Reputation: 3784
First of all, I am not from programming background and totally new to VBscript. For some reasons, I have to do a this scripting task at office. I want to use it with Quick Test Professional 11.
I have gone through many posts here as well on other forums but not able to find the required information.
Ok so here's what I need to do:
I have to compare two text files and write the difference in third file. Both the files have almost same content aprt from some field, ie: Date, Order no and so on.
For example, File-1 has Date: 00/11/1234 and Order no: 1111 and File-2 has Date: 11/00/6789 and Order no: 2222 So is there any way that I can ignore these fields and its value? Is there any way that I can create ignore list which I can add and which will be used during comparison and will skip the fields during comparison? So my difference file will not have these difference as these values will always be different. And so I can get the all other differences in my result file.
For your reference, here is the sample files.
So far I have compared both the files but in a simplest way, I don't know how to ignore the fields. I want to make these task as a function so that I can use it in my function library.
Date: 00/11/1234 / Order no: 1111
Price 1: $1111.00
Price 2: $2222.00
Price 3: $1234.00
ABC def GHI kjl 1111
Order no: 1111
Term: 2-Year
Date: 00/11/1234
Date: 11/00/6789 and Order no: 2222
Price 1: $1111.00
Price 2: $2222.00
Price 3: $5678.00
ABC def GHI kjl 1111
Order no: 2222
Term: 3-Year
Date: 11/00/6789
Result file should display:
File-1 Line 4: Price 3: $1234.00
File-2 Line 4: Price 3: $5678.00
File-1 Line 7: Term: 2-Year
File-2 Line 7: Term: 3-Year
Thank you very much in advance.
Hi @Ekkehard.Horner Thank a lot for your help and time and for tolerating my sily questions. The fact is, the more I tried to understand your code, the more I got confused. When I put this below code in Quick Test Pro_11, it throws me syntax error @ "Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init("C:......" QTP is saying "Expected End of STatement" between "... New cDiffer" and ".init" QTP showed me error in both function "TrailVersion" as well as in function "GoldVersion"
It will be more than great if you will throw some light on this. And is it necessary to have "Expected" text file...? As I dont want to include that part because otherwise I've to create "Expected" file for my every comparison.
Please pardon me my sily questions.
Thanks in advance.
Class cDiffer
Option Explicit
Dim goFS : Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Quit TrialVersion()
WScript.Quit TinVersion()
Function TinVersion()
WScript.Echo "can't compare files yet."
TinVersion = 1
End Function ' TinVersion
Function TrialVersion()
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init("C:\Documents and Settings\24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\A_30120625003267.TXT", "C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDFcomparison\B_30120502002776.TXT", Array("Quote ID:", "Quote Summary for:", "Quote Date:", "Tracking ID (A):", "Tracking ID (Z):", "Tracking ID:")
' the differ should be able to return a result - the differences
Dim sRes : sRes = oDiffer.diffs()
' check actual vs. expected result
Dim sExp : sExp = goFS.OpenTextFile("Expected").ReadAll()
WScript.Echo "--------- Res"
WScript.Echo sRes
If sExp = sRes Then
WScript.Echo "ok"
' save result
goFS.CreateTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\Result.TXT", True).Write sRes
TrialVersion = 0 Else
' show failure
WScript.Echo "--------- Exp"
WScript.Echo sExp
WScript.Echo "not ok"
TrialVersion = 1
End If
End Function ' TrialVersion
'trivial Differ
'Class cDiffer
Dim m_sLFSpec : m_sLFSpec = "C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\A_30120625003267.TXT"
Dim m_sRFSpec : m_sRFSpec = "C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\B_30120502002776.TXT"
' "constructor" with params
Public Function init(sLFSpec, sRFSpec)
Set init = Me
m_sLFSpec = sLFSpec
m_sRFSpec = sRFSpec
End Function
Public Function diffs()
diffs = "cDiffer.diffs() not implemented yet."
