Reputation: 711
I mean to start developing a simple android application for printing labels using zebra RW420 printer. They have SDK for android but I cannot figure out where to start from.
I invision an app with a single screen, it asks for the label or purchase order, how many copies we'd like to print, and a print button. Can someone help me get started. Any help will be appreciated.
How I am a going to search for the printer will the SDK will do it for me ?? or I have to use Androids BluetoothAdapter class ... about the label format do I have to create myself or I can use the existing file in the SDK ??
Can I set the printer to print multiple copies ??
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5180
Reputation: 3
1) You have to print from a thread like:
new Thread (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
enablePrintButton (false);
Looper.prepare ();
doConnectionTest ();
Looper.loop ();
Looper.myLooper ().quit ();
}).start ();
2) Then:
private void doConnectionTest () {
printer = connect ();
if (printer != null) {
} else {
disconnect ();
3) Print method:
private void sendTestLabel () {
try {
ZebraPrinterLinkOs linkOsPrinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.createLinkOsPrinter (printer);
PrinterStatus printerStatus =
(linkOsPrinter != null) ? linkOsPrinter.getCurrentStatus () : printer.getCurrentStatus ();
if (printerStatus.isReadyToPrint) {
byte[] configLabel = getConfigLabel ();
connection.write (configLabel);
setStatus ("Sending Data", Color.BLUE);
} else if (printerStatus.isHeadOpen) {
setStatus ("Printer Head Open", Color.RED);
} else if (printerStatus.isPaused) {
setStatus ("Printer is Paused", Color.RED);
} else if (printerStatus.isPaperOut) {
setStatus ("Printer Media Out", Color.RED);
DemoSleeper.sleep (1500);
if (connection instanceof BluetoothConnection) {
String friendlyName = ((BluetoothConnection) connection).getFriendlyName ();
setStatus (friendlyName, Color.MAGENTA);
DemoSleeper.sleep (500);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
setStatus (e.getMessage (), Color.RED);
} finally {
disconnect ();
4) Label configuration method:
private byte[] getConfigLabel () {
byte[] configLabel = null;
try {
PrinterLanguage printerLanguage = printer.getPrinterControlLanguage ();
SGD.SET ("device.languages", "zpl", connection);
if (printerLanguage == PrinterLanguage.ZPL) {
configLabel = "^XA^FO17,16^GB379,371,8^FS^FT65,255^A0N,135,134^FDTEST^FS^XZ".getBytes();
} else if (printerLanguage == PrinterLanguage.CPCL) {
String msg = setPopratnica ();
msg = format (msg);
configLabel = msg.getBytes ("windows-1250");
} catch (Exception e) {
return configLabel;
5) Connect method:
public ZebraPrinter connect () {
setStatus ("Connecting...", Color.YELLOW);
connection = null;
connection = new BluetoothConnection (getBluetoothAddressKey ());
try { ();
setStatus ("Connected", Color.GREEN);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
setStatus ("Comm Error! Disconnecting", Color.RED);
DemoSleeper.sleep (1000);
disconnect ();
ZebraPrinter printer = null;
if (connection.isConnected ()) {
try {
printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance (connection);
setStatus ("Determining Printer Language", Color.YELLOW);
String pl = SGD.GET ("device.languages", connection);
setStatus ("Printer Language " + pl, Color.BLUE);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
setStatus ("Unknown Printer Language", Color.RED);
printer = null;
DemoSleeper.sleep (1000);
disconnect ();
} catch (ZebraPrinterLanguageUnknownException e) {
setStatus ("Unknown Printer Language", Color.RED);
printer = null;
DemoSleeper.sleep (1000);
disconnect ();
return printer;
6) Disconect method:
public void disconnect () {
try {
setStatus ("Disconnecting", Color.RED);
if (connection != null) {
connection.close ();
setStatus ("Not Connected", Color.RED);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
setStatus ("COMM Error! Disconnected", Color.RED);
} finally {
enablePrintButton (true);
Plus you have to have a sleeper class :
public class DemoSleeper {
private DemoSleeper () {
public static void sleep(int ms) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6473
The SDK provides a bluetooth discovery class. Look at the documentation and the examples. Check out the BluetoothDiscoverer
class. It provides a method to find all bluetooth devices and notifies you in a handler. There is a Developer Demo which comes with the SDK which has an example of how to do a discovery:
try {
BluetoothDiscoverer.findPrinters(this, new DiscoveryHandler() {
public void foundPrinter(DiscoveredPrinter printer) {
String macAddress = printer.address;
//I found a printer! I can use the properties of a Discovered printer (address) to make a Bluetooth Connection
public void discoveryFinished() {
//Discovery is done
public void discoveryError(String message) {
//Error during discovery
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Upvotes: 8