Reputation: 626
i am trying to store data in a text file, something like an array into a text file using php instead of storing into mysql database.
for example here are the data to be stored in a text file
then after saving it to a text file , how can I get the contents out and parse it with php , for like php can find the name , age and location and echo it out(something like parsing an array)
I need it for storing the data into a text file so it can be easily access from other domains without requiring to be on the same domain , connect to database , get the data from database. I am looking for a speedy solution. :)
I'm not sure which direction should I look into for this kind of functionality , hoping someone can point me out.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 20940
Reputation: 1354
Functions for some idea, not the best code, but may have fast read/write if thousands of files, not tested:
(Maybe using $GLOBALS is not good here, learn good cooding practices)
(function () {
$pre = 'func__storage__';
$GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'divide'] = [
// contains folder paths for which "divide in subfolders" is enabled for performance
'single' => [
'json' => [
'php-array' => [] // Only option to read this format
$GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getPathParts'] = function ($path) {
$lastSlashIndex = strrpos($path, '/');
if ($lastSlashIndex === false) {
$folderPath = '';
$fileName = $path;
} else {
$folderPath = substr($path, 0, $lastSlashIndex + 1);
$fileName = substr($path, $lastSlashIndex + 1);
return [
'folderPath' => $folderPath,
'fileName' => $fileName,
$GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getDividePath'] = function ($fileName) {
$fileNameLen = strlen($fileName);
$divisionPath = $fileName[0] . '/';
if ($fileNameLen > 1) {
$divisionPath .= $fileName[1] . '/';
if ($fileNameLen > 2) {
$divisionPath .= $fileName[2] . '/';
if ($fileNameLen > 3) $divisionPath .= $fileName[3] . '/';
return $divisionPath;
$GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'get'] = function ($p1) use ($pre) {
if (
!is_array($p1) ||
!isset($p1['path']) ||
!is_string($p1['path']) ||
(isset($p1['type']) && ($p1['type'] !== 'json' && $p1['type'] !== 'php-array'))
) logNDie('$GLOBALS[APP]["func__storage__get"], $p1 required array keys/vals not set/valid');
if (!isset($p1['type']) || $p1['type'] === 'single') { //assume its single
$p1['type'] = 'single';
$extension = '';
} elseif ($p1['type'] === 'json') $extension = '';
elseif ($p1['type'] === 'php-array') $extension = '.php';
$p1['path'] = $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getPathParts']($p1['path']);
if (in_array($p1['path']['folderPath'], $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'divide'][$p1['type']]))
$p1['path']['folderPath'] .= $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getDividePath']($p1['path']['fileName']);
$name = 'storage/' . $p1['type'] . '/' . $p1['path']['folderPath'] . $p1['path']['fileName'] . $extension;
if ($p1['type'] === 'php-array') $toReturn = @include $name;
else $toReturn = @file_get_contents($name);
if ($p1['type'] === 'json') $toReturn = json_decode($toReturn, true);
return $toReturn;
$GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'set'] = function ($p1) use ($pre) { // array:$p1, keys:storageRoot(optional),type(optional),path,data
if (
!is_array($p1) ||
!isset($p1['path']) ||
!is_string($p1['path']) ||
!isset($p1['data']) ||
(isset($p1['type']) && ($p1['type'] !== 'json'))
) logNDie('$GLOBALS[APP]["func__storage__set"], $p1 required array keys/vals not set/valid');
if (!isset($p1['type']) || $p1['type'] === 'single') { //assume its single
$p1['type'] = 'single';
if (!is_string($p1['data'])) logNDie('$GLOBALS[APP]["func"]["storage"]["write"], string not given for type "single"');
$extension = '';
} elseif ($p1['type'] === 'json') {
if (!is_array($p1['data'])) logNDie('$GLOBALS[APP]["func"]["storage"]["write"], array not given for type "json"');
$p1['data'] = json_encode($p1['data']);
$extension = '';
$p1['storageRoot'] = $p1['storageRoot'] ?? 'storage/';
$p1['path'] = $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getPathParts']($p1['path']);
if (in_array($p1['path']['folderPath'], $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'divide'][$p1['type']]))
$p1['path']['folderPath'] .= $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getDividePath']($p1['path']['fileName']);
