Reputation: 1663
I have a varchar string of delimited numbers separated by commas that I want to use in my SQL script but I need to compare with a bigint field in the database. Need to know to convert it:
DECLARE @RegionID varchar(200) = null
SET @RegionID = '853,834,16,467,841,460,495,44,859,457,437,836,864,434,86,838,458,472,832,433,142,154,159,839,831,469,442,275,840,299,446,220,300,225,227,447,301,450,230,837,441,835,302,477,855,411,395,279,303'
SELECT a.ClassAdID, -- 1
a.AdURL, -- 2
a.AdTitle, -- 3
a.ClassAdCatID, -- 4
b.ClassAdCat, -- 5
a.Img1, -- 6
a.AdText, -- 7
a.MemberID, -- 9
a.Viewed, -- 10
c.Domain, -- 11
a.CreateDate -- 12
FROM ClassAd a
INNER JOIN ClassAdCat b ON b.ClassAdCAtID = a.ClassAdCAtID
INNER JOIN Region c ON c.RegionID = a.RegionID
AND a.PostType = 'CPN'
AND DATEDIFF(d, GETDATE(), ExpirationDate) >= 0
AND a.RegionID IN (@RegionID)
AND Viewable = 'Y'
This fails with the following error:
Error converting data type varchar to bigint.
RegionID In the database is a bigint field.. need to convert the varchar to bigint.. any ideas..?
Many thanks in advance,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 7329
Reputation: 2339
I like Diego's answer some, but I think my modification is a little better because you are declaring a table variable and not creating an actual table. I know the "in" statement can be a little slow, so I did an inner join since I needed some info from the Company table anyway.
declare @companyIdList varchar(1000)
set @companyIdList = '1,2,3'
if LEN(@companyIdList) > 0 SET @companyIdList = @companyIdList + ','
declare @CompanyIds TABLE (CompanyId bigint)
declare @S varchar(20)
WHILE LEN(@companyIdList) > 0 BEGIN
SELECT @S = LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@companyIdList, 1, CHARINDEX(',', @companyIdList) - 1))
INSERT INTO @CompanyIds (CompanyId) VALUES (@S)
SELECT @companyIdList = SUBSTRING(@companyIdList, CHARINDEX(',', @companyIdList) + 1, LEN(@companyIdList))
select d.Id, d.Name, c.Id, c.Name
from [Division] d
inner join [Company] c on d.CompanyId = c.Id
inner join @CompanyIds cids on c.Id = cids.CompanyId
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1269973
The easiest way to change this query is to replace the IN
function with a string function. Here is what I consider the safest approach using LIKE
(which is portable among databases):
AND ','+@RegionID+',' like '%,'+cast(a.RegionID as varchar(255))+',%'
AND charindex(','+cast(a.RegionID as varchar(255))+',', ','+@RegionID+',') > 0
However, if you are explicitly putting the list in your code, why not use a temporary table?
declare @RegionIds table (RegionId int);
insert into @RegionIds
select 853 union all
select 834 union all
. . .
select 303
Then you can use the table in the IN
AND a.RegionId in (select RegionId from @RegionIds)
or in a JOIN
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4137
I think the answer should be kept simple.
Try using CHARINDEX like this:
SET @RegionID =
WHERE Charindex('834', @RegionID) > 0
WHERE Charindex('999', @RegionID) > 0
finds the value in the large string variable, it will return it's position, otherwise it return 0.
Use this as a search tool.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 36146
I use this apporach sometimes and find it very good. It transfors your comma-separated string into an AUX table (called #ARRAY) and then query the main table based on the AUX table:
declare @RegionID varchar(50)
SET @RegionID = '853,834,16,467,841,460,495,44,859,457,437,836,864,434,86,838,458,472,832,433,142,154,159,839,831,469,442,275,840,299,446,220,300,225,227,447,301,450,230,837,441,835,302,477,855,411,395,279,303'
declare @S varchar(20)
if LEN(@RegionID) > 0 SET @RegionID = @RegionID + ','
SELECT @S = LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@RegionID, 1, CHARINDEX(',', @RegionID) - 1))
SELECT @RegionID = SUBSTRING(@RegionID, CHARINDEX(',', @RegionID) + 1, LEN(@RegionID))
select * from your_table
where regionID IN (select region_ID from #ARRAY)
It avoids you from ahving to concatenate the query string and then use EXEC to execute it, which I dont think it is a very good approach.
if you need to run the code twice you will need to drop the temp table
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 247720
Your query does not know that those are separate values, you can use dynamic sql for this:
DECLARE @RegionID varchar(200) = null
SET @RegionID = '853,834,16,467,841,460,495,44,859,457,437,836,864,434,86,838,458,472,832,433,142,154,159,839,831,469,442,275,840,299,446,220,300,225,227,447,301,450,230,837,441,835,302,477,855,411,395,279,303'
declare @sql nvarchar(Max)
set @sql = 'SELECT a.ClassAdID, -- 1
a.AdURL, -- 2
a.AdTitle, -- 3
a.ClassAdCatID, -- 4
b.ClassAdCat, -- 5
a.Img1, -- 6
a.AdText, -- 7
a.MemberID, -- 9
a.Viewed, -- 10
c.Domain, -- 11
a.CreateDate -- 12
FROM ClassAd a
INNER JOIN ClassAdCat b ON b.ClassAdCAtID = a.ClassAdCAtID
INNER JOIN Region c ON c.RegionID = a.RegionID
AND a.PostType = ''CPN''
AND DATEDIFF(d, GETDATE(), ExpirationDate) >= 0
AND a.RegionID IN ('+@RegionID+')
AND Viewable = ''Y'''
exec sp_executesql @sql
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 44326
create this function:
CREATE function [dbo].[f_split]
@param nvarchar(max),
@delimiter char(1)
returns @t table (val nvarchar(max), seq int)
set @param += @delimiter
;with a as
select cast(1 as bigint) f, charindex(@delimiter, @param) t, 1 seq
union all
select t + 1, charindex(@delimiter, @param, t + 1), seq + 1
from a
where charindex(@delimiter, @param, t + 1) > 0
insert @t
select substring(@param, f, t - f), seq from a
option (maxrecursion 0)
change this part:
AND a.RegionID IN (select val from dbo.f_split(@regionID, ','))
Change this for better overall performance:
AND DATEDIFF(d, 0, GETDATE()) <= ExpirationDate
Upvotes: 4