End Function ' diffs
'End Class ' cDiffer00
'gold Differ
'Class cDiffer
' Private m_sLFSpec ' file specs
' Private m_sRFSpec
Private m_sLFiNa ' file names
Private m_sRFiNa
Private m_dicLabels ' store and efficiently find selective labels
' "constructor" with params
Public Function init(sLFSpec, sRFSpec, aLabels)
Set init = Me
m_sLFSpec = sLFSpec
m_sRFSpec = sRFSpec
m_sLFiNa = goFS.GetBaseName(sLFSpec)
m_sRFiNa = goFS.GetBaseName(sRFSpec)
Set m_dicLabels = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
m_dicLabels.CompareMode = vbTextCompare ' case-insensitive
Dim sKey
For Each sKey In aLabels
m_dicLabels(sKey) = 0
End Function
Public Function diffs() ' Use ArrayList to collect the results
Dim alRes : Set alRes = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
' requested title
alRes.Add "Differences:"
' open both input files
Dim tsL : Set tsL = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sLFSpec)
Dim tsR : Set tsR = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sRFSpec)
' loop over lines
Do Until tsL.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLL : sLL = tsL.ReadLine()
Dim sRL
' second file could be shorter
If tsR.AtEndOfStream Then
alRes.Add "tsR.AtEndOfStream"
Exit Do
sRL = tsR.ReadLine()
End If
' no need for work if lines are equal
If sLL <> sRL Then
If m_dicLabels.Exists(Split(sLL, ":")(0))Then
Dim sLiNo : sLiNo = CStr(tsL.Line - 1)& ":"
alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sLFiNa, "Line", sLiNo, sLL))
alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sRFiNa, "Line", sLiNo, sRL))
End If
End If
diffs = Join(alRes.ToArray(), vbCrLf) & vbCrLf
End Function ' diffs
End Class ' cDiffer
Function GoldVersion()
' the differ should know about the files to compare
' and the info labels to select
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init("C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\A_30120625003267.TXT", "C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\B_30120502002776.TXT", Array("Quote ID:", "Quote Summary for:", "Quote Date:", "Tracking ID (A):", "Tracking ID (Z):", "Tracking ID:")
' the differ should be able to return a result - the differences
Dim sRes : sRes = oDiffer.diffs()
' check actual vs. expected result
Dim sExp : sExp = goFS.OpenTextFile("Expected").ReadAll()
WScript.Echo "--------- Res"
WScript.Echo sRes
If sExp = sRes Then
WScript.Echo "ok"
' save result
goFS.CreateTextFile("C:\Documents and Settings\aa24800\My Documents\PDF comparison\Result.TXT", True).Write sRes
GoldVersion = 0 Else
' show failure
WScript.Echo "--------- Exp"
WScript.Echo sExp
WScript.Echo "not ok"
GoldVersion = 1
End If
End Function ' GoldVersion
Upvotes: 0
Views: 6811
Reputation: 38745
If you are new to VBScript, you may profit from tackling your current problem in a way that will help you with your next problem.
Start with putting SelFileComp.vbs:
'' SelFileComp.vbs - selective file compare
Option Explicit
Dim goFS : Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Quit TinVersion()
Function TinVersion()
WScript.Echo "can't compare files yet."
TinVersion = 1
End Function ' TinVersion
into some suitable directory. Add your input and expected result files. Start SelFileComp.vbs:
cscript SelFileComp.vbs
can't compare files yet.
echo %ErrorLevel%
Add (and call) a TrialVersion that prepares and uses a (trivial) Differ object to do the heavy lifting in a skeleton suitable to sanity check the implementation:
'' SelFileComp.vbs - selective file compare
Option Explicit
Dim goFS : Set goFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Quit TrialVersion()
WScript.Quit TinVersion()
Function TinVersion()
WScript.Echo "can't compare files yet."
TinVersion = 1
End Function ' TinVersion
Function TrialVersion()
' the differ should know about the files to compare
' we'll worry about the selection later
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init( _
"File-1", "File-2" _
' the differ should be able to return a result - the differences
Dim sRes : sRes = oDiffer.diffs()
' check actual vs. expected result
Dim sExp : sExp = goFS.OpenTextFile("Expected").ReadAll()
WScript.Echo "--------- Res"
WScript.Echo sRes
If sExp = sRes Then
WScript.Echo "ok"
' save result
goFS.CreateTextFile("..\data\Result", True).Write sRes
TrialVersion = 0
' show failure
WScript.Echo "--------- Exp"
WScript.Echo sExp
WScript.Echo "not ok"
TrialVersion = 1
End If
End Function ' TrialVersion
' trivial Differ
Class cDiffer
Private m_sLFSpec
Private m_sRFSpec
' "constructor" with params
Public Function init(sLFSpec, sRFSpec)
Set init = Me
m_sLFSpec = sLFSpec
m_sRFSpec = sRFSpec
End Function
Public Function diffs()
diffs = "cDiffer.diffs() not implemented yet."
