Reputation: 800
Main instanceMain = this;
String Dataz = FN.getHtmlData(instanceMain,"BMitra",20,(getResources().getString(R.string.matn2)));
btne.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", Dataz, "text/html", "utf-8", null);
public static String getHtmlData(Context context,String fontname,Integer fontsize, String data){
String head = "<head><style type=\"text/css\">@font-face {font-family: 'MYFNT';src: url('"+fontname+".ttf');} body {text-align:justify;font-family: 'MYFNT';color: Black;}</style></head>";
String htmlData= "<html>"+head+"<body dir=\"rtl\">"+data+"</body></html>" ;
return htmlData;
<string name="matn2">
<html><body><b>سلام</b> non bold text . <b>english bold</b></body></html>
but bold tag not working and output is : سلام english bold . non bold text
by the way i found some report issue
in another way : :
Main instanceMain = this;
String Dataz = FN.getHtmlData(instanceMain,getResources().getString(R.string.matn2)));
btne.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", Dataz, "text/html", "utf-8", null);
public static String getHtmlData(Context paramContext, String paramString)
return "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang=\"fa-ir\" dir=\"rtl\"><head>" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"justified_textview.css\" />" + "</head>" + " <body>" + paramString + "</body></html>";
justified_textview.css (in assest folder) :
/*@font-face {
@font-face {
font-weight: bold;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Conv_BMITRA';
src: url('file:///android_asset/BMITRA.ttf');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Conv_BMITRA';
src: url('file:///android_asset/BMITRABD.ttf');
font-weight: bold;
font-style: normal;
body {
line-height: 20pt;
color: Black;
and matn2(strings.xml) :
<string name="matn">
م ولادت توی وب با سی اس اس
normal text
<b>ولایت بولد م bold text</b>
and now its work on android 2.3.3 or 2.3.5 but not working on android 4.0.x
Upvotes: 5
Views: 4544
Reputation: 3547
It's not possible, because of Webview rather than Android OS progress, is broken. If you set a custom font for Webview, in some device and Android OS it works and in some others not, unfortunately.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1676
I ran into the same issue on a really large page I was displaying. Try setting the activity with the webview to android:hardwareAccelerated="false"
in the manifest.
Upvotes: 2