Reputation: 534
I want to create a subroutine that adds commas to elements and adds an "and" before the last element, e.g., so that "12345" becomes "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5". I know how to add the commas, but the problem is the result I get is "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5," and I don't know how to get rid of the last comma.
sub commas {
my @with_commas;
foreach (@_) {
push (@with_commas, ($_, ", ")); #up to here it's fine
splice @with_commas, -2, 1, ("and ", $_[-1]);
As you can probably tell, I'm trying to delete the last element in the new array (@with_commas), since it has the comma appended, and add in the last element in the old array (@_, passed to the sub routine from the main program, with no added comma).
When I run this, the result is, e.g., "1, 2, 3, 4, and 5," -- with the comma at the end. Where is that comma coming from? Only @with_commas was supposed to get the commas.
Any help is appreciated.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1311
Reputation: 349
Small hint
for( 1 .. 10 ) {
print ;
$_ == 10 ? print '' : ($_ != 9 ? print ', ' : print ' and ');
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13411
There is a CPAN module for this, Lingua::Conjunction. I use it myself, and recommend it over rolling your own solution. The usage syntax is very simple:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 98088
use warnings;
use strict;
sub commas {
return "" if @_ == 0;
return $_[0] if @_ == 1;
my $last = pop @_;
my $rest = join (", ", @_);
return $rest.", and ".$last;
my @a = (1,2,3,4,5);
print commas(@a), "\n";
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 129489
Just in the spirit of TIMTOWTDI (though, frankly, @perreal's answer is better as far as readability):
sub commas {
my $last_index = $#_;
my @with_commas = map { (($_==$last_index) ? "and " : "") . $_[$_] }
0 .. $last_index;
print join("," @with_commas)
This is somewhat similar to Alan's answer (more convoluted/complicated), but the benefit compared to that is that it would work if you need to add "and " to any OTHER element than the last one; Alan's only works when you know the exact offset (e.g. last element)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 132896
Add the commas then add the "and ":
use v5.10;
my $string = join ', ', 1 .. 5;
rindex( $string, ', ' ) + 2,
'and '
say $string;
So, work that in as the case when you have more than two elements:
use v5.10;
my @array = 1..5;
my $string = do {
if( @array == 1 ) {
elsif( @array == 2 ) {
join ' and ', @array
elsif( @array > 2 ) {
my $string = join ', ', @array;
my $commas = $string =~ tr/,//;
rindex( $string, ', ' ) + 2,
'and '
say $string;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 386501
sub format_list {
return "" if !@_;
my $last = pop(@_);
return $last if !@_;
return join(', ', @_) . " and " . $last;
print format_list(@list), "\n";
This also handles lists with only one element, unlike most of the other answers.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 74262
You could use join
and modify the last element to include an and
my @list = 1 .. 5;
$list[-1] = "and $list[-1]" if $#list;
print join ', ', @list;
Upvotes: 3