Reputation: 17521
Importing from JSON
can get very complex and nested structures.
For example:
{u'body': [{u'declarations': [{u'id': {u'name': u'i',
u'type': u'Identifier'},
u'init': {u'type': u'Literal', u'value': 2},
u'type': u'VariableDeclarator'}],
u'kind': u'var',
u'type': u'VariableDeclaration'},
{u'declarations': [{u'id': {u'name': u'j',
u'type': u'Identifier'},
u'init': {u'type': u'Literal', u'value': 4},
u'type': u'VariableDeclarator'}],
u'kind': u'var',
u'type': u'VariableDeclaration'},
{u'declarations': [{u'id': {u'name': u'answer',
u'type': u'Identifier'},
u'init': {u'left': {u'name': u'i',
u'type': u'Identifier'},
u'operator': u'*',
u'right': {u'name': u'j',
u'type': u'Identifier'},
u'type': u'BinaryExpression'},
u'type': u'VariableDeclarator'}],
u'kind': u'var',
u'type': u'VariableDeclaration'}],
u'type': u'Program'}
What is the recommended way to walk complex structures like the above?
Apart of a few list there are mostly dictionaries, the structure can become even more imbricated so I need a general solution.
Upvotes: 84
Views: 98445
Reputation: 11346
A bit improved version of the accepted solution. If you're using Python3 (I hope you do) you can use yield from
syntax that was introduced in Python 3.3. Also, isinstance
as a second argument can accept tuple:
def dict_generator(adict, pre=None):
pre = pre[:] if pre else []
if isinstance(adict, dict):
for key, value in adict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
yield from dict_generator(value, pre + [key])
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
for v in value:
yield from dict_generator(v, pre + [key])
yield pre + [key, value]
yield pre + [adict]
Iterative version (pretty similar if you're using generators):
def flatten(adict):
stack = [[adict, []]]
while stack:
d, pre = stack.pop()
if isinstance(d, dict):
for key, value in d.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
stack.append([value, pre + [key]])
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
for v in value:
stack.append([v, pre + [key]])
print(pre + [key, value])
print(pre + [d])
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1283
You can use a recursive generator for converting your dictionary to flat lists.
def dict_generator(indict, pre=None):
pre = pre[:] if pre else []
if isinstance(indict, dict):
for key, value in indict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for d in dict_generator(value, pre + [key]):
yield d
elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
for v in value:
for d in dict_generator(v, pre + [key]):
yield d
yield pre + [key, value]
yield pre + [indict]
It returns
[u'body', u'kind', u'var']
[u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Literal']
[u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'value', 2]
[u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'VariableDeclarator']
[u'id', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Identifier']
[u'id', u'declarations', u'body', u'name', u'i']
[u'body', u'type', u'VariableDeclaration']
[u'body', u'kind', u'var']
[u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Literal']
[u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'value', 4]
[u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'VariableDeclarator']
[u'id', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Identifier']
[u'id', u'declarations', u'body', u'name', u'j']
[u'body', u'type', u'VariableDeclaration']
[u'body', u'kind', u'var']
[u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'operator', u'*']
[u'right', u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Identifier']
[u'right', u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'name', u'j']
[u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'BinaryExpression']
[u'left', u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Identifier']
[u'left', u'init', u'declarations', u'body', u'name', u'i']
[u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'VariableDeclarator']
[u'id', u'declarations', u'body', u'type', u'Identifier']
[u'id', u'declarations', u'body', u'name', u'answer']
[u'body', u'type', u'VariableDeclaration']
[u'type', u'Program']
Upvotes: 73
Reputation: 61
To walk/map over an entire JSON structure, you can use the following code:
def walk(node, key):
if type(node) is dict:
return {k: walk(v, k) for k, v in node.items()}
elif type(node) is list:
return [walk(x, key) for x in node]
return YourFunction(node, key)
def YourFunction(node, key):
if key == "yourTargetField": # for example, you want to modify yourTargetField
return "Modified Value"
return node # return existing value
This will go through your entire json structure and run every leaf (endpoint key-value pair) through your function. Yourfunction returns the modified value. The entire walk function will give you a new, processed object, in order.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 121
My more flexible version is as follows:
def walktree(tree, at=lambda node: not isinstance(node, dict), prefix=(),
flattennode=lambda node:isinstance(node, (list, tuple, set))):
Traverse a tree, and return a iterator of the paths from the root nodes to the leaf nodes.
