Gabriel Filipiak
Gabriel Filipiak

Reputation: 986

Symfony2 and RabbitMqBundle. Can't publish a message

I am trying to use syfmony2 framework with RabbitMqBundle from here

I am sure that my rabbitmq server is up and running and I am doing the configuration and publishers code accordingly to the docs delivered on github. Unfortunately I can`t add any message to the queue.

I am sure that my rabbitmq server is up and running. I have queue named accordingly to the symfony configuration file.

Have anyone got any clue what is wrong?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Upvotes: 5

Views: 5690

Answers (2)


Reputation: 1088

well... try this simple example

# app/config.yml
    connections: %rabbitmq_connections%
    producers: %rabbitmq_producers%
    consumers: %rabbitmq_consumers%

    # connection parameters
        default: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672, user: 'guest', password: 'guest', vhost: '/' }

    # define producers
            connection:         default
            exchange_options:   {name: 'exchange_name', type: direct, auto_delete: false, durable: true}

    # define consumers
            connection:         default
            exchange_options:   {name: 'exchange_name', type: direct, auto_delete: false, durable: true}
            queue_options:      {name: 'sample', auto_delete: false}
            callback:           rabbitmq.callback.service

then you should define your callback service. feel free to put it in app/config.yml

        class: RabbitMQ\Callback\Service

and yes. you should write this callback service. here is simple implementation. should be enough for understanding and check is it works for you.

namespace RabbitMQ\Callback;

use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\ConsumerInterface;
use PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel;
use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;

class Service implements ConsumerInterface 
    public function execute(AMQPMessage $msg)

then you should start rabbitmq server, run consumer and check was new exchange and queue added. to run test consumer you should run

app/console rabbitmq:consumer sample --route="sample"

in your controller (where you want to send message to rabbitMQ put next code

# get producer service
$producer = $this->get('old_sound_rabbit_mq.sample_producer');
# publish message
$producer->publish(serialize(array('foo'=>'bar','_FOO'=>'_BAR')), 'sample');

Hope it's more or less clear and will help you with rabbitmq.

PS: it's easier to debug if you have rabbitmq management plugin. if you have no, use console commands like rabbitmqctl to check queues/exchanges/consumers and so on...

and also would be nice to see your configuration for producers/consumers. callback services code as well.

Upvotes: 10


Reputation: 41

I also had some issue to send messages with this bundle, i recommend you to try SonataNotificationBundle instead.

You can also install the RabbitMq management plugin to see the queued messages.

Upvotes: 0

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