Reputation: 6660
I want to display a row in red on the index page if the model has :updated = true. How can i do that using activeadmin?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 7927
Reputation: 725
As of Active Admin 1.0.0pre1, it is possible to specify row class based on the properties of the record in that row. To assign a class to rows with updated records, you can write the following, supposing you have some update check function was_updated?
ActiveAdmin.register MyModel do
index(:row_class => -> record { 'my-class' if record.was_updated? }) do
# whatever columns you want:
# selectable_column
# id_column
# column :attribute
# actions
This new option is commented on in the source code for indexing as a table.
However, Active Admin's SCSS uses a lot of specificity when it dictates table row (or rather, table data) colors, making them impossible to override with custom colors by just writing .my-class { background-color: red; }
in your stylesheet. I found the following to work, though:
tr.odd, tr.even {
&.my-class {
td.col {
background-color: red;
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 163
If you just want something that is quick, and dispense of the need for monkeypatching Activeadmin, can't you just stick divs inside your table? Like f ex
table_for invoice.ccpayment do
column 'Payments and payments attempts on this invoice: ' do |p|
if p.paymentcomplete > 0
div :class => 'green' do
'Payment # '' of '+p.currency.iso+' '+p.amount.to_s+' on '+p.created_at.to_s
div :class => 'red' do
'FAILED Payment # '' of '+p.currency.iso+' '+p.amount.to_s+' on '+p.created_at.to_s
You can easily define those classes in 'activeadmin.css.scss'
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1657
I also wanted to do that and the easiest way I found was using JavaScript Of course this is not a good solution because I'm relaying on tags\classes\ids and ActiveAdmin rendering can be completely changed on the next version... But if you will add a couple of test cases it might be good enough
For example, I wanted to color each row by its rating column
So I put this code in file : A.js (under app\assets\javascripts of course)
// A.js
$(document).ready(function() {
$('td.rating').each(function(i,obj) {
var rating = parseInt(obj.innerHTML);
if (!isNaN(rating))
var rowcolor = ""
if (rating<5)
rowcolor = "#FF0000"; //red
var red = Math.round(255-(rating-5)*51);
var green = 255;
rowcolor = "#"+decimalToHex(red,2)+decimalToHex(green)+"00";
obj.parentElement.className = "";
obj.parentElement.setAttribute('style', ''); = rowcolor;
function decimalToHex(d, padding) {
var hex = Number(d).toString(16);
padding = typeof (padding) === "undefined" || padding === null ? padding = 2 : padding;
while (hex.length < padding) {
hex = "0" + hex;
return hex;
and in my ActiveAdmin model
ActiveAdmin.register Bla do
index do
column :rating
<my other columns>
script :src => javascript_path('A.js'), :type => "text/javascript"
So, after the index is being rendered , my JS function go over and colors all the rows according to the rating column value (red for 0..4 - for 5..10)
Hope this could help
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1794
Table rendering for Active Admin is hardcored in ActiveAdmin::Views::TableFor
as follows:
def build_table_body
@tbody = tbody do
# Build enough rows for our collection
@collection.each{|_| tr(:class => cycle('odd', 'even'), :id => dom_id(_)) }
So probably the easiest way is to monkeypatch that method. I don't see if subclassing can help.
Upvotes: 3