End Function ' diffs
End Class ' cDiffer00
cscript SelFileComp.vbs
--------- Res
cDiffer.diffs() not implemented yet.
--------- Exp
File-1 Line 4: Price 3: $1234.00
File-2 Line 4: Price 3: $5678.00
File-1 Line 7: Term: 2-Year
File-2 Line 7: Term: 3-Year
not ok
echo %ErrorLevel%
If you then rename the trivial cDiffer
' trivial Differ
Class cDiffer00
you can re-use the name (and the code in TrialVersion()) to come up with a cDiffer that does at least some comparing:
' simple Differ
Class cDiffer
Private m_sLFSpec
Private m_sRFSpec
' "constructor" with params
Public Function init(sLFSpec, sRFSpec)
Set init = Me
m_sLFSpec = sLFSpec
m_sRFSpec = sRFSpec
End Function
Public Function diffs()
' Use ArrayList to collect the results
Dim alRes : Set alRes = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
' requested title
alRes.Add "Differences:"
' open both input files
Dim tsL : Set tsL = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sLFSpec)
Dim tsR : Set tsR = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sRFSpec)
' loop over lines
Do Until tsL.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLL : sLL = tsL.ReadLine()
Dim sRL
' second file could be shorter
If tsR.AtEndOfStream Then
alRes.Add "tsR.AtEndOfStream"
Exit Do
sRL = tsR.ReadLine()
End If
' no need for work if lines are equal
If sLL <> sRL Then
alRes.Add "??? " & sLL
alRes.Add "??? " & sRL
End If
diffs = Join(alRes.ToArray(), vbCrLf)
End Function ' diffs
End Class ' cDiffer00
cscript SelFileComp.vbs
--------- Res
??? Date: 00/11/1234 / Order no: 1111
??? Date: 11/00/6789 and Order no: 2222
??? Price 3: $1234.00
??? Price 3: $5678.00
??? Order no: 1111
??? Order no: 2222
??? Term: 2-Year
??? Term: 3-Year
??? Date: 00/11/1234
??? Date: 11/00/6789
--------- Exp
File-1 Line 4: Price 3: $1234.00
File-2 Line 4: Price 3: $5678.00
File-1 Line 7: Term: 2-Year
File-2 Line 7: Term: 3-Year
not ok
This shows clearly which sub tasks are still to be done:
Let's be optimistic and add and call GoldVersion()
Function GoldVersion()
' the differ should know about the files to compare
' and the info labels to select
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init( _
"File-1", "File-2" _
, Array("Price 3", "Term") _
' the differ should be able to return a result - the differences
Dim sRes : sRes = oDiffer.diffs()
' check actual vs. expected result
Dim sExp : sExp = goFS.OpenTextFile("Expected").ReadAll()
WScript.Echo "--------- Res"
WScript.Echo sRes
If sExp = sRes Then
WScript.Echo "ok"
' save result
goFS.CreateTextFile("..\data\Result", True).Write sRes
GoldVersion = 0
' show failure
WScript.Echo "--------- Exp"
WScript.Echo sExp
WScript.Echo "not ok"
GoldVersion = 1
End If
End Function ' GoldVersion
with a better cDiffer:
' gold Differ
Class cDiffer
Private m_sLFSpec ' file specs
Private m_sRFSpec
Private m_sLFiNa ' file names
Private m_sRFiNa
Private m_dicLabels ' store and efficiently find selective labels
' "constructor" with params
Public Function init(sLFSpec, sRFSpec, aLabels)
Set init = Me
m_sLFSpec = sLFSpec
m_sRFSpec = sRFSpec
m_sLFiNa = goFS.GetBaseName(sLFSpec)
m_sRFiNa = goFS.GetBaseName(sRFSpec)
Set m_dicLabels = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
m_dicLabels.CompareMode = vbTextCompare ' case-insensitive
Dim sKey
For Each sKey In aLabels
m_dicLabels(sKey) = 0
End Function
Public Function diffs()
' Use ArrayList to collect the results
Dim alRes : Set alRes = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
' requested title
alRes.Add "Differences:"
' open both input files
Dim tsL : Set tsL = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sLFSpec)
Dim tsR : Set tsR = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sRFSpec)
' loop over lines
Do Until tsL.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLL : sLL = tsL.ReadLine()
Dim sRL
' second file could be shorter
If tsR.AtEndOfStream Then
alRes.Add "tsR.AtEndOfStream"