tree: like '{'a':{'b':1,'c':2}}'
at: a bool function or a int indicates levels num to go down. walktree(tree, at=1) equivalent to tree.items()
flattennode: a bool function to decide whether to iterate at node value
if isinstance(at, int):
isleaf_ = at == 0
isleaf = lambda v: isleaf_
at = at - 1
isleaf = at
if isleaf(tree):
if not flattennode(tree):
yield (*prefix, tree)
for v in tree:
yield from walktree(v, at, prefix, flattennode=flattennode)
for k,v in tree.items():
yield from walktree(v, at, (*prefix, k), flattennode=flattennode)
> list(walktree({'a':{'b':[0,1],'c':2}, 'd':3}))
[('a', 'b', 0), ('a', 'b', 1), ('a', 'c', 2), ('d', 3)]
> list(walktree({'a':{'b':[0,1],'c':2}, 'd':3}, flattennode=lambda e:False))
[('a', 'b', [0, 1]), ('a', 'c', 2), ('d', 3)]
> list(walktree({'a':{'b':[0,1],'c':2}, 'd':3}, at=1))
[('a', {'b': [0, 1], 'c': 2}), ('d', 3)]
> list(walktree({'a':{'b':[0,{1:9,9:1}],'c':2}, 'd':3}))
[('a', 'b', 0), ('a', 'b', 1, 9), ('a', 'b', 9, 1), ('a', 'c', 2), ('d', 3)]
> list(walktree([1,2,3,[4,5]]))
[(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (5,)]
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 4761
If the accepted answer works for you, but you'd also like a full, ordered path with the numerical index of the nested arrays included, this slight variation will work:
def dict_generator(indict, pre=None):
pre = pre[:] if pre else []
if isinstance(indict, dict):
for key, value in indict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for d in dict_generator(value, pre + [key]):
yield d
elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
for k,v in enumerate(value):
for d in dict_generator(v, pre + [key] + [k]):
yield d
yield pre + [key, value]
yield indict
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 31
Some addition to solution above (to handle json including lists)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
def walk(d):
global path
for k,v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
print("{}={}".format(".".join(path), v))
elif v is None:
# do something special
elif isinstance(v, list):
for v_int in v:
elif isinstance(v, dict):
print("###Type {} not recognized: {}.{}={}".format(type(v), ".".join(path),k, v))
with open('abc.json') as f:
myjson = json.load(f)
path = []
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 71
Maybe can help:
def walk(d):
global path
for k,v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
print "{}={}".format(".".join(path), v)
elif v is None:
## do something special
elif isinstance(v, dict):
print "###Type {} not recognized: {}.{}={}".format(type(v), ".".join(path),k, v)
mydict = {'Other': {'Stuff': {'Here': {'Key': 'Value'}}}, 'root1': {'address': {'country': 'Brazil', 'city': 'Sao', 'x': 'Pinheiros'}, 'surname': 'Fabiano', 'name': 'Silos', 'height': 1.9}, 'root2': {'address': {'country': 'Brazil', 'detail': {'neighbourhood': 'Central'}, 'city': 'Recife'}, 'surname': 'My', 'name': 'Friend', 'height': 1.78}}
path = []
Will produce output like this:
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 11322
If you only need to walk the dictionary, I'd suggest using a recursive walk
function that takes a dictionary and then recursively walks through its elements. Something like this:
def walk(node):
for key, item in node.items():
if item is a collection:
It is a leaf, do your thing
If you also want to search for elements, or query several elements that pass certain criteria, have a look at the jsonpath module.
Upvotes: 57
Reputation: 12231
Instead of writing your own parser, depending on the task, you could extend encoders and decoders from the standard library json
I recommend this especially if you need to encode objects belonging to custom classes into the json. If you have to do some operation which could be done also on a string representation of the json, consider also iterating JSONEncoder().iterencode
For both the reference is
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 104712
If you know the meaning of the data, you might want to create a parse
function to turn the nested containers into a tree of objects of custom types. You'd then use methods of those custom objects to do whatever you need to do with the data.
For your example data structure, you might create Program
, VariableDeclaration
, VariableDeclarator
, Identifier
, Literal
and BinaryExpression
classes, then use something like this for your parser:
def parse(d):
t = d[u"type"]
if t == u"Program":
body = [parse(block) for block in d[u"body"]]
return Program(body)
else if t == u"VariableDeclaration":
kind = d[u"kind"]
declarations = [parse(declaration) for declaration in d[u"declarations"]]
return VariableDeclaration(kind, declarations)
else if t == u"VariableDeclarator":
id = parse(d[u"id"])
init = parse(d[u"init"])
return VariableDeclarator(id, init)
else if t == u"Identifier":
return Identifier(d[u"name"])
else if t == u"Literal":
return Literal(d[u"value"])
else if t == u"BinaryExpression":
operator = d[u"operator"]
left = parse(d[u"left"])
right = parse(d[u"right"])
return BinaryExpression(operator, left, right)
raise ValueError("Invalid data structure.")
Upvotes: 7