Reputation: 5203
I am trying to work out an efficient quicksort
algo. It works okay, but takes long time to run when the number of elements are huge, and certain sections of the array are pre-sorted. I was looking up the Wikipedia article on quicksort
, and there I found this written:
To make sure at most O(log N) space is used, recurse first into the smaller half of the array, and use a tail call to recurse into the other.
Use insertion sort, which has a smaller constant factor and is thus faster on small arrays, for invocations on such small arrays (i.e. where the length is less than a threshold t determined experimentally). This can be implemented by leaving such arrays unsorted and running a single insertion sort pass at the end, because insertion sort handles nearly sorted arrays efficiently. A separate insertion sort of each small segment as they are identified adds the overhead of starting and stopping many small sorts, but avoids wasting effort comparing keys across the many segment boundaries, which keys will be in order due to the workings of the quicksort process. It also improves the cache use.
I am currently recursing for both partitions. Any idea how to implement the first tip? What is meant by recurse first into the smaller half of the array, and use a tail call to recurse into the other? And secondly, how can I implement an insertion-sort
within quicksort? Will it always improve the efficiency, or only when certain sections of the array are pre-sorted? If it is the 2nd case, then of course I have no way of knowing when will that occur. So when should I include the insertion-sort
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I've recently have found this optimization. It works faster than std::sort. It uses insertion sort on small arrays and median-of-3 as partitioning element.
This is my C++ implementation:
const int CUTOFF = 8;
template<typename T>
bool less (T &v, T &w)
return (v < w);
template<typename T>
bool eq (T &v, T &w)
return w == v;
template <typename T>
void swap (T *a, T *b)
T t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;
template<typename T>
void insertionSort (vector<T>& input, int lo, int hi)
for (int i = lo; i <= hi; ++i)
for (int j = i; j > lo && less(input[j], input[j-1]); --j)
swap(&input[j], &input[j-1]);
template<typename T>
int median3 (vector<T>& input, int indI, int indJ, int indK)
return (less(input[indI], input[indJ]) ?
(less(input[indJ], input[indK]) ? indJ : less(input[indI], input[indK]) ? indK : indI) :
(less(input[indK], input[indJ]) ? indJ : less(input[indK], input[indI]) ? indK : indI));
template <typename T>
void sort(vector<T>& input, int lo, int hi)
int lenN = hi - lo + 1;
// cutoff to insertion sort
if (lenN <= CUTOFF)
insertionSort(input, lo, hi);
// use median-of-3 as partitioning element
else if (lenN <= 40)
int median = median3(input, lo, lo + lenN / 2, hi);
swap(&input[median], &input[lo]);
// use Tukey ninther as partitioning element
int eps = lenN / 8;
int mid = lo + lenN / 2;
int mFirst = median3(input, lo, lo + eps, lo + eps + eps);
int mMid = median3(input, mid - eps, mid, mid + eps);
int mLast = median3(input, hi - eps - eps, hi - eps, hi);
int ninther = median3(input, mFirst, mMid, mLast);
swap(&input[ninther], &input[lo]);
// Bentley-McIlroy 3-way partitioning
int iterI = lo, iterJ = hi + 1;
int iterP = lo, iterQ = hi + 1;
for (;; )
T v = input[lo];
while (less(input[++iterI], v))
if (iterI == hi)
while (less(v, input[--iterJ]))
if (iterJ == lo)
if (iterI >= iterJ)
swap(&input[iterI], &input[iterJ]);
if (eq(input[iterI], v))
swap(&input[++iterP], &input[iterI]);
if (eq(input[iterJ], v))
swap(&input[--iterQ], &input[iterJ]);
swap(&input[lo], &input[iterJ]);
iterI = iterJ + 1;
iterJ = iterJ - 1;
for (int k = lo + 1; k <= iterP; ++k)
swap(&input[k], &input[iterJ--]);
for (int k = hi ; k >= iterQ; --k)
swap(&input[k], &input[iterI++]);
sort(input, lo, iterJ);
sort(input, iterI, hi);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 31
Tail recursion is to change a recursive call into a loop. For QuickSort, it would be somthing like:
Granularity = 10
SortMax = Max(SortVar)
/* Put an element after the last with a higher key than all other elements
to avoid that the inner loop goes on forever */
SetMaxKey(SortVar, SortMax+1)
/* Push the whole interval to sort on stack */
Push 1 SortMax
while StackSize() > 0
/* Pop an interval to sort from stack */
Pop SortFrom SortTo
/* Tail recursion loop */
while SortTo - SortFrom >= Granularity
/* Find the pivot element using median of 3 */
Pivot = Median(SortVar, SortFrom, (SortFrom + SortTo) / 2, SortTo)
/* Put the pivot element in front */
if Pivot > SortFrom then Swap(SortVar, SortFrom, Pivot)
/* Place elements <=Key to the left and elements >Key to the right */
Key = GetKey(SortVar, SortFrom)
i = SortFrom + 1
j = SortTo
while i < j
while GetKey(SortVar, i) <= Key; i = i + 1; end
while GetKey(SortVar, j) > Key; j = j - 1; end
if i < j then Swap(SortVar, i, j)
/* Put the pivot element back */
if GetKey(SortVar, j) < Key then Swap(SortVar, SortFrom, j)
if j - SortFrom < SortTo - j then
/* The left part is smallest - put it on stack */
if j - SortFrom > Granularity then Push SortFrom j-1
/* and do tail recursion on the right part */
SortFrom = j + 1
/* The right part is smallest - put it on stack */
if SortTo - j > Granularity then Push j+1 SortTo
/* and do tail recursion on the left part */
SortTo = j - 1
/* Run insertionsort on the whole array to sort the small intervals */
Additionally there is no reason to call InsertionSort on the small intervals, because when QuickSort is finished the array is roughly sorted, such that there are only small intervals left to sort. And this is just the perfect case for InsertionSort.
