Reputation: 223
I am trying to figure out how to print unique pairs of data from a file using Perl.
For instance,
Input: (
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To tackle the task, I created a copy of the file and iterated through it to find the regular expression. I wrote the following code but I am unable to filter the data.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
open FH, "<check.txt" || die "Error\n";
open FH1, "<checkcopy.txt" || die "Error\n";
chomp (my @array=<FH1>);
my %count=();
while (<FH>)
my @values = split;
next if grep /\D/, @values or @values != 2;
my $re = qr/\A$values[0]\s+$values[1]\z|\A$values[1]\s+$values[0]\z/;
foreach my $key (@array)
if ((grep $_ =~ $re, $key) && (grep ++$count{$_} == 1, $key) )
print "$key\n";
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks.
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Views: 292
You could store the values in a hash as well which makes looking them up much easier. Something like:
my %duplicates;
while (<>) {
my @values = split;
next if @values != 2;
my @sorted = sort @values;
$duplicates{ $sorted[0] } ||= {};
next if $duplicates{ $sorted[0] }->{ $sorted[1] };
$duplicates{ $sorted[0] }->{ $sorted[1] } = 1;
print join(' ', @values), "\n";
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 6633
Here is a technique I saw for a similiar problem using sort
use strict;
use warnings;
my %seen;
my @array;
while (<DATA>) {
next unless 2 == (@array = split);
my $key = join "", sort @array;
print unless $seen{$key}++;
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A25058 A23072
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