Reputation: 3747
I want to convert HTML page to PDF. There are several options, but they have some problems.
(too cumbersome)wkhtmltopdf
(low quality)PhantomJS
(low quality)Maybe I can use a complex solution? To print with PhantomJS
through PDFCreator
, or improve quality of wkhtmltopdf
, or maybe something else?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 6941
Reputation: 1
// npm i jspdf
// npm i html2canvas
SavePDF(fileName: any) {
let section = (document.querySelector('#mainContainer') as HTMLElement);
html2canvas(section, {
scale: 2, // Canvas Quality
}).then((canvas: any) => {
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = canvas.toDataURL(); = fileName;
//; // To Download Image
// open()?.document.write('<img src="'+canvas.toDataURL()+'"/>');
var pdf = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a4", true); // true and false for compress
const imgProps = pdf.getImageProperties(canvas.toDataURL());
const pdfWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
const pdfHeight = (imgProps.height * pdfWidth) / imgProps.width;
pdf.addImage(canvas.toDataURL(), 'PNG', 0, 0, pdfWidth, pdfHeight, 'FAST'); // NONE, FAST, MEDIUM and SLOW,"blob")))'file_name' + '.pdf');
<div id="mainContainer">
<p>Hello World</p>
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 886
google chrome Save as PDF
the output looks exactly the same (as rendered by chrome)
here, I use Puppeteer to automate the process: singlefile or in Folder
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 504
patched wkhtmltopdf (a very good WebKit-based command line tool, fast) with --print-media-type --no-stop-slow-scripts
chromium --headless --no-zygote --single-process ... --print-to-pdf= ...
(slower, Portrait orientation only)
chromium headless via DevTools Protocol (slow, only a few programming languages do have bindings to)
wrapper around Blink Engine (e.g., Qt5
If you believe in containers, - (internally - chromium headless via DevTools Protocol)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 11
You can properly convert HTML to PDF using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET API. Have a look at the code:
// Setup Conversion configuration and Initailize ConversionHandler
ConversionConfig config = new ConversionConfig();
config.StoragePath = "source file storage path";
// Initailize ConversionHandler
ConversionHandler conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(config);
// Convert and save converted document
var convertedDocumentPath = conversionHandler.Convert("sample.html", new PdfSaveOptions{});
convertedDocumentPath.Save("result-" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension("sample.html") + ".pdf");
Disclosure: I work as Developer Evangelist at GroupDocs.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10418
Maybe you can try with Amyuni WebkitPDF. It's not open source, but it's free for commercial use, and it can be used from C#.
Sample code for C# from the documentation:
static private void SaveToFile(string url, string file)
// Store the WebkitPDFContext returned value in an IntPtr
IntPtr context = IntPtr.Zero;
// Open the URL. The WebkitPDFContext returned value will be stored in
// the passed in IntPtr
int ret = WKPDFOpenURL(url, out context, 0, false);
if (ret == 0)
// if ret is 0, then we succeeded in opening the URL.
// Save the result as PDF to a file. Use the obtained context value
ret = WKPDFSaveToFile(file, context);
if (ret != 0)
Debug.WriteLine("Failed to run SaveToFile on '" + url + "' to generate file '" + file + "'");
// Make sure to close the WebkitPDFContext because otherwise the
// internal PDFCreator as well as other objects will not be released
Usual disclaimer applies.
Upvotes: 2