Reputation: 175
I have been working on a program lately for raw packets. We recently had a lecture about raw packets so I have been trying to learn and do exactly what my professor told me. I have a problem with my program it comes up with an error saying destination address required, its raw so I don't want to do socket.connect(destaddr) even though that will fix the error. Here is my code: Here is the class and function:
#not real mac address to protect privacy also removed preamble
class packet(object):
b = ""
def __init__(self, payload):
self.payload = payload
def ether(self):
#preamble = "55555555555555D5"
macdest = "123456789101" #my mac address - needed to remove colons
macsource = "123456789101" #router mac address without colons
ethertype = "0800" #removed 0x because it is not needed
fcs = "" #frame check sequence none so far
frame = macdest+macsource+ethertype
return frame
def ip(self): #in hexadecimal
version = "4" #ipv4 hex
ihl = "5" #header length hex
dscp = "00" #default
ecn = "00" #default
length = "36" #ether-24 + ip-20 + tcp-30 = 54 to hexa = 35
idip="0000" #random id
flags = "40" #dont fragment flag is 2 to hex is 4
offset = "00" #space taker
ttl = "40"#hex(64) = 40
protocol = "06" #for tcp
checksum = "0000"
ipaddrfrom = "c0a8010a"
ipaddrto = "c0a80101"
datagram = version+ihl+dscp+ecn+length+idip+flags+offset+ttl+protocol+checksum+ipaddrfrom+ipaddrto
return datagram
def tcp(self):
portsrc = "15c0" #5568
portdest = "0050" #80
syn = "00000000"
ack = "00000000"
nonce = "80"
fin = "10"
windowscale = "813b"
checksum = "0000"
segment = portsrc+portdest+syn+ack+nonce+fin+windowscale + checksum
return segment
def getpacket(self):
frame = self.ether()
datagram = self.ip()
segment = self.tcp()
payload = self.payload
packet = frame+datagram+segment+payload
a = 0
b = ""
for char in packet:
a = a+1
b = b + char
if a == 4:
b = b + " "
self.fmtpacket = b
return packet
def raw():
s.bind(('', 0))
pckt = packet("")
netpacket = pckt.getpacket()
print "Sending: " + pckt.fmtpacket
print ""
data = s.recv(4096)
print data
Upvotes: 0
Views: 7178
Reputation: 11
packet to be sent should contain the actual bytes and not the string.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3287
If your professor is okay with it, you may find Scapy a lot easier to work with in creating raw packets in python.
From their website:
Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. It can easily handle most classical tasks like scanning, tracerouting, probing, unit tests, attacks or network discovery (it can replace hping, 85% of nmap, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, tcpdump, tethereal, p0f, etc.)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2194
Is there a reason for binding to ''? When you create a raw socket, you'll need to bind it to an interface.
One thing I notice is that you'll need the '\x' prefix for hex.
Right now, you're stringing together chars.
For example, in ip(), version + ihl = '45'. That's a string, not a hex value. When you're sending this along, as a raw packet, that's two bytes instead of the one that you want. You want to send '\x45', not '45'.
Upvotes: 1