
Reputation: 843

PHP mysql insert date format

I'm using jQuery datepicker the format of the datepicker is this 08/25/2012

I have errors when inserting to my database it inserts only 0000-00-00 00 00 00

My code is:

$id = $_POST['id'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
$sql = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO user_date VALUE( '', '$name', '$date')" ) or die ( mysql_error() );
echo 'insert successful';

I'm sure my insert is correct.

Upvotes: 64

Views: 390563

Answers (11)


Reputation: 1

These days, I am not good with dates. Thanks to the following work, I can print the dates in the format I want.

$year = $_POST['year'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$day = $_POST['day'];
$scr = strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day);
$gelis_tarihi = date('Y-m-d', $scr);

$yil = $_POST['yil'];
$ay = $_POST['ay'];
$gun = $_POST['gun'];
$birlestir = strtotime($yil . '-' . $ay . '-' . $gun);
$gelis_tarihi = date('Y-m-d', $birlestir);

Upvotes: 0

Suppose you receive a Christmas date: December 25, 2021 (25 de Diciembre del año 2021) in string format: "d-m-Y" for example "12-25-2021". First create a valid DateTime object from the received format:

var_dump(DateTime::createFromFormat("d-m-Y","25-12-2021", new DateTimeZone("America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires")));

This generates as output:

object(DateTime)#2 (3) {
  string(26) "2021-12-25 10:21:11.000000"
  string(30) "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"

Now to get the date field from the DateTime object ready to go using format("Y-m-d H:i:s")):

var_dump(DateTime::createFromFormat("d-m-Y","25-12-2021",new DateTimeZone("America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));

This generates as output a ready to insert value:

string(19) "2021-12-25 10:56:30"

In summary now you can insert a formated date ('DD-MM-YYYY') in MySQL like this:

//string input post like "25-12-2021"
$date_input = $_POST['date_input']; 
//create DateTime object
$date_time_obj=DateTime::createFromFormat("d-m-Y","25-12-2021",new DateTimeZone("America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"));
//format date ready to insert as string at MySQL
$str_date=$date_time_obj->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

Now run directly from PHP to MySQL as a query:

$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'my_user', 'my_password', 'world');

//verify connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    printf("Error de conexión: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
//prepare the query to execute
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO table_example (DATE_FIELD) VALUES (?)");
//prevent sql injection
$stmt->bind_param('s', $str_date);
//execute prepared statements
$stmt->execute ();

Upvotes: 0

Pupan Poulkaew
Pupan Poulkaew

Reputation: 1


<div class="form-group">
  <label for="pt_date" class="col-2 col-form-label">Date</label>
  <input class="form-control" type="date" value=<?php echo  date("Y-m-d") ;?> id="pt_date" name="pt_date">


$pt_date = $_POST['pt_date'];

$sql = "INSERT INTO `table` ( `pt_date`) VALUES ( '$pt_date')";

Upvotes: 0

Anand Raj Mehta
Anand Raj Mehta

Reputation: 527

First of all store $date=$_POST['your date field name'];

insert into **Your_Table Name** values('$date',**other fields**);

You must contain date in single cote (' ')

I hope it is helps.

Upvotes: -2


Reputation: 126035

As stated in Date and Time Literals:

MySQL recognizes DATE values in these formats:

  • As a string in either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YY-MM-DD' format. A “relaxed” syntax is permitted: Any punctuation character may be used as the delimiter between date parts. For example, '2012-12-31', '2012/12/31', '2012^12^31', and '2012@12@31' are equivalent.

  • As a string with no delimiters in either 'YYYYMMDD' or 'YYMMDD' format, provided that the string makes sense as a date. For example, '20070523' and '070523' are interpreted as '2007-05-23', but '071332' is illegal (it has nonsensical month and day parts) and becomes '0000-00-00'.

  • As a number in either YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD format, provided that the number makes sense as a date. For example, 19830905 and 830905 are interpreted as '1983-09-05'.