$folderPath = $p1['storageRoot'] . $p1['type'] . '/' . $p1['path']['folderPath'];
if (!file_exists($folderPath)) mkdir($folderPath, 0775, true);
return file_put_contents($folderPath . $p1['path']['fileName'] . $extension, $p1['data']);
$GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'isPresent'] = function ($p1) use ($pre) {
if (
!is_array($p1) ||
!isset($p1['path']) ||
!is_string($p1['path']) ||
(isset($p1['type']) && ($p1['type'] !== 'json' && $p1['type'] !== 'php-array'))
) logNDie('$GLOBALS[APP]["func__storage__isPresent"], $p1 required array keys/vals not set/valid');
if (!isset($p1['type']) || $p1['type'] === 'single') { //assume its single
$p1['type'] = 'single';
$extension = '';
} elseif ($p1['type'] === 'json') $extension = '';
elseif ($p1['type'] === 'php-array') $extension = '.php';
$p1['path'] = $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getPathParts']($p1['path']);
if (in_array($p1['path']['folderPath'], $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'divide'][$p1['type']]))
$p1['path']['folderPath'] .= $GLOBALS[APP][$pre . 'getDividePath']($p1['path']['fileName']);
return file_exists('storage/' . $p1['type'] . '/' . $p1['path']['folderPath'] . $p1['path']['fileName'] . $extension);
Usage Example:
$GLOBALS[APP]['func__storage__get'](['path' => 'test']);
$GLOBALS[APP]['func__storage__isPresent'](['path' => 'car-names/audi']);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 68
You should make a uniqid then they won't be able to access any other txt files in the server.
#Get a secure filename
$username = "myUsername"
$filename = uniqid($username, true).".txt";
//Create the array
$userInfo = ["username" => $username, "points" => 0];
// Store the data
file_put_contents($filename, serialize($userInfo));
// How to get the data
$userInfo = unserialize(file_get_contents($filename));
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 277
I made a tiny library (~2 KB; <100 lines) that allows you to do just this: varDx
It has functions to write, read, modify, check and delete data. It implements serialization, and therefore supports all data types.
Here's how you can use it:
require 'varDx.php';
$dx = new \varDx\cDX; //create an object
$dx->def('file.dat'); //define data file
$val1 = "this is a string";
$dx->write('data1', $val1); //writes key to file
echo $dx->read('data1'); //returns key value from file
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 75
//-- short -------------------------------------------
$data = [ "a" => "A", "b" => "B", "c" => "C" ];
echo '<br> data - array: ';
file_put_contents('db.php', json_encode($data) );
$g = json_decode(file_get_contents('db.php') , 1); // 1 Array , 0 Object
echo '<br><hr>short: var_dump($g): ';
//-- long -------------------------------------------//
$data = [ "a" => "A", "b" => "B", "c" => "C" ];
echo '<br> data - array: ';
echo '<br> json_encode($data): ';
$jdata = json_encode($data);
file_put_contents('db.php', $jdata);
$jg = file_get_contents('db.php');
echo ' $jg = file_get_contents(\'db.php\'); $jg : ';
echo '<br> json_decode($jg , 1) //1 Array<br>';
$g = json_decode($jg , 1);
echo '<br> json_decode($jg , 0) //0 Object<br>';
$g = json_decode($jg , 0);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 17305
1. Use serialize() to serialize your array into a string
2. Write that string to text file using file_put_contents()
1. Use file_get_contents to read text file
2. Use unserialize() to unserialize previously serialized array
serialize()/unserialize() can be replaced by json_encode()/json_decode()
Upvotes: 16
Reputation: 3843
These functions should do what you want :
function storeInTextFile($array,$path) {
if(file_exists($path)) {
$handle = fopen($path,'wb');
fwrite($handle, arrayToString($array));
function arrayToString($array) {
$string = '';
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
$string .= "{$key} => {$value}\n";
return $string;
function stringToArray($string) {
$explodedString = explode('\n',$string);
$returnArray = array();
foreach($explodedString as $arrayValue) {
list($key,$value) = explode(' => ',$arrayValue);
$returnArray[$key] = $value;
return $returnArray;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 14472
You may use
In case you want to convert the array to an XML you might want to read this post: How to convert array to SimpleXML
Upvotes: 0