Reputation: 2950
I try to traverse the directory tree. A naive depth-first traversal seems not to produce the data in a lazy fashion and runs out of memory. I next tried a breadth first approach, which shows the same problem - it uses all the memory available and then crashes.
the code I have is:
getFilePathBreadtFirst :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getFilePathBreadtFirst fp = do
fileinfo <- getInfo fp
res :: [FilePath] <- if isReadableDirectory fileinfo
then do
children <- getChildren fp
lower <- mapM getFilePathBreadtFirst children
return (children ++ concat lower)
else return [fp] -- should only return the files?
return res
getChildren :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getChildren path = do
names <- getUsefulContents path
let namesfull = map (path </>) names
return namesfull
testBF fn = do -- crashes for /home/frank, does not go to swap
fps <- getFilePathBreadtFirst fn
putStrLn $ unlines fps
I think all the code is either linear or tail recursive, and I would expect that the listing of filenames starts immediately, but in fact it does not. Where is the error in my code and my thinking? Where have I lost lazy evaluation?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 703
Reputation: 2950
i have separated the managemetn of the pipe and the tree traversal. here first the code for the pipe (essentially the code of gonzales - thank you!):
traverseTree :: FilePath -> Producer FilePath IO ()
-- ^ traverse a tree in breadth first fashion using an external doBF function
traverseTree path = (`evalStateT` empty) $ loop $ do
-- All code past this point uses the following monad transformer stack:
-- MaybeT (StateT (Seq FilePath) (Producer FilePath IO)) ()
let liftState = lift
liftPipe = lift . lift
liftIO = lift . lift . lift
liftState $ modify (|> path)
forever $ do
x <- liftState $ gets viewl
case x of
EmptyL -> quit
file :< s -> do
(yieldval, nextInputs) <- liftIO $ doBF file
liftState $ put s
liftPipe $ yield yieldval
liftState $ forM_ nextInputs $ \name -> modify (|> name)
next the code for the tree traversal:
doBF :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, [FilePath])
doBF file = do
finfo <- getInfo file
let p = isReadableDirectoryNotLink finfo
namesRes <- if p then do
names :: [String] <- liftIO $ getUsefulContents file
let namesSorted = sort names
let namesfull = map (file </>) namesSorted
return namesfull
else return []
return (file, namesRes)
I hope to replace doBF with a similar function to traverse depth first. i assumed that i could make traverseTree more general and not only for FilePath ~ String, but i do not see in which class the empty function on sequences is. could be generally useful.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 35099
I will use three separate tricks to solve your question.
library to stream file names concurrent with traversing the tree.StateT (Seq FilePath)
transformer to achieve a breadth-first traversal.MaybeT
transformer to avoid manual recursion when writing the loop and exit.The following code combines these three tricks in one monad transformer stack.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Pipe
import Data.Sequence
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Directory
loop :: (Monad m) => MaybeT m a -> m ()
loop = liftM (maybe () id) . runMaybeT . forever
quit :: (Monad m) => MaybeT m a
quit = mzero
getUsefulContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getUsefulContents path
= fmap (filter (`notElem` [".", ".."])) $ getDirectoryContents path
permissible :: FilePath -> IO Bool
permissible file
= fmap (\p -> readable p && searchable p) $ getPermissions file
traverseTree :: FilePath -> Producer FilePath IO ()
traverseTree path = (`evalStateT` empty) $ loop $ do
-- All code past this point uses the following monad transformer stack:
-- MaybeT (StateT (Seq FilePath) (Producer FilePath IO)) ()
let liftState = lift
liftPipe = lift . lift
liftIO = lift . lift . lift
liftState $ modify (|> path)
forever $ do
x <- liftState $ gets viewl
case x of
EmptyL -> quit
file :< s -> do
liftState $ put s
liftPipe $ yield file
p <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist file
when p $ do
names <- liftIO $ getUsefulContents file
-- allowedNames <- filterM permissible names
let namesfull = map (path </>) names
liftState $ forM_ namesfull $ \name -> modify (|> name)
This creates a generator of breadth-first file names that can be consumed concurrent with the tree traversal. You consume the values using:
printer :: (Show a) => Consumer a IO r
printer = forever $ do
a <- await
lift $ print a
>>> runPipe $ printer <+< traverseTree path
<Prints file names as it traverses the tree>
You can even choose to not demand all the values:
-- Demand only 'n' elements
take' :: (Monad m) => Int -> Pipe a a m ()
take' n = replicateM_ n $ do
a <- await
yield a
>> runPipe $ printer <+< take' 3 <+< traverseTree path
<Prints only three files>
More importantly, that last example will only traverse the tree as much as necessary to generate the three files and then it will stop. This prevents wastefully traversing the entire tree when all you wanted was 3 results!
To learn more about the pipes
library trick, consult the pipes tutorial at Control.Pipes.Tutorial
To learn more about the loop trick, read this blog post.
I couldn't find a good link for the queue trick for breadth first traversal, but I know it's out there somewhere. If somebody else knows a good link for this, just edit my answer to add it.
Upvotes: 7