Reputation: 795
Building a custom adminhtml module. Im using a simple form. it looks like this :
class Namespace_Modulename_Block_Adminhtml_Modulename_Edit_Tab_Form extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form
protected function _prepareForm()
$form = new Varien_Data_Form();
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset('modulename_form',array('legend'=>Mage::helper('modulename')->__('Module Data')));
$fieldset->addField('test', 'text', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('modulename')->__('Test'),
'name' => 'test',
// I want to add a custom button here. Say an action called "Add Option".
//Clicking this action adds input boxes or dropdowns to the form that are to
//to be included in the post when submitting the form (obviously).
I have been looking for a solution on Stack overflow and have not been able to find something that could help. I have then tried searching for something similar present in the Mage Core.
In the admin panel, if i go to [Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attributes] and click on a standard attribute like "Manufacturer" for example, on the second tab, called "Manage labels/Options" i see the following screen :
There is a button and action which allows me to add options (in the form of textboxes) to the form. Identifying this as something i am trying to replicate, i went into the core to try and figure out what to do. If i open the following files (Magento Enteprise 12.0.2) :
I see it is empty, but extends Mage_Eav_Block_Adminhtml_Attribute_Edit_Options_Abstract
and I have gone through this file, but little makes sense to me. Am I going down the wrong way? How can I achieve something similar, a button and action which adds fields to a admin form?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 12264
Reputation: 106
$customField = $fieldset->addField('test', 'text', array( 'label' => Mage::helper('modulename')->__('Test'), 'name' => 'test', )); $customField->setRenderer($this->getLayout()->createBlock('yuormodule/adminhtml_yourform_edit_renderer_button'));
in Block Class
class Yournamespace_Yourmodule_Block_Adminhtml_Yourform_Edit_Renderer_Button extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Abstract implements Varien_Data_Form_Element_Renderer_Interface {
public function render(Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract $element) {
//You can write html for your button here
$html = '<button></button>';
return $html;
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 21
1- First you must create a container for your Grid like this
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setTemplate('markavip/dataflow/edit/form/mapping.phtml'); }
2- in the Same Container you will add your buttons like
public function _prepareLayout() { $this->setChild('add_button', $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button') ->setData(array( 'label' => Mage::helper('markavip_dataflow')->__('Add Option'), 'class' => 'add', 'id' => 'add_new_option_button' ))); $this->setChild('delete_button', $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button') ->setData(array( 'label' => Mage::helper('markavip_dataflow')->__('Delete'), 'class' => 'delete delete-option' ))); return parent::_prepareLayout(); } public function getAddNewButtonHtml() { return $this->getChildHtml('add_button'); } public function getDeleteButtonHtml() { return $this->getChildHtml('delete_button'); }
3- and in the PHTML you will add thes buttons like this :
<?php echo $this->getAddNewButtonHtml() ?>
and after this you will play in JS functions for add and hide
Upvotes: 2