX):
for y in range(imageY):
red = random.randint(0,255)
green = random.randint(0,255)
blue = random.randint(0,255)
#update parameters
seed += 1
images += 1
#print seed
print(seed - 1)
#check end
if images >= maxImages:
keepGoing = False
elif (images * 1.37) >= maxMem:
keepGoing = False
print("\n\nThis is the last seed that was used: " + str(seed - 1))
input("\nPress Enter to exit")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5356
Reputation: 296
Here is a butchered algorithm for you to try (try it in OpenCV):
What is happening? Your filtering out high frequencies then seeing if there is still something left over. Most images have lots of energy at lower spatial frequencies. In fact jpeg compression uses this fact to compress images. The filter must have an energy of one to work correctly, so I'm assuming that this is true.
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 137
Without knowing exactly what you're trying to achieve, it's difficult to offer specific help. But, reading your account did remind me of something I saw recently which, whilst quite different in implementation, has a similar end goal: generate a recognisable image from randomness.
Check out by Philip McCarthy.
Philip's project starts with random polygons and the algorithm favours face like images. Two key points here: the polygons significantly reduce the amount of random noise right off the bat so the chances of generating something recognisable are significantly increased. Secondly, the algorithm favours a specific type of recognisable image: I suspect you're going to have to work towards a specific type of image so that you have some parameters with which to computationally estimate "recognisability".
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Reputation: 6739
The simplest way of filtering out noise is to look for correlation. Nearby regions should be highly correlated in most of the image. There are so many ways to do it.
You should use a combination of the following and do some tweaking to find parameters to get acceptable hit/miss ratio
Color correlation: You will find huge amount of correlation in U/V in nearby regions in "proper" images.
Edge detection: Natural images tend to have well defined edges. easiest way to detect noise from natural images is to do this.
Quite bit more can be done: Frequency analysis: Noisy images will have all frequencies natural images have huge peaks usually. scale space analysis etc depending on how complex you want to get.. how much hit ratio you are willing to tolerate. In general trying to get recognizable images is an open ended topic but you should be able to get very high hit ratio if you specifically wanting to remove out noise images like the one you gave in the example.
EDIT: In general there is no exact algorithms for problems like this. You have to make assumptions about properties of underlying data. Then use basic primitives (correlation, frequency domain data, edges etc) and combine it to give your algorithm for solving the problem. This is because the solution to problems like this is very data specific. Quite different than solving say Computer science algorithms. This is not to say that signal processing algorithms don't have exactness. However your current problem and many others deal with what is known as Random Variables and Stochastic Processes. You may have to search if someone has tried to solve this problem in literature or at some university. You can use that as your starting point. Tweak that algorithm to suite you. However you are not going to get a solution easily unless you take some time to understand some of the things I mentioned and are willing to do some experiments and emperical analysis.
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