Reputation: 1063
I am attempting to fit a model with a large number of predictors, such that it would be tedious to enumerate them in a model formula. This is straightforward to do with lm():
indicatorMatrix <- data.frame(matrix(rbinom(26000, 1, 1/3), ncol = 26))
colnames(indicatorMatrix) <- LETTERS
someDV <- rnorm(nrow(indicatorMatrix))
# One method, enumerating variables by name:
olsModel1 <- lm(someDV ~ A + B + C + D, # ...etc.
data = indicatorMatrix)
# Preferred method, including the matrix of predictors:
olsModel2 <- lm(someDV ~ as.matrix(indicatorMatrix))
Since I have a very large number of predictors (more than the 26 in this invented example), I don't want to list them individually as in the first example (someDV ~ A + B + C + D...
), and I can avoid this by just including the predictors as.matrix
However, I want to fit a mixed effects model, like this:
meModel1 <- lmer(someDV ~ (1 | A) + (1 | B) + (1 | C), # ...etc.
data = indicatorMatrix)
Except that I want to include a large number of random effects terms. Rather than having to type (1 | A) ... (1 | ZZZ)
, I would like to include each predictor in a manner analogous to the matrix approach used for olsModel2
above. The following, obviously, does not work:
meModel2 <- lmer(someDV ~ (1 | as.matrix(indicatorMatrix)))
Do you have any suggestions for how I can best replicate the matrix-predictor approach for random effects with lmer()? I am very willing to consider "pragmatic" solutions (i.e. hacks), so long as they are "programmatic," and don't require me to copy & paste, etc. etc.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 917
Reputation: 226751
I think that constructing the formula as a string and then using as.formula
, something along the lines of
restring1 <- paste0("(1 | ",colnames(indicatorMatrix),")",collapse="+")
form <- as.formula(paste0("someDV ~",restring1))
meModel1 <- lmer(form, data = data.frame(someDV,indicatorMatrix))
should work (it runs without complaining on my system, anyway ...)
Upvotes: 2