Reputation: 822
I have the following code:
Public Function BuildSQL(stQueryName As String, stWhereClause As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err_BuildSQL
Dim SQLcmd As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim qryOrig As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qryOrig = db.QueryDefs(stQueryName)
SQLcmd = qryOrig.SQL
intPos = InStr(SQLcmd, "WHERE")
If intPos > 0 Then
SQLcmd = Left(SQLcmd, intPos - 1)
End If
intPos = InStr(SQLcmd, ";")
If intPos > 0 Then
SQLcmd = Left(SQLcmd, intPos - 1)
End If
If Not (stWhereClause = "") Then
SQLcmd = Trim(SQLcmd) & " WHERE " & stWhereClause & ";"
SQLcmd = Trim(SQLcmd) & ";"
End If
BuildSQL = SQLcmd
Set qryOrig = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_BuildSQL
End Function
Private Sub SandBox_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_SandBox_Click
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim stSQL As String
Dim stFrmName As String
Dim stQryName As String
Dim stSQLWhere As String
Dim stIDList As String
stFrmName = "Libri"
stQryName = "Libri_All_Query"
'Define WHERE clause
stSQLWhere = ""
If Not (IsNull([Forms]![Libreria]![Editore]) Or [Forms]![Libreria]![Editore] = "") Then
stSQLWhere = stSQLWhere & "Libri_Editori.Editore = '" & [Forms]![Libreria]![Editore] & "'"
End If
If Not (IsNull([Forms]![Libreria]![CognomeAutore]) Or [Forms]![Libreria]![CognomeAutore] = "") Then
If (stSQLWhere = "") Then
stSQLWhere = stSQLWhere & "Autori.Cognome = '" & [Forms]![Libreria]![CognomeAutore] & "'"
stSQLWhere = stSQLWhere & " AND Autori.Cognome = '" & [Forms]![Libreria]![CognomeAutore] & "'"
End If
End If
'Here several more fields of the search form will be checked and added
stSQL = BuildSQL(stQryName, stSQLWhere)
'*** Code in question!
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(stSQL)
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
stIDList = "("
Do Until rs.EOF = True
If (stIDList = "(") Then
stIDList = stIDList & rs.Fields(0)
stIDList = stIDList & ", " & rs.Fields(0)
End If
stIDList = stIDList & ")"
Err.Description = "Errore! Recordset vuoto."
Resume Err_SandBox_Click
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm stFrmName, , , , acFormReadOnly
Access.Forms(stFrmName).RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM Libri WHERE Libri.ID IN " & stIDList
'**** End code in question
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SandBox_Click
End Sub
This code works as I want but "looks" slow even with a test DB with only a few records in each table.
I believe the time is spent (how can I check if this is true?) in the loop between comments.
Is there a more basic, obvious and efficient way to filter the form than creating a recordset and looping through it as I am doing?
The form "Libri" is a big one with several subform to be able to see all the data of a Book.
The query "Libri_All_Query" is a join of almost all tables in the DB and the code shown is executed from a form where I plan to add all possible search fields.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1247
Reputation: 91376
Forms have a filter property:
stWhereClause = "Title Like '" & Me.txtSearch & "*'"
Me.Filter = stWhereClause
Me.FilterOn = True
The filter should be constructed in a similar way to a WHERE statement. There are some limitations compared with Where. You may wish to check with DCount that records will be returned.
If you want a set of records where a subform contains only certain records, you need something on these lines:
SELECT b.Title
FROM Books b
SELECT j.BookID FROM BooksAuthorJunction j
INNER JOIN Authors a ON j.AuthorID = a.ID
WHERE a.Author Like "Arn*")
There are advantages in building more that one form, books as a main form and authors as a subform, then authors as a main form and books as a subform. It is often easier on the user.
Upvotes: 1