If you don't have a stack, you can use recursion instead - but keep the tail recursion:
QuickSort(SortVar, SortFrom, SortTo)
Granularity = 10
/* Tail recursion loop */
while SortTo - SortFrom >= Granularity
/* Find the pivot element using median of 3 */
Pivot = Median(SortVar, SortFrom, (SortFrom + SortTo) / 2, SortTo)
/* Put the pivot element in front */
if Pivot > SortFrom then Swap(SortVar, SortFrom, Pivot)
/* Place elements <=Key to the left and elements >Key to the right */
Key = GetKey(SortVar, SortFrom)
i = SortFrom + 1
j = SortTo
while i < j
while GetKey(SortVar, i) <= Key; i = i + 1; end
while GetKey(SortVar, j) > Key; j = j - 1; end
if i < j then Swap(SortVar, i, j)
/* Put the pivot element back */
if GetKey(j) < Key then Swap(SortVar, SortFrom, j)
if j - SortFrom < SortTo - j then
/* The left part is smallest - recursive call */
if j - SortFrom > Granularity then QuickSort(SortVar, SortFrom, j-1)
/* and do tail recursion on the right part */
SortFrom = j + 1
/* The right part is smallest - recursive call */
if SortTo - j > Granularity then QuickSort(SortVar, j+1, SortTo)
/* and do tail recursion on the left part */
SortTo = j - 1
/* Run insertionsort on the whole array to sort the small intervals */
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1058
I wrote some time ago a quicksort-based algorithm that you can find there (actually it is a selection algorithm, but can be used a sort algorithm too):
The lessons I learned from this experience are the following:
I hope this helps, Laurent.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 8714
You can take a look at TimSort, which for non completely random data performs better than quicksort (they have the same asymptotic complexity but TimSort has lower constants)
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Reputation: 2867
In Quick-sort , you choose a random pivot that delimits the array to two half's, most of the chances that one may be smaller,
e.g. Array size 100, pivot delimits the array to 40 / 60, the 40 is the the smaller size.
Lets assume that you decide on your threshold size to use the insertion sort to be 10, you need to continue recursively split the array by pivot , whenever one of the half's become smaller or equal to 10, you may use the insertion sort that behaves like O(n) on small size arrays.
Take into account that insertion sort will behave badly if your array is sorted reversely (worst case).
As regards to the recursion stuff, you only need to modify the stop case of the quick-sort recursion -> array size <= 10 stop recursion and sort the all the array (which is much smaller in this recursion step) using insertion sort.
By tail recursion , they mean do everything you need with the first half, and then invoke insertion sort for the smaller half as a last method , it is used to save space.
choose a pivot
move the smaller elements from left
move the bigger elements from right
quick-sort on the bigger half of the array
if half is less then X
only then do an insertion sort on the other half <- this is a tail recursion insertion sort
quick sort on this half also
As far as i see , the second optimization suggest not to use insertion sort for every recursion step, but remember the indexes for which the constraint is made, then to invoke insertion sort in one batch concatenating the items from all the slices, this will insure improve the cache use , but is is slightly more difficult to implement,
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 267
There are multiple ways one can make standard quicksort more efficent. To implement the first tip from your post you should write something like:
void quicksort(int * tab, int l, int r)
int q;
while(l < r)
q = partition(tab, l, r);
if(q - l < r - q) //recurse into the smaller half
quicksort(tab, l, q - 1);
l = q + 1;
} else
quicksort(tab, q + 1, r);
r = q - 1;
Hope that's clear enough. Next step would be to implement your own stack (or use some built-in from whatever language you are using) instead of using recursive calls. Example (pseudo)code:
void quicksort2(int * tab, int l, int r)
int le, ri, q;
init stack;
push(l, r, stack);
//take the top pair of values from the stack and set them to le and ri
pop(le, ri, stack);
if(le >= ri)
q = partition(tab, le, ri);
if(q - le < ri - q) //smaller half goes first
push(le, q - 1, stack);
push(q + 1, ri, stack);
} else
push(q + 1, ri, stack);
push(le, q - 1, stack);
delete stack;
Then you can proceed to implement the other tip from your post. To do this you should set some arbitrary constant, lets call it CUT_OFF, to around 20. This will tell your algorithm when it should switch to insertion sort. It should be rather easy (a matter of adding one if-statement) to alter the previous example so that it switches to insertion sort after it's reached a CUT_OFF point so I will leave you to that.
As for partition method I would recommend using the Lomuto partition instead of Hoare.
However, if your data is already pre-sorted, then you could consider using a different algorithm altogether. From my experience, natural series merge sort implemented on a linked list is a very good choice, if your data is pre-sorted.
Upvotes: 8