Therefore, the string '08/25/2012' is not a valid MySQL date literal. You have four options (in some vague order of preference, without any further information of your requirements):

  1. Configure Datepicker to provide dates in a supported format using an altField together with its altFormat option:

    <input type="hidden" id="actualDate" name="actualDate"/>
    $( "selector" ).datepicker({
        altField : "#actualDate"
        altFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd"

    Or, if you're happy for users to see the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, simply set the dateFormat option instead:

    $( "selector" ).datepicker({
        dateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd"
  2. Use MySQL's STR_TO_DATE() function to convert the string:

    INSERT INTO user_date VALUES ('', '$name', STR_TO_DATE('$date', '%m/%d/%Y'))
  3. Convert the string received from jQuery into something that PHP understands as a date, such as a DateTime object:

    $dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $_POST['date']);

    and then either:

    • obtain a suitable formatted string:

      $date = $dt->format('Y-m-d');
    • obtain the UNIX timestamp:

      $timestamp = $dt->getTimestamp();

      which is then passed directly to MySQL's FROM_UNIXTIME() function:

      INSERT INTO user_date VALUES ('', '$name', FROM_UNIXTIME($timestamp))
  4. Manually manipulate the string into a valid literal:

    $parts = explode('/', $_POST['date']);
    $date  = "$parts[2]-$parts[0]-$parts[1]";


  1. Your code is vulnerable to SQL injection. You really should be using prepared statements, into which you pass your variables as parameters that do not get evaluated for SQL. If you don't know what I'm talking about, or how to fix it, read the story of Bobby Tables.

  2. Also, as stated in the introduction to the PHP manual chapter on the mysql_* functions:

    This extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and is not recommended for writing new code as it will be removed in the future. Instead, either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also the MySQL API Overview for further help while choosing a MySQL API.

  3. You appear to be using either a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP column for holding a date value; I recommend you consider using MySQL's DATE type instead. As explained in The DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP Types:

    The DATE type is used for values with a date part but no time part. MySQL retrieves and displays DATE values in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. The supported range is '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31'.

    The DATETIME type is used for values that contain both date and time parts. MySQL retrieves and displays DATETIME values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. The supported range is '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59'.

    The TIMESTAMP data type is used for values that contain both date and time parts. TIMESTAMP has a range of '1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTC.

Upvotes: 183

Get a date object from the jquery date picker using

var myDate = $('element').datepicker('getDate')

For mysql the date needs to be in the proper format. One option which handles any timezone issues is to use moment.js

moment(myDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')

Upvotes: 1

Kishan Chauhan
Kishan Chauhan

Reputation: 1236

$date_field         = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_POST['date_field']));
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_date (column_name,column_name,column_name) VALUES('',$name,$date_field)") or die (mysql_error());

Upvotes: 9

William Worley
William Worley

Reputation: 854

The simplest method is

$dateArray = explode('/', $_POST['date']);
$date = $dateArray[2].'-'.$dateArray[0].'-'.$dateArray[1];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_date (column,column,column) VALUES('',$name,$date)") or die (mysql_error());

Upvotes: 0

shubham prajapati
shubham prajapati

Reputation: 1

Try Something like this..

echo "The time is " . date("2:50:20");
$d=strtotime("3.00pm july 28 2014");
echo "Created date is " . date("d-m-y h:i:sa",$d);

Upvotes: -2

Ilia Ross
Ilia Ross

Reputation: 13412

You must make sure that the date format is YYYY-MM-DD on your jQuery output. I can see jQuery returns MM-DD-YYYY, which is not the valid MySQL date format and this is why it returns an error.

To convert it to the right one you could do this:

$dateFormated = split('/', $date);
$date = $dateFormated[2].'-'.$dateFormated[0].'-'.$dateFormated[1];

Then you will get formatted date that will be valid MySQL format, which is YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. 2012-08-25

I would also recommend using mysql_real_escape_string as you insert data into database to prevent SQL injections as a quick solution or better use PDO or MySQLi.

Your insert query using mysql_real_escape_string should rather look like this:

$sql = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO user_date VALUE( '', '" .mysql_real_escape_string($name). "', '" .mysql_real_escape_string($date). "'" ) or die ( mysql_error() );

Upvotes: 1

Mihai Iorga
Mihai Iorga

Reputation: 39724

You should consider creating a timestamp from that date witk mktime()


$date = explode('/', $_POST['date']);
$time = mktime(0,0,0,$date[0],$date[1],$date[2]);
$mysqldate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time );

Upvotes: 10

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