I'm going to try and get this across as clearly as I can.
I need an input box to read an integer, for example "12345" and turn it into a money format, example: $123.45. This needs to take place while the user is typing.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 13949
Reputation: 9692
I created a function to do it right away (on keydown) to get rid of the in-between value when you do it afterwards (keyup or blur). It follows the Canadian format but you can easily change it.
It doesn't work in IE < 9
$('.numberOnly').on('keydown', function(e){
if(this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart == 0){
// selectionStart won't work in IE < 9
var key = e.which;
var prevDefault = true;
var thouSep = " "; // your seperator for thousands
var deciSep = ","; // your seperator for decimals
var deciNumber = 2; // how many numbers after the comma
var thouReg = new RegExp(thouSep,"g");
var deciReg = new RegExp(deciSep,"g");
function spaceCaretPos(val, cPos){
/// get the right caret position without the spaces
if(cPos > 0 && val.substring((cPos-1),cPos) == thouSep)
cPos = cPos-1;
if(val.substring(0,cPos).indexOf(thouSep) >= 0){
cPos = cPos - val.substring(0,cPos).match(thouReg).length;
return cPos;
function spaceFormat(val, pos){
/// add spaces for thousands
if(val.indexOf(deciSep) >= 0){
var comPos = val.indexOf(deciSep);
var int = val.substring(0,comPos);
var dec = val.substring(comPos);
} else{
var int = val;
var dec = "";
var ret = [val, pos];
if(int.length > 3){
var newInt = "";
var spaceIndex = int.length;
while(spaceIndex > 3){
spaceIndex = spaceIndex - 3;
newInt = thouSep+int.substring(spaceIndex,spaceIndex+3)+newInt;
if(pos > spaceIndex) pos++;
ret = [int.substring(0,spaceIndex) + newInt + dec, pos];
return ret;
$(this).on('keyup', function(ev){
if(ev.which == 8){
// reformat the thousands after backspace keyup
var value = this.value;
var caretPos = this.selectionStart;
caretPos = spaceCaretPos(value, caretPos);
value = value.replace(thouReg, '');
var newValues = spaceFormat(value, caretPos);
this.value = newValues[0];
this.selectionStart = newValues[1];
this.selectionEnd = newValues[1];
if((e.ctrlKey && (key == 65 || key == 67 || key == 86 || key == 88 || key == 89 || key == 90)) ||
(e.shiftKey && key == 9)) // You don't want to disable your shortcuts!
prevDefault = false;
if((key < 37 || key > 40) && key != 8 && key != 9 && prevDefault){
if(!e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey){
var value = this.value;
if((key > 95 && key < 106)||(key > 47 && key < 58) ||
(deciNumber > 0 && (key == 110 || key == 188 || key == 190))){
var keys = { // reformat the keyCode
48: 0, 49: 1, 50: 2, 51: 3, 52: 4, 53: 5, 54: 6, 55: 7, 56: 8, 57: 9,
96: 0, 97: 1, 98: 2, 99: 3, 100: 4, 101: 5, 102: 6, 103: 7, 104: 8, 105: 9,
110: deciSep, 188: deciSep, 190: deciSep
var caretPos = this.selectionStart;
var caretEnd = this.selectionEnd;
if(caretPos != caretEnd) // remove selected text
value = value.substring(0,caretPos) + value.substring(caretEnd);
caretPos = spaceCaretPos(value, caretPos);
value = value.replace(thouReg, '');
var before = value.substring(0,caretPos);
var after = value.substring(caretPos);
var newPos = caretPos+1;
if(keys[key] == deciSep && value.indexOf(deciSep) >= 0){
if(before.indexOf(deciSep) >= 0){ newPos--; }
before = before.replace(deciReg, '');
after = after.replace(deciReg, '');
var newValue = before + keys[key] + after;
if(newValue.substring(0,1) == deciSep){
newValue = "0"+newValue;
while(newValue.length > 1 &&
newValue.substring(0,1) == "0" && newValue.substring(1,2) != deciSep){
newValue = newValue.substring(1);
if(newValue.indexOf(deciSep) >= 0){
var newLength = newValue.indexOf(deciSep)+deciNumber+1;
if(newValue.length > newLength){
newValue = newValue.substring(0,newLength);
newValues = spaceFormat(newValue, newPos);
this.value = newValues[0];
this.selectionStart = newValues[1];
this.selectionEnd = newValues[1];
$(this).on('blur', function(e){
if(deciNumber > 0){
var value = this.value;
var noDec = "";
for(var i = 0; i < deciNumber; i++)
noDec += "0";
if(value == "0"+deciSep+noDec)
this.value = ""; //<-- put your default value here
if(value.length > 0){
if(value.indexOf(deciSep) >= 0){
var newLength = value.indexOf(deciSep)+deciNumber+1;
if(value.length < newLength){
while(value.length < newLength){ value = value+"0"; }
this.value = value.substring(0,newLength);
else this.value = value + deciSep + noDec;
Hope it helps!
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 147403
You can try something like this:
function formatAsDollars(el) {
el.value = '$' + el.value.replace(/[^\d]/g,'').replace(/(\d\d?)$/,'.$1');
<input onkeyup="formatAsDollars(this);">
I find it really annoying, others will too.
Upvotes: 2