Exit Do
sRL = tsR.ReadLine()
End If
' no need for work if lines are equal
If sLL <> sRL Then
If m_dicLabels.Exists(Split(sLL, ":")(0)) Then
alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sLFiNa, "Line", sLL))
alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sRFiNa, "Line", sRL))
End If
End If
diffs = Join(alRes.ToArray(), vbCrLf)
End Function ' diffs
End Class ' cDiffer
cscript SelFileComp.vbs
--------- Res
File-1 Line Price 3: $1234.00
File-2 Line Price 3: $5678.00
File-1 Line Term: 2-Year
File-2 Line Term: 3-Year
--------- Exp
File-1 Line 4: Price 3: $1234.00
File-2 Line 4: Price 3: $5678.00
File-1 Line 7: Term: 2-Year
File-2 Line 7: Term: 3-Year
not ok
Selection done, formatting still not good. To improve the output:
If sLL <> sRL Then
If m_dicLabels.Exists(Split(sLL, ":")(0)) Then
' alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sLFiNa, "Line", sLL))
' alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sRFiNa, "Line", sRL))
Dim sLiNo : sLiNo = CStr(tsL.Line - 1) & ":"
alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sLFiNa, "Line", sLiNo, sLL))
alRes.Add Join(Array(m_sRFiNa, "Line", sLiNo, sRL))
End If
End If
To add the trailing vbCrLf:
' diffs = Join(alRes.ToArray(), vbCrLf)
diffs = Join(alRes.ToArray(), vbCrLf) & vbCrLf
Final output:
cscript SelFileComp.vbs
--------- Res
File-1 Line 4: Price 3: $1234.00
File-2 Line 4: Price 3: $5678.00
File-1 Line 7: Term: 2-Year
File-2 Line 7: Term: 3-Year
echo %ErrorLevel%
Next problem, please!
Update A (wrt file specs/file names)
Move/Copy File-1 to ..\data\, change
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init( _
"File-1", "File-2" _
, Array("Price 3", "Term") _
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer.init( _
"..\data\File-1", "File-2" _
, Array("Price 3", "Term") _
results will be the same, because cDiffer uses
m_sLFSpec = sLFSpec
to store the (full) path
m_sLFiNa = goFS.GetBaseName(sLFSpec)
to extract the file name for output formatting
Dim tsL : Set tsL = goFS.OpenTextFile(m_sLFSpec)
to open the file
Update B (wrt dictionary)
A dictionary is a collection that stores elements under unique keys (as opposed to an array, which makes its items accessible via numbers). By using the labels to look for as keys of a dictionary, the diffs() function can efficiently (look ma, no loops!) check, whether the first part of the line upto the :
Split(sLL, ":")(0)
is contained in the dictionary
If m_dicLabels.Exists(Split(sLL, ":")(0)) Then
Update C (wrt classes/constructors)
A class is the definition/specification of a (set of similar) object(s), that is a variable holding/combining data (members) and and functionality (methods). cDiffer is a class defining objects that 'know' all about the files to compare and the labels to look for (member variables like m_sLSpec) and can 'do' comparisons (methods/functions like diffs()). The New statement is used to construct/create objects according to specs:
Dim oDiffer : Set oDiffer = New cDiffer
An object created by New is Empty, that is useless for practical purposes; you can implement a Class_Initialize() Sub (in the Class ... End Class block), but as that code would be used for all objects of the class, the gain is small.
If you look at the example in the Docs for the Class statement, you'll realize, that the parameter-less 'constructor' (Class_Initialize) is of little use to programmers who aren't paid by line/hour. The boiler plate code
Private Sub Class_Initialize
m_CustomerName = ""
m_OrderCount = 0
... ad nauseam: set all other member data to 'nix'
End Sub
is especially disgusting, because VBScript
The remedy is to forget Class_Initialize (except for special cases) and invest some effort in one or more
Public Function initXXX(p1, p2, ... pn)
Set initXXX = Me ' return VBScript's this to caller
... use p1 ... pn to initialize member data to useful values
End Function
Upvotes: 1