

iphone AVAudioRecorder, record audio in thread

I now how to record a sound in iOS, but it decreases the performance of my app. It's possible to record the sound in a new thread? how?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1235

Answers (1)

Warren Burton
Warren Burton

Reputation: 17378

Audio Recording is handled directly by the hardware codec so should not impact CPU based activities. Putting it in a thread will make no difference

Have you profiled your App to figure out what is causing the slowdown. For example are you using a complex Mic input level display and blocking the main thread there.

Have a look at your recording options and figure out if this is affecting the performance

This is the setup I use for simultaneous drawing and recording in my app. It works fine on an iPad1 which has a dog of a CPU

[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord error: &setCategoryError];
    if (setCategoryError){
        NSLog(@"Error setting category! %@", [setCategoryError localizedDescription]);
        return NO;

    NSError *error = NULL;
    NSMutableDictionary *options = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:5];

    [options setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC] forKey:AVFormatIDKey]; //format
    [options setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:44100.0] forKey:AVSampleRateKey]; //sample rate 
    [options setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:AVNumberOfChannelsKey]; //channels
    [options setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:AVAudioQualityHigh] forKey:AVEncoderAudioQualityKey]; //channels
    [options setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:16] forKey:AVEncoderBitDepthHintKey]; //channels

self.audiorecorder = [[AVAudioRecorder alloc] initWithURL:mediaURL settings:options error:&error];
self.audiorecorder.meteringEnabled = YES;

Im sceptical about the recording in itself slowing down your drawing.

Upvotes: 2

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