Reputation: 155
I have three methods with duplicated code. The first two methods are nearly completely duplicated. The third one differs a bit as for fires more information should be drawn.
I want to remove this duplicated code and thought about the template method pattern using inner classes. Is this the right way to go or is there a better solution?
private void drawWaterSupplies(Graphics g) {
double hScale = getWidth() / (double) groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double) groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = waterSupplyImage.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = waterSupplyImage.getHeight() / 2;
for (Location l : groundMap.getWaterSupplyLocations()) {
int x = (int) (l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(waterSupplyImage, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY,
private void drawEnergySupplies(Graphics g) {
double hScale = getWidth() / (double) groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double) groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = energySupplyImage.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = energySupplyImage.getHeight() / 2;
for (Location l : groundMap.getEnergySupplyLocations()) {
int x = (int) (l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(energySupplyImage, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY,
private void drawFires(Graphics g) {
double hScale = getWidth() / (double) groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double) groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = fireImage.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = fireImage.getHeight() / 2;
for (Fire fire : groundMap.getFires()) {
Location l = fire.getLocation();
int x = (int) (l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(fireImage, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY, null);
// TODO: draw status bar showing state of fire below
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Views: 214
Reputation: 8640
and thats my proposition
enum Supplies {FIRE(fireImage), WATER(waterImage), ENERGY(energyImage);
private Bitmap image;
Supplies(Bitmap image)
this.image = image
public getImage()
return image;
private void draw(Graphics g,Supplies supply) {
double hScale = getWidth() / (double) groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double) groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = supply.getImage.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = supply.getImage.getHeight() / 2;
for (Location location : groundMap.getLocations(supply)) {
int x = (int) (location .getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (location .getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(supply.getImage, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY, null);
.... all location for fire, water, energy etc you can hold in Map>, so method getLocations(supply) will be more or less look like that
List<Location> getLocations(Supplies supply)
return supplyMap.get(supply);
this solution gives you more flexibility if you want to add or remove Supplies and accidents
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Reputation: 5900
Not the shortest alternative but it makes code more clean and easier to extend:
enum YourEnum {
private void draw(Graphics g, YourEnum type) {
Bitmap bitmap = getRightBitmap(type);
double hScale = getWidth() / (double)groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double)groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = bitmap.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = bitmap.getHeight() / 2;
for (Location l : getLocations(type)) {
int x = (int)(l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int)(l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(bitmap, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY,
private Bitmap getRightBitmap(YourEnum type) {
switch (type) {
case WATER:
return waterSupplyImage;
case ENERGY:
return waterSupplyImage;
case FIRE:
return fireImage;
private Collection<Location> getLocations(YourEnum type) {
switch (type) {
case WATER:
return groundMap.getWaterSupplyLocations();
case ENERGY:
return groundMap.getEnergySupCollections();
case FIRE:
Collection<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>();
for (Fire fire : groundMap.getFires()) {
return locations;
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Reputation: 15562
I would delegate to another method and create a super class for Fire, Water and Energy.
This super class would ctonain all the common attributes. Eg getLocation()
private void drawEverything(Graphics g, Image im, List<? extends SuperClassOfFireEtc> list, double w, double h) {
double hScale = getWidth() / w;
double vScale = getHeight() / h;
int imageOffsetX = im.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = im.getHeight() / 2;
for (SuperClassOfFireEtc f : list) {
Location l = f.getLocation();
int x = (int) (l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(im, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY, null);
Then drawFire can call
private void drawEverything(g, fireImage, groundMap.getFires(), groundMap.getWidth(), groundMap.getHeight()) {
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 13196
How about:
private void drawImageAtLocations(Graphics g, Image i, Collection<Location> cl) {
double hScale = getWidth() / (double) groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double) groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = i.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = i.getHeight() / 2;
for (Location l : cl) {
int x = (int) (l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(i, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY, null);
Works right out of the box for the first two:
drawImageAtLocations(g, waterSupplyImage, groundMap.getWaterSupplyLocations());
drawImageAtLocations(g, energySupplyImage, groundMap.getEnergySupplyLocations());
The third one is a bit messier but still shorter than what's originally there:
Set<Location> derp = new HashSet<Location>();
for (Fire fire : groundMap.getFires()) derp.add(fire.getLocation());
drawImageAtLocations(g, fireImage, derp);
// drawImageAtLocations(g, fireStatusBarImage, derp); // TODO blah blah
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 272397
It seems to me your collection of objects (Fire
, WaterSupply
etc.) aren't as clever as they should be. Ideally you should be able to say:
for (Fire f : groundMap.getFires()) {
and each object would be able to locate itself (using its location), size itself (since a Fire
knows it's going to use a FireImage
etc.) and draw itself onto the provided Graphics object.
To take this further, I would expect to pass a Graphics
object to your groundMap thus:
The idea is that in OO you shouldn't ask objects for their details and then make decisions. Instead you should tell objects to do things for you.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 533820
You could have a method.
private void drawImageAtLocations(Graphics g, Image image, List<Location> locations) {
double hScale = getWidth() / (double) groundMap.getWidth();
double vScale = getHeight() / (double) groundMap.getHeight();
int imageOffsetX = image.getWidth() / 2;
int imageOffsetY = image.getHeight() / 2;
for (Location l : locations) {
int x = (int) (l.getX() * hScale);
int y = (int) (l.getY() * vScale);
g.drawImage(image, x - imageOffsetX, y - imageOffsetY, null);
private void drawWaterSupplies(Graphics g) {
drawImageAtLocations(g, waterSupplyImage, groundMap.getWaterSupplyLocations());
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Reputation: 29997
I think a simple solution would be to have one method and pass Graphics and a collection of Location.
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Reputation: 13841
First it seems you could have a common method that receives Graphics
, a List<Location>
and an image so first and second method could extract that list and call.
The third method could extract the list of Fire, and then create a corresponding List<Location>
. Then use the new method.
private void drawImages(Graphics g, List<Location> where, Image imageToDraw) {
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